HomeThe Eighth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshophttp://www.gtec.udc.es/sam2014/index.php2017-01-17T16:58:38ZJoomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content ManagementHome2013-06-06T18:14:01Z2013-06-06T18:14:01Zhttp://www.gtec.udc.es/sam2014/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2:homeAdministratoradmin<p>The SAM Workshop is a major IEEE Signal Processing Society event devoted to sensor array and multichannel signal processing. The organizing committee invites the international community to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field. SAM 2014 will feature plenary talks by leading researchers in the field as well as poster sessions, and a number of special sessions organized by internationally recognized experts. The workshop will take place in Hotel Hesperia Finisterre, located in the heart of A Coruña, a modern city looking out onto the Atlantic.</p>
<p> </p>
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:90%;">
<img src="images/sam2014/randomimages/corunna.jpg" border="0" alt="A Coruña" width="100%"/>
<p style="font-style:italic; font-size:80%; margin-top:8px;">Photos courtesy of <a href="http://turismocoruna.com/web/" target="_blank">Turismo de A Coruña</a></p>
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:90%;">
<h3>Photos taken during IEEE SAM 2014 Workshop</h3>
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/1_reception.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/1_reception.jpg" alt="Welcome reception" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/2_opening.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/2_opening.jpg" alt="Opening ceremony" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/3_poster.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/3_poster.jpg" alt="Poster session" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/4_plenary.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/4_plenary.jpg" alt="Plenary talk" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/5_plenary.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/5_plenary.jpg" alt="Plenary talk" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/6_dinner.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/6_dinner.jpg" alt="Gala dinner" />
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:80%; text-align:center; font-size:110%; line-height: 150%;">
<h3>IEEE SAM 2014 Workshop Student Best Paper Awards</h3>
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<h4>First Prize Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society</h4>
Presented to
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Thomas L. Hansen (Aalborg University, Denmark)</b></span>
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For the paper entitled
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>A Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm with Dictionary Parameter Estimation</b></span>
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Co-authored by
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Mihai Alin Badiu (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bernard Henri Fleury (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bhaskar Rao (University of California, San Diego, USA)
<hr />
<h4>Second Prize Sponsored by Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeiros de Telecomunicación de Galicia (COETG)</h4>
Presented to
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Axel Müller (Supélec & Intel, France)</b></span>
<br />
For the paper entitled
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Efficient Linear Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems using Truncated Polynomial Expansion</b></span>
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Co-authored by
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Abla Kammoun (Supelec, France); Emil Björnson (Supélec & KTH, Sweden); Mérouane Debbah (Supelec, France)
<hr />
<h4>Third Prize Sponsored by Universidade da Coruña</h4>
Presented to
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Christian Steffens (TU Darmstadt, Germany)</b></span>
<br />
For the paper entitled
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Direction Finding and Array Calibration Based on Sparse Reconstruction in Partly Calibrated Arrays</b></span>
<br />
Co-authored by
<br />
Marius Pesavento (TU Darmstadt, Germany); Pouyan Parvazi (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
<hr />
</div><p>The SAM Workshop is a major IEEE Signal Processing Society event devoted to sensor array and multichannel signal processing. The organizing committee invites the international community to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field. SAM 2014 will feature plenary talks by leading researchers in the field as well as poster sessions, and a number of special sessions organized by internationally recognized experts. The workshop will take place in Hotel Hesperia Finisterre, located in the heart of A Coruña, a modern city looking out onto the Atlantic.</p>
<p> </p>
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:90%;">
<img src="images/sam2014/randomimages/corunna.jpg" border="0" alt="A Coruña" width="100%"/>
<p style="font-style:italic; font-size:80%; margin-top:8px;">Photos courtesy of <a href="http://turismocoruna.com/web/" target="_blank">Turismo de A Coruña</a></p>
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:90%;">
<h3>Photos taken during IEEE SAM 2014 Workshop</h3>
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/1_reception.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/1_reception.jpg" alt="Welcome reception" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/2_opening.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/2_opening.jpg" alt="Opening ceremony" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/3_poster.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/3_poster.jpg" alt="Poster session" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/4_plenary.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/4_plenary.jpg" alt="Plenary talk" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/5_plenary.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px;" src="images/sam2014/photos/5_plenary.jpg" alt="Plenary talk" />
<a href="images/sam2014/photos/6_dinner.jpg" target="_blank">
<img style="width: 49%; margin:5px 0px; float:right;" src="images/sam2014/photos/6_dinner.jpg" alt="Gala dinner" />
<div style="padding:20px 0px; margin:0px auto; width:80%; text-align:center; font-size:110%; line-height: 150%;">
<h3>IEEE SAM 2014 Workshop Student Best Paper Awards</h3>
<hr />
<h4>First Prize Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society</h4>
Presented to
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Thomas L. Hansen (Aalborg University, Denmark)</b></span>
<br />
For the paper entitled
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>A Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm with Dictionary Parameter Estimation</b></span>
<br />
Co-authored by
<br />
Mihai Alin Badiu (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bernard Henri Fleury (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bhaskar Rao (University of California, San Diego, USA)
<hr />
<h4>Second Prize Sponsored by Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeiros de Telecomunicación de Galicia (COETG)</h4>
Presented to
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<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Axel Müller (Supélec & Intel, France)</b></span>
<br />
For the paper entitled
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Efficient Linear Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems using Truncated Polynomial Expansion</b></span>
<br />
Co-authored by
<br />
Abla Kammoun (Supelec, France); Emil Björnson (Supélec & KTH, Sweden); Mérouane Debbah (Supelec, France)
<hr />
<h4>Third Prize Sponsored by Universidade da Coruña</h4>
Presented to
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Christian Steffens (TU Darmstadt, Germany)</b></span>
<br />
For the paper entitled
<br />
<span style="font-size:110%;"><b>Direction Finding and Array Calibration Based on Sparse Reconstruction in Partly Calibrated Arrays</b></span>
<br />
Co-authored by
<br />
Marius Pesavento (TU Darmstadt, Germany); Pouyan Parvazi (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
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