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Publications News

This month's special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE provides a state-of-the-art overview of the field of silicon photonics, which is making a significant impact on fiber-optic communications and spreading to new areas such as sensors and deep learning.

In hospitals, doctors and nurses keep vigilant watch over patients' vital signs and blood tests to catch the first symptoms of sepsis. In this life-threatening condition, the body responds to an infection with widespread inflammation that can lead to organ failure. 

The field of information theory – dating back to the seminal work by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 - is considered to be one of the landmark intellectual achievements of the 20th century, underpinning advances in compression and communication of data that underpins the information age.

Computer architectures and systems are becoming ever more powerful but increasingly more complex. With the end of frequency scaling (about 2004) and the era of multicores/manycores/accelerators, it is exceedingly hard to extract the promised performance, in particular, at a reasonable energy budget.

The explosive growth in the use of smart mobile devices such as smartphones and wireless modems has led to an exponentially increasing demand for wireless data services. 

Spectrum sensing in a large-scale heterogeneous network is very challenging as it usually requires a large number of static secondary users (SUs) to obtain the global spectrum states. To tackle this problem, the paper, entitled Mobile Collaborative Spectrum Sensing for Heterogeneous Networks:...

The field of information theory - dating back to the seminal work by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 - is considered to be one of the landmark intellectual achievements of the 20th century, underpinning advances in compression and communication of data that underpins the information age. In particular, information-theoretic methods have been used to illuminate fundamental limits and gauge the effectiveness of algorithms for various problems in statistical decision theory, data communications, data compression, security, and networking.

The Internet of Things (IoT ) refers to the wireless connection of ordinary objects, such as vehicles, cash machines, door locks, cameras, industrial controls, and municipal traffic systems, to the Internet.

Massive MIMO is a compelling wireless access concept that relies on the use of an excess number of base-station antennas, relative to the number of active terminals. This technology is a main component of 5G New Radio and addresses all important requirements of future wireless standards: a great capacity increase, the support of many simultaneous users, and improvement in energy efficiency.

In today’s big and messy data age, there is a lot of data generated everywhere around us. Examples include texts, tweets, network traffic, changing Facebook connections, or video surveillance feeds coming in from one or multiple cameras. Dimension reduction and noise/outlier removal are usually important preprocessing steps before any high-dimensional (big) data set can be used for inference.



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