Please follow these guidelines when preparing
your submission for SAM 2008:
[ File templates ]
[ File format ]
[ Copyright forms ]
LENGTH: You should submit a
summary of two (2) to four (4) pages in
length. This is the maximum number of pages that
will be accepted, including all figures, tables,
and references. Any documents that exceed the page
limit will be truncated.
LANGUAGE: All submissions must be in English.
MARGINS: Documents should be
formatted for standard A4 paper (218-1/2" by 11")
paper. Documents may not exceed the page
limit. Any text or other material outside the
margins specified below will not be accepted:
- All text and figures must be contained in a
175 mm x 226 mm (6.9 inch x 8.9 inch) image
- The left margin must be 19 mm (0.75
- The top margin must be 25 mm (1.0 inch),
except for the title page where it must be 35 mm
(1.375 inches).
- Text should appear in two columns, each 83
mm wide with 8 mm space between columns.
- On the first page, the top 50 mm (2") of
both columns is reserved for the title,
author(s), and affiliation(s). These items
should be centered across both columns, starting
at 35 mm (1.375 inches) from the top of the
- The abstract should appear at the top of the
left-hand column of text, about 12 mm (0.5")
below the title area and no more than 80 mm
(3.125") in length. Leave 12 mm (0.5") of space
between the end of the abstract and the
beginning of the main text.
A format sheet with the margins and placement
guides is available in the following file formats:
file: Most Accurate. When you print this
file, make sure the "shrink to fit" box is not
These files contain lines and boxes showing the
margins and print areas. If you print one of these
files, then stack it atop your printed page and
hold it up to the light, you can easily check your
margins to see if your print area fits within the
space allowed.
TYPEFACE: To achieve the best
viewing experience for the review process and
conference proceedings, we strongly encourage
authors to use Times-Roman font. If a font face is
used that is not recognized by the submission
system, your paper will not be reproduced
correctly. Use a font size that is no smaller than
9 points throughout the paper, including figure
captions. In 9-point type font, capital letters
are 2 mm high. For 9-point type font, there should
be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch)
vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75
lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the paper much
more readable. Larger type sizes require
correspondingly larger vertical spacing.
TITLE: The manuscript title has
to appear in boldface CAPITAL letters. The
authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below
the title in capital and lower case
letters. Proposals with multiple authors and
affiliations may require two or more lines for
this information.
ABSTRACT: Each manuscript should
contain an abstract of 100 to 150 words that
appears at the beginning of the manuscript. Use
the same text that is submitted electronically
along with the author contact information.
BODY: Major headings appear in
boldface CAPITAL letters, centered in the
column. Subheadings appear in capital and lower
case, either underlined or in boldface. They start
at the left margin of the column on a separate
line. Sub-subheadings are discouraged, but if they
must be used, they should appear in capital and
lower case, and start at the left margin on a
separate line. They may be underlined or in
REFERENCES: List and number all
references at the end of the manuscript. The
references can be numbered in alphabetical order
or in order of appearance in the document. When
referring to them in the text, type the
corresponding reference number in square brackets
as shown at the end of this sentence [1]. The end
of the document should include a list of
references containing information similar to the
following example:
[1] D. E. Ingalls, "Image Processing for Experts,"
IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol. ASSP-36, pp. 1932-1948,
Illustrations must appear within the designated
margins. They may span the two columns. If
possible, position illustrations at the top of
columns, rather than in the middle or at the
bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All
halftone illustrations must be clear in black and
white. Since the printed proceedings will be
produced in black and white, be sure that your
images are acceptable when printed in black and
PAGE NUMBERS: Do not put page
numbers on your document. We will add appropriate
page numbers to accepted papers when the
conference proceedings are assembled.
[ Formatting guidelines ]
[ File format ]
[ Copyright forms ]
The following style files and templates are
available for users of LaTeX and Microsoft Word:
- LaTeX style
file with margin, page layout, font,
etc. definitions.
- BiBTeX style
file with bibliography style definitions.
- LaTeX
template file, an example of using the
"spconf.sty" and "IEEEbib.bst" files
- Word 97/2000
Sample, a template of correct formatting and
font use.
Sample, a template of correct formatting and
font use.
- PS
Sample, a template of correct formatting and
font use.
We recommend that you use the Word file or LaTeX
files to produce your document, since they have
been set up to meet the formatting guidelines
listed above. When using these files, double-check
the paper size in your page setup to make sure you
are using the letter-size paper layout (8.5" X
11"). The LaTeX environment files specify suitable
margins, page layout, text, and a bibliography
style. Although this environment has been
extensively tested, there may be rare instances
when it is not fully robust.
[ Formatting guidelines ]
[ File templates ]
[ Copyright forms ]
MUST follow the IEEE Requirements for PDF
Documents exactly. The conference is required to
have documents follow this specification.
The requirements are enumerated in:
IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents v3.2 [PDF]
Papers MUST BE submitted in PDF format. PDF files
must not have Adobe Document Protection enabled,
as this prevents us from processing the
file. These submissions must be formatted to 8.5"
x 11" page size, and in first-page-first
order. Please verify that the final version of
your PDF file prints correctly to a PostScript
printer before submission. Documents that do not
print correctly cannot be reviewed. Also, make
sure to disable ALL document security. For best
results, authors should avoid the use of custom
half tones, bitmap pattern fills, and bitmap
fonts. Use standard half tones and solid color or
grey fills instead. Be sure that you embed all
fonts that are used when you create the PDF file.
Remember: You MUST be sure to
EMBED ALL FONTS in your PDF file. There is no
guarantee that the viewers of your paper
(reviewers and those who view the proceedings
CD-ROM after publication) have the fonts you use
in your document. Please refer to your PDF or PS
file generation utility's user guide to find out
how to embed all fonts.
File Size Limit: Authors will be
permitted to submit a document file up to 5 MB
(megabyte) in size.
[ Formatting guidelines ]
[ File templates ]
[ File format ]
Authors with an accepted summary must submit a
standard IEEE copyright form. This will be done
via the online paper submission system which will
be available from this website shortly. For more
information on copyright issues see the IEEE site.