July 1, 2004
Welcome to the IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech Technical Committee (STC)
newsletter. We hope all recipients of the STC newsletter have had
the opportunity celebrate Canada
Day today. As usual, we would like to invite contributions
of events, publications, workshops, and career information to the
newsletter (rose@ece.mcgill.ca).
Links to conferences and
workshops organized by date (Rick Rose)
Note: Meetings of the IEEE SPS Speech Technical Committee take place twice each year. There is a fall meeting whose main order of business is to organize sessions in the speech area for the upcoming ICASSP conference and a spring meeting which is usually held at the ICASSP conference and covers a wider set of topics. The attendees of both meetings include both the STC members and the associate editors of the Speech and Audio Transactions. This meeting took place at the ICASSP2004 conference in Montreal and was presided over by the incoming STC Chairman, Mazin Rahim. The following is an editted version of the minutes from this meeting recorded by S. Parthasarathy.
The purpose of the Speech Technical Committee is to promote the advancement of technologies and applications in speech and language processing and to enhance interaction between the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and other similar organizations around the world. The committee coordinates all speech-related activities within the SPS, including the annual paper review and technical sessions for ICASSP, nominations for major Society Awards, IEEE speech-related workshops and symposia, and the STC Newsletter. The committee consists of a Chair, General Members and Associate Editors (AE). The Chair is elected by the STC and appointed by the Society Executive Committee to serve a two-year term. General Members are elected annually during the fall to serve a three-year term. Associate Editors are selected by the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing. There are currently 22 general members and 20 AEs that serve on the STC.
The STC operates through several smaller subcommittees that include among others the Awards nominations, Education, and Workshop and Conference Services. All STC members are current IEEE and SPS members of good standing. STC members play an active role in the technical and professional activities of the SPS. This includes conducting conference reviews as well as being actively involved in the operation of the subcommittees of the STC.
you wish to be nominated to serve on the STC, then please contact the
STC Election Committee. If you wish to nominate any of the SPS
awards, then please contact the STC Award Committee. Information
about the STC and the various subcommittees are available at our
website at http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/sps/stc/.
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COST action 277 (http://www.cordis.lu/cost/src/277_indivpage.htm) jointly with the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES (IIASS) (www.iiass.it) ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE (EMFCSC), Erice (TR), Italy (http://www.ccsem.infn.it/), organize the annual INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ``NEURAL NETS E. R. CAIANIELLO" IX COURSE as a TUTORIAL RESEARCH WORKSHOP on Nonlinear Speech Processing: Algorithms and Analysis September 13-18 2004 Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), ITALY
The Management Committee (MC) Members of COST ACTION 277: Non linear speech processing.
Additional information are available on the web site:
Tutorial and Contributions are accepted from any speech related field (signal processing, linguistics, acoustics, etc). Contributions by lecturers and participants will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Note in Computer Science Series (LCNS).
1) Professor Amir Hussain, Department of Computing Science, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK, http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~ahu, Title of talk: “Non-linear Adaptive Speech Enhancement Inspired by Early Auditory Processing Modelling”;
2) Professor Gerard Chollet, CNRS URA-820, ENST, Dept. TSI, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 PARIS cedex 13, FR, http://tsi.enst.fr/~chollet, Title of the talk: Phone rate speech compression by indexation of ALISP segments;
3) Professor Anna Esposito, Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Via Vivaldi 43, Caserta, and International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies, Vietri, Italy. Title of the talk: “ Text Independent Speech Segmentation Methods”
4) Professor Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataro, Avda. Puig i Cadafalch 101-111, 08303, MATARO (BARCELONA) SPAIN. Title of the talk: “Nonlinear speech processing: Overview and possibilities”;
5) Professor Simon Haykin, Communications Research Laboratory, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1 Canada. Title of talks: “Regularized strict interpolation networks: Theory, design, and applications to speech processing”; “The cocktail party problem”.
6) Professor Eric Keller, Laboratoire d'analyse informatique de la parole (LAIP), Section d'informatique et de méthodes mathématiques (IMM), BFSH2 4096, Faculté des lettres Université de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Suisse Title of talk: « On Spectral Analyses of Voice Quality ».
Professor Gernot Kubin, Signal
Processing & Speech Communication Laboratory, and Christian
Doppler Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, Graz University
of Technology , Inffeldgasse 16c/4420, A-8010 Graz, Austria, E.U.
Title of talk: “Identification
of Nonlinear Oscillator Models for Speech Analysis and Synthesis”.
Professor Eric Moulines,
Laboratoire de Traitement et de Communication de l'Information, Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, 46,
rue Barrault, 75634 PARIS Cédex 13
FR. Title
of the talk : “Survey
on Non-Linear State Space Models and Particle Sequential
9) Professor Bojan Petek, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Snezniska 5 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Title of talk: “Predictive Connectionist Approach to Speech Processing”
Professor Jose C. Principe, Computational Neuro Engineering
Laboratory, EB 451, Bldg #33,
University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611, USA. Title of talk: “Neural
Computing with a Dynamical Perspective”
11) Professor Jean Rouat, Dépt de Génie Elect. et de Génie Info, Institut des Matériaux et Systèmes Intelligents (IMSI), Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 Doul. de l'Université, SHERBROOKE, Québec, CANADA, J1K 2R1. Title of talk: “Auditory scene analysis in link with non-linear speech processing and spiking Neural Networks”
Professor Jean Schoentgen,
Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics, CP 110, Université Libre
de Bruxelles, 50, Av. F.-D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Title of Talk : “Speech
Modeling based on Acoustic-to-Articulatory Mapping”.
Current trends in audio analysis are strongly founded in statistical principles, or on approaches that are influenced by empirically derived, or perceptually motivated rules of auditory perception. These approaches are orthogonal and new ideas that draw upon from both perceptual and statistical principles are likely to result in superior performance. However, how these two approaches relate to each other has not been thoroughly explored.
In this special issue we invite researchers to submit papers on original and previously unpublished work on both approaches, and especially on hybrid techniques that combine perceptual and statistical principles, as applied to speech, music and audio analysis. Papers describing relevant research and new concepts are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Prospective authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Information for Authors as published in any recent issue of the Transactions and as available on the web at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/sp/infotsa.html. Note that all rules will apply with regard to submission lengths, mandatory overlength page charges, and color charges.
should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE manuscript
submission system at
When selecting a manuscript type, authors must click on
“Special Issue of T-SA on Statistical and
Perceptual Audio Processing.” Authors should follow the
instructions for the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
and indicate in the Comments to the Editor-in-Chief that the
manuscript is submitted for publication in the Special Issue on
Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing.
We require a completed copyright form to be signed and faxed to
1-732-562-8905 at the time of submission. Please indicate the
manuscript number on the top of the page.
deadline: 31 January 2005
of acceptance: 30 July 2005
manuscript due: 1 September 2005
publication date: January 2006
Bhiksha Raj Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge,
MA. bhiksha@merl.com
Malcolm Slaney IBM Almaden Research Center, Almaden
CA. malcolm@ieee.org
Daniel Ellis Columbia University New York,
NY. dpwe@ee.columbia.edu
Paris Smaragdis Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge,
MA. paris@merl.com
Judith Brown Wellesley College, Visiting Scientist at MIT brown
Expressive Speech Synthesis (ESS) is a multidisciplinary research area that addresses one of the most complex problems in speech and language processing. The challenges posed by ESS have been the subject of several collaborative research projects across universities and laboratories around the world. Over the last decade ESS has benefited from advances in speech and language processing as well as from the availability of large conversational-speech databases. These advances have spurred research on the expressiveness of speech and on conveying paralinguistic information including emotion, speaker-state, and speaker-listener relationships. There have also been substantial efforts towards automating database creation and evaluating the quality of speech synthesised for a variety of tasks that require not just the transmission of information, but also the expression of affect.
The purpose of this special issue is to present recent advances in Expressive Speech Synthesis. Original, previously unpublished research is sought in all areas relevant to the field. In particular, submissions on theory and methods for the following areas are encouraged:
Submission procedure:
Prospective authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Information for Authors as published in any recent issue of the Transactions and as available on the web at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/sp/infotsa.html. Note that all rules will apply with regard to submission lengths, mandatory overlength page charges, and color charges.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE manuscript submission system at http://sps-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/. When selecting a manuscript type, authors must click on "Special Issue of T-SA on Expressive Speech Synthesis." Authors should follow the instructions for the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing and indicate in the Comments to the Editor-in-Chief that the manuscript is submitted for publication in the Special Issue on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing. We require a completed copyright form to be signed and faxed to 1-732-562-8905 at the time of submission. Please indicate the manuscript number on the top of the page.
Submission deadline: | 1 June 2005 |
Notification of acceptance: | 1 December 2005 |
Final manuscript due: | 28 February 2006 |
Tentative publication date: | May 2006 |
Dr. Nick Campbell | ATR Network Informatics Research Labs, Kyoto, Japan | nick@atr.jp |
Dr. Wael Hamza | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, USA | hamzaw@us.ibm.com |
Dr. Harald Hoge | SIEMENS AG Central Technology, Germany | harald.hoege@siemens.com |
Dr. Tao Jianhua | Pattern Recognition Laboratory, the Chinese Academy of Sciences | jhtao@nlpr.ia.ac.cn |
Dr. Gerard Bailly | Institut de la Communication Parlee, France | bailly@icp.inpg.fr |
Data mining methods are used to discover patterns and extract potentially useful or interesting information automatically or semi-automatically from data. As a result of the recent advances in machine learning and data mining algorithms, along with the availability of inexpensive storage space and faster processing, data mining has become practical in new areas including speech, audio and spoken language dialog. Data mining research in these areas is growing rapidly given the influx of speech, audio and dialog data that are becoming more widely available. Fundamental research in areas of prediction, explanation, learning and language understanding of speech and audio data are becoming increasingly important in revolutionizing business processes by providing essential sales and marketing information about the service, customers and product offerings. This research is also enabling a new class of learning conversational systems to be created that can infer knowledge and trends automatically from data, analyze and report application performance, and adapt and improve over time with minimal or zero human involvement.
The purpose of this special issue is to present recent advances in Data Mining Research for Speech, Audio, and Spoken Language Dialog. Original, previously unpublished submissions for the following areas are encouraged:
Dr. Mazin Rahim | AT&T Research, Florham Park, USA | mazin@research.att.com |
Dr. Usama M. Fayyad | DMX Group, Seattle, USA | fayyad@dmxgroup.com |
Dr. Roger Moore | 20/20 Speech Ltd., Malvern, U.K. | r.moore@2020speech.com |
Dr. Geoff Zweig | IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, USA | gzweig@us.ibm.com |
Submission deadline: | 1 July 2004 (early submission is encouraged) |
Notification of acceptance: | 1 January 2005 |
Final manuscript due: | 31 March 2005 |
Tentative publication date: | 1 July 2005 |
Submission procedure:
Prospective authors should follow the regular
guidelines of the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing for
electronic submission via Manuscript
Central. Authors must enter the title of the special
issue into the field labeled “Please enter any additional
keywords related to this submitted manuscript in order for the paper
to be properly assigned to a Guest Editor.” In addition, the
title of the special issue should be referenced again in the field
marked “Comments to Editor-in-Chief” along with any other
pertinent information. You are required to provide a properly executed
copyright form to be faxed to the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Publications Office (via +1 732-562-8905) at the time of
submission. An 8-page limit will be enforced on papers published in
the special issue and all papers are subject to the published policy
for overlength page charges and color charges.
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Odyssey2004 - ISCA Workshop on Speaker and Language Recognition
Toledo, Spain, May 31 - June 1, 2004
3rd International Conference
Czech Republic, June 10-11, 2004
IEEE2004 Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Lisbon Portugal, July 11 - 14, 2004
SCI2004 - 8th World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and
Orlando, Florida, July 18 - 21, 2004
Vienna, Austria, Sept. 7-10, 2004
4th International Conference on
Chinese Spoken Language Processing
Hong Kong, China, December 15-18, 2004
ICSLP2004 - INTERSPEECH 8th Biennial International Conference on
Spoken Language Processing
Jeju Island, Korea, October 4-8, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May, 2005
EUROSPEECH 2005 9th European Conference on Speech Communication
and Technology
Lisbon, Portugal, September 4-8, 2005