December, 2005


Welcome to the IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech Technical Committee (STC) newsletter.  Contributions of events, publications, workshops, and career information to the newsletter are welcome.  Please send to the new STC Newsletter Editor Mike Seltzer (mseltzer_@_microsoft_com) or Rick Rose (rose_@_ece_mcgill_ca).   Archives of recent STC Newsletters can be found on the STC website

ICASSP2006 Paper Review Process  (Mazin Rahim)

Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on SAP: Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio

Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation
HLT-NAACL 2006 Call for Papers
HLT-NAACL 2006 Call for Demonstrations
2006 ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition (SAPA2006)
2006 ELRA 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2006)
IASTED 2006 International Conference on signal processing, pattern recognition, and applications (SPPRA 2006)

Position Available: Post Doc / Visiting Scientist at University of Washington
Transitions: ASR Researchers Take New Positions

Links to conferences and workshops organized by date  (Rick Rose)

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ICASSP2006 Paper Review Process

Speech and Language Technical Committee received a record high of 668 papers for ICASSP 2006 not including the special session papers. This is a historical record high in the speech and language area for this conference, and amounts to over 18% increase from last year. The majority of this increase is attributed to more papers on Robustness, Speech Recognition and Synthesis, and Language Processing. Nearly all papers received three reviews from experts in this community. The review committee involved 10 Area Chairs, 48 Technical Committee members and 180 external reviewers. A list of the reviewers can be found below. We would like to thank all those who made contribution to the review process in the tight schedule.

The accept rate for this year is about 46% which is less than the 50% we had last year. We will be having 13 lecture sessions and 21 poster sessions, in addition to 3 special sessions and 3 other tutorials in the areas of speech and language processing. See the ICASSP 2006 website for more details, and the notification of individual paper acceptance will be delivered on January 9th.
We are look forward to seeing you in Toulouse!
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Call for Papers

Special Issue of
The IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio

Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio is an interdisciplinary research area to build computational models that aim to achieve human performance in quality estimation of speech and audio. The estimation of quality is becoming more important especially in telecommunication applications, where Quality of Service is one of the key considerations.

The goal of this special issue is to present recent progress and advances in this area as well as remaining challenges. We invite original, previously unpublished research works in all areas relevant to the field. In particular, paper submissions are encouraged on the following topics:


Submission procedure:

Prospective authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Information for Authors as published in any recent issue of the Transactions and as available on the web at Note that all rules will apply with regard to submission lengths, mandatory overlength page charges, and color charges.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE manuscript submission system at When selecting a manuscript type, authors must click on "Special Issue of T-SA on Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio." Authors should follow the instructions for the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing and indicate in the Comments to the Editor-in-Chief that the manuscript is submitted for publication in the Special Issue on Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio. We require a completed copyright form to be signed and faxed to 1-732-562-8905 at the time of submission. Please indicate the manuscript number on the top of the page.

Submission deadline: February 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2006
Final manuscript due: September 30, 2006
Tentative publication date: January 2007

Guest Editors:
Dr. Doh-Suk Kim Lucent Technologies, Whippany, USA
Dr. John Beerends TNO Telecom, Delft, The Netherlands
Dr. Oded Ghitza Sensimetrics Corporation, Somerville, MA, USA
Dr. Peter Kroon Agere Systems, Allentown, PA, USA
Dr. Antony Rix The Technology Partnership,Cambridge, UK
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Call for papers

ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation

May 20, 2006 - Toulouse (France)


Major progress is being recorded regularly on both the technology and exploitation of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and spoken language systems. Flexible solutions and user satisfaction under some circumstances are still challenging topics however. Particularly, current research is emphasizing deficiencies in dealing with speech intrinsic variations. For instance, specific aspects of the speech signal like foreign accents, precludes the use by specific populations. Also, some applications, like directory assistance, particularly stress the core recognition technology due to the very high active vocabulary (application perplexity). Besides, speech models seem to remain inadequate for handling unconstrained spontaneous speech and dialogs. Investigations on factors affecting speech realization and variations within the speech signal that make the ASR task challenging are hence very valuable for future developments of spoken language systems.

The goal of this workshop is to strengthen common understanding and research trends that deal with these topics. Original studies and algorithms related to ASR sensitivity, genericity, user-independence, robustness or adaptation to variations in speech should be covered. Besides, original contributions from the fields of phonetic science, as well as human speech perception and recognition are warmly encouraged. Finally, we also invite submission of papers about application and services scenarios involving specific speech variations.


Papers with an emphasis placed on the following topics are encouraged:


Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length (4-6 pages) previously unpublished papers via the workshop website, in the submission section. Guidelines for paper submission are provided there. The full-length papers will be selected through a peer review process.

The proceedings will be available via the workshop web site.


The workshop will consist of oral and poster sessions, as well as talks by invited speakers. The workshop will be limited to 100 participants and about 50 presentations.


This event is organized as a satellite of the ICASSP 2006 conference, which is held in Toulouse, France in May 2006. The workshop will also take place in Toulouse, on 20 May 2006, just after the conference, which ends May 19. More information on the venue will be provided on the workshop website.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: February 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2006
Final manuscript due: March 15, 2006
Program available: March 22, 2006
Workshop registration deadline: March 29, 2006
Workshop: May 20, 2006 (after ICASSP 2006)


Carmen Benitez, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Pierre-Albert Breton, Thales Avionics, France
Renato De Mori, Université d'Avignon, France
Olivier Deroo, Acapela Group, Belgium
Stéphane Dupont, Multitel, Belgium
Luciano Fissore, Loquendo, Italy
Roberto Gemello, Loquendo, Italy
Alexandre Girardi, Multitel, Belgium
Denis Jouvet, France Telecom, France
Katrin Kirchhoff, U. Washington, WA, USA
Birger Kollmeier U. Oldenburg, Germany
Pietro Laface, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Marco Matassoni, ITC-IRST, Italy
Alfred Mertins, U. Oldenburg, Germany
Alexandros Potamianos, Technical university of Crete, Greece
Christophe Ris, Multitel, Belgium
Richard Rose, McGill University, Canada
José C. Segura, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Piergiorgio Svaizer, ITC-IRST, Italy
Louis ten Bosch, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Christian Wellekens, Eurecom, France
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HLT-NAACL 2006 Call for Papers

Human Language TechnologyConference/North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting

June 4-9, 2006
New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, New York

HLT-NAACL 2006 continues the combination of the Human Language Technology Conferences (HLT) and North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) Annual Meetings begun in 2003. Human language technology incorporates a broad spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling computers to interact with humans using natural language, and providing services such as speech recognition, automatic translation, information retrieval, text summarization, and information extraction.

HLT-NAACL 2006 will run from Sunday June 4 through Friday June 9. The schedule will include full papers, late-breaking (short) papers, demonstrations, as well as pre- and post-conference tutorials and workshops. The conference organization is overseen by a board representing the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), HLT funding agencies in North America, as well as the SIGIR and ISCA communities.

Topics of Interest

The conference invites the submission of papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of human language processing, with special interest in synergistic combinations of language technologies (e.g., Speech with Information Retrieval, Machine Translation with Speech, Question Answering with Natural Language Processing, etc.). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:


Full Papers

Requirements: Submissions must describe original, completed, unpublished work, and include concrete evaluation results when appropriate. Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance and relevance to the conference, and interest to the attendees. As reviewing will be blind, no information identifying the authors should be in the paper: this includes not only the authors' names and affiliations, but also self-references that reveal authors' identities; for example, "We have previously shown (Smith 1999)" should be changed to "Smith (1999) has previously shown". Separate identification information is required, and will be part of the web submission process.

Format: Submissions must be electronic in PDF, should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings, and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. Please see the conference website for detailed typesetting specifications. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX or Microsoft Word style files available on the conference website.

Reviewing: The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Reviewing will be managed by a Conference Program Committee consisting of senior Program Committee Members and associated Program Committee Members. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members.

Submission procedure: A PDF file of the paper must be uploaded onto the system by 11:59pm EST of the deadline. Papers submitted after that time will not be reviewed. Authors who cannot submit a PDF file electronically should contact the program co-chairs
(, , or ) before the due date to work out alternate arrangements.

Late-Breaking (Short) Papers

The procedure for Short Papers submissions is identical to that of the Full Papers, with the following differences:
  1. They may be accepted for oral presentation in plenary OR for presentation in a poster session;
  2. The deadlines are later for short papers and posters than for full papers;
  3. Short papers are restricted to four (4) pages in length, using the two-column ACL format;
  4. Only two reviews per submission are guaranteed.
General Conference Chair: Robert Moore (Microsoft Research)
Program Co-Chairs:
 Jeff Bilmes (University of Washington)
 Jennifer Chu-Carroll (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
 Mark Sanderson (Sheffield University)
Senior Program Committee Members:
 Johan Bos (University of Edinburgh)  Dragomir Radev (University of Michigan)
 Jamie Callan (CMU)  Owen Rambow (Columbia University)
 Joyce Chai (Michigan State University)  Steve Renals (University of Edinburgh)
 Jason Eisner (Johns Hopkins University)  Stefan Riezler (PARC)
 Mark Gales (University of Cambridge)  Amanda Stent (SUNY Stony Brook)
 Fred Gey (Berkeley)  Rohini Srihari (SUNY Buffalo)
 Roxana Girju (UIUC)  Michael Strube (EML Research)
 Mark Hasegawa-Johnson (UIUC)  Christoph Tillmann (IBM Watson)
 Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University)  Peter Turney (National Research Council Canada)
 Alon Lavie (CMU)  Ellen Voorhees (NIST)
 Wei Ying Ma (Microsoft Beijing)  Ralph Weischedel (BBN)
 Mehryar Mohri (NYU)  Fei Xia (University of Washington)
 Marius Pasca (Google)  ChengXiang Zhai (UIUC)
 Gerald Penn (University of Toronto)  Ming Zhou (Microsoft Beijing)
Local Arrangements Chair: Satoshi Sekine (New York University)

Important Dates

December 16, 2005  Full Paper submissions due
February 23, 2006  Full Paper notification of acceptance
March 3, 2006  Short Paper submissions due
April 6, 2006  Short Paper notification of acceptance
April 17, 2006  Camera-ready full/short papers due
June 4-9, 2006  Conference

All submissions or camera-ready copies are due by 11:59pm EST on the date specified above.

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, which is located just three subway stops from Downtown and ten stops from Midtown, the centers of the Big Apple.
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HLT-NAACL 2006 Call for Demos  

2006 Human Language Technology Conference and North American chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting

New York City, New York
Conference date: June 4-9, 2006
Submission deadline: March 3, 2006

Proposals are invited for the HLT-NAACL 2006 Demonstrations Program. This program is aimed at offering first-hand experience with new systems, providing opportunities to exchange ideas gained from creating systems, and collecting feedback from expert users. It is primarily intended to encourage the early exhibition of research prototypes, but interesting mature systems are also eligible. Submission of a demonstration proposal on a particular topic does not preclude or require a separate submission of a paper on that topic; it is possible that some but not all of the demonstrations will illustrate concepts that are described in companion papers.

Demo Co-Chairs:
John Dowding, University of California/Santa Cruz
Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Alexander Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon University.

Areas of Interest

We encourage the submission of proposals for demonstrations of software and hardware related to all areas of human language technology.  Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, natural language, speech, and text systems for:

- Speech recognition and generation;
- Speech retrieval and summarization;
- Rich transcription of speech;
- Interactive dialogue;
- Information retrieval, filtering, and extraction;
- Document classification, clustering, and summarization;
- Language modeling, text mining, and question answering;
- Machine translation;
- Multilingual and cross-lingual processing;
- Multimodal user interface;
- Mobile language-enabled devices;
- Tools for Ontology, Lexicon, or other NLP resource development;
- Applications in growing domains (web-search, bioinformatics, ...).

Please be referred to the HLT-NAACL 2006 CFP ( ) for a more detailed but not necessarily an exhaustive list of relevant topics.

Important Dates
Submission deadline:  March 3, 2006
Notification of acceptance: April 6, 2006
Submission of final demo related literature: April 17, 2006
Conference: June 4-9, 2006

Submission Format

A demo proposal should consist of the following parts:

- An extended abstract of up to four pages, including the title, authors, full contact information, and technical content to be demonstrated.  It should give an overview of what the demonstration is aimed to achieve, how the demonstration illustrates novel ideas or late-breaking results, and how it relates to other systems or projects described in the context of other research (i.e., references to related literature).

- A detailed requirement description of hardware, software, and network access expected to be provided by the local organizer. Demonstrators are encouraged to be flexible in their requirements (possibly preparing different demos for different logistical situations). Please state what you can bring yourself and what you absolutely must be provided with. We will do our best to provide equipment and resources but at this point we cannot guarantee anything beyond the space and power supply.

- A concise outline of the demo script, including the accompanying narrative, and either a web address to access the demo or visual aids (e.g., screen-shots, snapshots, or sketches). The demo script shouldbe no more than 6 pages.


Demo proposals should be submitted electronically to the demo co-chairs at .


Demo proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the conference, innovation, scientific contribution, presentation, and usability, as well as potential logistical constraints.


The accepted demo abstracts will be published in the Companion Volumne to the Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2006 Conference.

Further Details

Further details on the date, time, and format of the demonstration session(s) will be determined and provided at a later date. Please send any inquiries to the demo co-chairs at

Please check for latest updates.
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Papers are solicited for the 2006 Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition (SAPA2006), to be held in Pittsburgh PA as a satellite to ICSLP 2006 <>.

Following on from the successful SAPA2004 workshop <> (in Jeju, Korea), the objective of the SAPA2006 workshop is to bring together researchers considering perceptually-motivated problems in sound and speech analysis and  understanding, employing statistical and machine learning tools.

There is a wide area of overlap between more heuristic models of human auditory function and purely pattern recognition approaches that are independent of human audition; SAPA aims to be the forum for  presentation and discussion of this promising and expanding field.

This will be a one-day workshop with a limited number of oral  presentations, chosen for breadth and provocation, and an informal atmosphere to promote discussion. We hope that the participants in the workshop will be exposed to a broader perspective, and that this will help foster new research and interesting variants on current approaches.

Papers describing relevant research and new concepts are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

    * Generalized audio analysis
    * Speech analysis
    * Music analysis
    * Audio classificationy
    * Scene analysis
    * Signal separation
    * Speech recognition
    * Multi-channel analysis

In all cases, preference will be given to papers that clearly involve both perceptually-defined or perceptually-related problems, and statistical or machine-learning based solutions. Manuscripts must be between 4 and 6 pages long, in standard ICSLP double-column format. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Papers must be recieved by 21 April 2006 (two weeks after the ICSLP deadline). The results of the paper review will be posted by 9 June 2006 (same as ICSLP).


Dr. Bhiksha Raj
    Research Scientist
    Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs,
    Cambridge, MA, USA, 02139
    617 621 7593
Dr. Paris Smaragdis
    Research Scientist
    Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs,
    Cambridge, MA, USA, 02139
    617 621 7561
Prof. Daniel Ellis
    Associate Professor
    Columbia University
    New York
    212 854 8928
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Third IASTED International Conference on
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications
~SPPRA 2006~

February 15– 17, 2006
Innsbruck, Austria

This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in, and applications of, signal processing and pattern recognition. It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to this conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution.

SPPRA 2006 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conference on:
Biomedical Engineering (BioMED 2006)

Innsbruck is nestled in the valley of the Inn River and tucked between the Austrian Alps and the Tuxer mountain range. It has twice hosted the Winter Olympics and is surrounded by the eight ski regions of the Olympic Ski World, including the Stubai Glacier, which offers skiing year round. Climbing the 14th century Stadtturm on Herzog Friedrich Strasse provides a stunning view of the town and the breathtaking scenery that surrounds it. Concerts at Ambras Castle provide listening pleasure in a beautiful renaissance setting. The sturdy medieval houses and sidewalk cafés of Old Town Innsbruck beckon you to sit for a while and watch people stroll by.

Innsbruck, with its unique blend of historical, intellectual, and recreational pursuits, offers something for every visitor. SPPRA 2006 will be held at the world-famous Congress Innsbruck, located in the heart of the city, near the historical quarter. This facility won the prestigious 'Best Conference Center in Europe Award’ in 2000.


The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
Technical Committee on Signal Processing
Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition

To find out more about the conference and the International Program Committee visit the website at:

Topics will include, but are not limited to:

Signal Analysis and Processing
• Digital Signal Processing
• Multidimensional Signal Processing
• Statistical Signal Processing
• Nonlinear DSP
• Time-Frequency Signal Analysis
• Mobile Signal Processing

Detection and Estimation
• Motion Detection
• Estimation of Signal Parameters
• Segmentation and Representation
• Computation
• Prediction

Audio and Video
• Speech Processing
• Audio and Electro Acoustics
• Video Technology
• Multimedia

• Filter Designs and Structures
• Adaptive Filtering
• FIR and IIR Filters
• Signal Reconstruction Using Filters

Algorithms and Techniques
• Discrete Cosine Transform
• Hilbert Transform
• Fourier Transform
• Architecture and Implementation
• Neural Networks for Signal Processing
• Fuzzy Logic
• Wavelets
• Chaos


Image Analysis
• Image Processing
• Image Sequence Processing
• Segmentation and Representation
• Pattern Recognition
• Image Synthesis
• Image Database Indexing
• Medical Image Analysis

Image Recognition, Coding, and Compression
• Fingerprinting
• Image Coding
• Compression
• Restoration and Retrieval
• Image Enhancement
• Object Recognition and Motion
• Color and Texture
• Text Recognition
• Handwriting, Shape, and Document Analysis
• Rendering
• Illumination Models
• Volume Rendering
• Rendering Algorithms and Systems

Watermarking Techniques
• Digital Watermarking
• Data Security
• Identification and Certification
• Applications in Copyright Control

Computer Vision
• Stereo Vision
3D and Range Data Analysis
• Geometric and Morphologic Analysis
• Computational Geometry
• Neural Network Applications
• Content-based Retrieval
• Visualization

This will include all applications of Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition including the following fields:
Remote Sensing
Ocean Engineering

For more information, please contact:
#80 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
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5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation

Magazzini del Cotone Conference Center, GENOA - ITALY
Main Conference: 24-25-26 MAY 2006

Workshops and Tutorials: 22-23 and 27-28 MAY 2006

The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, is organised by ELRA in cooperation with a wide range of international associations and consortia, including AAMT, ACL, AFNLP, ALLC, ALTA, COCOSDA and Oriental COCOSDA, EACL, EAMT, ELSNET, ENABLER, EURALEX, Forum TAL, GWA, IAMT, ISCA, KnowledgeWeb, LDC, NEMLAR Network, SENSEVAL, SIGLEX, TEI, Techno-Langue French Program, WRITE and with major national and international organisations including the European Commission - Information Society and Media Directorate General, Unit “Interfaces”.

In the Information Society, the pervasive character of Human Language Technologies (HLT) and their relevance to practically all fields of Information Society Technologies (IST) has been widely recognised. Two issues are considered particularly relevant : the availability of Language Resources (LRs) and the methods for the evaluation of resources, technologies, products and applications. Substantial mutual benefits are achieved by addressing these issues through international cooperation.

The term language resources refers to sets of language data and descriptions in machine readable form, such as written or spoken corpora and lexica, annotated or not, multimodal resources, grammars, terminology or domain specific databases and dictionaries, ontologies, multimedia databases, etc. LRs also cover basic software tools for their acquisition, preparation, collection, management, customisation and use. LRs are used in many types of components/systems/applications, such as software localisation and language services, language enabled information and communication services, knowledge management, e-commerce, e-publishing, e-learning, e-government, cultural heritage, linguistic studies, etc. This large range of usages makes the LRs infrastructure a strategic part of the e-society, where the creation of a basic set of LRs for all languages must be ensured in order to bring all languages to the same level of usability and availability. The relevance of the evaluation for language technologies development is increasingly recognised. This involves assessing the state-of-the-art for a given technology, measuring the progress achieved within a programme, comparing different approaches to a given problem, assessing the availability of technologies for a given application, product benchmarking, and assessing system usability and user satisfaction.

The aim of the LREC conference is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, ongoing and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from the new e-society, both with respect to policy issues and to technological and organisational ones. LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide spectrum of areas to discuss problems and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation in the areas mentioned above, in support to investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies and development of corresponding products, services and applications.

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Post-Doc or Visiting Scientist Position Available

The Signal, Speech and Language Interpretation Lab (SSLI) at the University of Washington (UW) is looking for an entry-level speech scientist in Mandarin speech recognition, which is part of an exciting Mandarin speech to English text translation project.

Term: January-September, 2006 with possible extension
   (1) For the post-doc position, a Ph.D. in either Electrical Engineering or Computer Science is required. For the visiting scientist position, a master degree in either of the above two fields is preferred.
   (2) Fluent in both Mandarin and English.
   (3) Understanding of state-of-the-art large-vocabulary speech  recognition systems.

Job responsibility: Research and develop acoustic and language  models and algorithms for Mandarin broadcast news speech recognition.

Applications should include a vita and the names of at least 2 references (with both a telephone number and email address), sent to Mei-Yuh Hwang at or via postal mail to

Dr. Mei-Yuh Hwang
Senior Research Scientist
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
PO Box 352500
Seattle, WA 98195-2500

UW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged. Hiring is contingent on eligibility to work in the United States. For more information about SSLI, please visit
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ASR Researchers Take New Positions

The STC Newsletter would like to provide announcements of  professors, researchers, and developers in the speech area taking new positions.  If you have moved lately or are in the process of moving  to a new position in the new future, send your new contact information to the STC Newsletter so it can be posted in the next edition.  
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Links to Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

(Organized by Date)

IEEE ASRU2005 Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
Cancun, Mexico, November 27 - December 1, 2005

Toulouse, France May 15-19, 2006

Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation
Toulouse, France May 20, 2006

2006 Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation

Genoa, Italy  May 24-26, 2006


New York City, NY June 4-9, 2006

Tutorial and Research Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audition - SAPA2006

Pittsburgh, PA, USA September 16, 2006

Pittsburgh, PA, USA September 17-21, 2006

Victoria, BC Canada  October 3-6, 2006

IEEE/ACL Workshop on SLT
Aruba, Deccember 10-13, 2006

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007, April 17-20

Antwerp, Belgium, August 27-31, 2007

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