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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Publications News

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE) publishes regular, review, and tutorial articles based on the   engineering applications of  quantum phenomena, including QUANTUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, quantum computation, information, communication, software, hardware, devices, and metrology. TQE is an all-electronic, open-access journal, published continuously.

2021 Multimedia Prize Paper Award Nomination Period is Open. Any paper published in T-MM in 2018, 2019, or 2020 is eligible. Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter, timeliness, potential impact, and presentation quality.

The 2021 Multimedia Prize Paper Award Nomination Period is Open. Any paper published in T-MM in 2018, 2019, or 2020 is eligible. Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter, timeliness, potential impact, and presentation quality.

Please find this month’s tables of contents (TOCs) below. The three SPS publications who still have month-based issues (Signal Processing Magazine, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, and Transactions on Multimedia), will still have traditionally formatted TOCs.

As a reminder, most of the SPS publications have eliminated month-based issues and moved to a volume-only, continuous pagination model. This allows for rapid dissemination of content for our journals and now, articles are posted to their respective journals on IEEEXplore® nearly every day! 

As a reminder, most of the SPS publications have eliminated month-based issues and moved to a volume-only, continuous pagination model. This allows for rapid dissemination of content for our journals and now, articles are posted to their respective journals on IEEEXplore® nearly every day! 

As a reminder, most of the SPS publications have eliminated month-based issues and moved to a volume-only, continuous pagination model. This allows for rapid dissemination of content for our journals and now, articles are posted to their respective journals on IEEEXplore® nearly every day! 

You may have been wondering what happened to the list of tables of contents (TOCs) we were offering in the SPS Newsletter each month? Well, beginning in 2020, many of the SPS journals eliminated month-based issues and moved to volume-only publications; for these, there are no month-based TOCs. In order to address this, we worked to devise a method to collect a range of articles being posted to IEEEXplore® and assemble them into a separate, yet familiar, formatted TOC.

IEEE realizes that many are directly or indirectly engaged in the fight against COVID-19 and its effects on global health and safety, research, infrastructure, communications, and more. IEEE has identified articles from the IEEE Xplore digital library that may help researchers understand and manage different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and technologies that can be leveraged to combat it.

The new IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (T-AI) is a multidisciplinary journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on theories and methodologies in Artificial Intelligence; applications of Artificial Intelligence will also be considered.



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