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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Technical Committee News

Recently DISPS TC members organized the first special issue devoted to the important emerging topic of multicore design and implementation of signal processing systems on IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. The TC sponsors Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) -- the 2009 edition was successfully held in Tampere, Finland, and the 2010 edition is calling for papers and participation.

In September 2009, USA Today and other media outlets have reported a successful servicing mission to the Hubble Space telescope. The In-the-Spotlight column in the January 2010 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine provided a closer look at the imaging sensors and the associated processing and control mechanisms in the Hubble and its successor.

An exclusive article by Alex Acero, the SPS's first Vice President-Technical Directions, on many society-wide initiatives on technical directions in recent years. These include the formation of the Technical Directions Board, review of Technical Committees, the creation of new TCs and TC-sponsored workshops, and the renaming of several TCs to better reflect their latest scope and interests.

Synthetic attendance--immersive communications with people in a meeting happening afar--has been one of mankind's elusive dreams. The Exploratory DSP column of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (November 2009) discusses critical questions in immersive communications that are still awaiting resolution.

The Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is hosting the Paths Ahead in the Science of Information and Decision Systems symposium on 12-14 Novemeber 2009 in Cambridge, MA.  The symposium brings together leading researchers from all around the world who have been influential in shaping the vision of and leading the field of information and decision systems.

JPEG XR is the newest image coding standard from the JPEG committee. It primarily targets the representation of continuous-tone still images such as photographic images, and achieves high image quality, on par with JPEG 2000, while requiring low computational resources and storage capacity.

The Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC) is at the interface between theory and application, developing novel theoretically-inspired methodologies targeting both longstanding and emergent signal processing applications. A main TC-sponsored annual event is the IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing. The Nineteenth MLSP Workshop was successfully held in September 2009 in the city of Grenoble, France, with picturesque views of mountains leading up to the Alps.

The Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Technical Committee addresses the areas of sensor array and multi-channel statistical signal processing, with main application areas focusing on radar, sonar, wireless communications, microphone array processing, navigation, seismology, radio astronomy, and biomedicine. At ICASSP 2009, the SAM TC collaborated with the SPTM and SPCOM TCs to organize a Thematic Symposium on Network Distributed Signal Processing; Harry Van Trees nominated by the SAM TC received SPS Technical Achievement Award. The SAM TC participated in its first TC review by the Signal Processing Society and adopted formal Bylaws.

The Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC) promotes and influences all the technical areas of speech and language processing. As year-end approaches, the TC is getting ready for the eleventh biannual IEEE ASRU Workshop that will be held on December 13-17 in Merano, Italy. 18 new TC members were recently selected from a larger pool of recognized international experts. SLTC 2009 summer eNewsLetter edition has been published online, with a new pilot feature that allows readers to add their comments about the published articles.

The Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee (SPTM TC) promotes activities in the technical areas of theory and methods of digital and statistical signal processing. The 2009 edition of the TC-sponsored IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing was held in Cardiff, UK in September 2009. The event was very well attended with almost 250 attendees, who enjoyed six keynote talks from leading international researchers. The 14th IEEE SPS Workshop on DSP and SP Education will take place in Sedona, Arizona, USA in 2010.


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