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Technical Committee News

For our March 2016 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of time of flight technology development and applications, used for mobile device communication, tomography, 3D localization, dynamic range control and range imaging systems.

The Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) technical committee reports on augmented reality devices, 3D acoustic localization, binaural recording and rendering and spatial audio processing technologies.

The Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) technical committee reports on the upcoming IEEE SAM workshop in Rio de Janeiro, an announcement of the 2017 IEEE CAMSAP workshop, new SAM members and award nominations.

For our February 2016 issue, we cover recent patents dealing with image registration. The section below covers patents granted recently for various new image registration algorithms and devices, including applications of video registration for heads up displays, 2D/3D image registration and medical image analysis.

The IEEE Biometrics Council reports on a cloud-based multi-biometric service, the development of the iris recognition market and biometric transactions with Apple Pay

Big data has burst into public awareness over the past few years as people have become more and more aware of the massive amount of data being produced by social and scientific activities, and its potential utilization for good or harm. This special issue on "Big Data: Theoretical Aspects", published in Proceedings of the IEEE Jan. 2016, highlights a number of algorithmic approaches that are fundamental to data analysis, both in formulating and solving problems.

For our January 2016 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of texture recognition and texture analysis, used for painted surface analysis, image inpainting, skin texture recognition, video coding, fingerprint liveness detection and document comparison.

Researchers at MIT, New York University, and the University of Toronto have developed a computer system whose ability to produce a variation of a character in an unfamiliar writing system, on the first try, is indistinguishable from that of humans.

In November 2015, IEEE Potentials published a theme issue focusing on the intersection of engineering and science with the arts. This engineering and art theme issue presents articles that dissect and present, in simple terms, the many interesting outcomes possible when we begin to wear the hats of both an engineer or scientist and an artist.

Welcome to the Winter 2015 edition of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee's Newsletter! This issue of the newsletter includes 5 articles and announcements from 23 contributors, including SLTC own staff reporters and editors. Thank you all for your contributions!


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