Call for Papers

IEEE WIFS is the unique workshop series organized by the IEEE Information Forensics and Security (IFS) Technical Committee. It is a major forum that brings together researchers from a large range of areas of information forensics and security to discuss advanced research and developments in several topics. The 11th edition of WIFS will special sessions, along with oral and poster sessions for technical research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Applied Cryptography Information Theoretic Security
Biometrics Network Security
Communication and Physical Layer Security Steganography and Covert Communications Surveillance
Data Privacy and Anonymity Surveillance
Digital Forensics and Analysis Usability and Human Factors
Hardware Security Watermarking and Multimedia Content Protection

Regular Papers: Regular Paper submission to WIFS 2019 can be up to 6 pages including bibliography. All papers should be prepared according to the IEEE conference template that will be provided on the workshop website. Papers accepted and presented at WIFS 2019 will be available in the IEEE Xplore digital library. It is IEEE policy to disallow double submissions, where the same (or substantially similar) paper is concurrently submitted to multiple journals, conferences, or workshops with proceedings. Double submissions will be immediately rejected.

Demos and Work-in-Progress: The Demo and Work-in-Progress session at WIFS 2019 is open to researchers in academia and to industrial exhibitors. Submissions with an emphasis on application related to forensics and security are encouraged. 

Authors of papers accepted recently for the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security or the IEEE Signal Processing Letters will be given the opportunity to present their work subject to approval by the program chairs. Please send your requests to program chairs by e-mail before Spetember the 15th. (Annalisa Verdoliva: and Rainer Bohme:

Important Dates:  
Paper submission: June 30, 2019 July 14, 2019 (extended)
Author notification: September 8, 2019 September 15, 2019 (extended)
Camera ready paper submission: October 2, 2019
Early registration deadline: October 30, 2019





Organizing Committee:  
General Chair: Program Committee Chairs:
Z. Erkin, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Luisa Verdoliva, University Federico II of Naples, Italy
  Rainer Böhme, University of Innsbruck, Austria