Summary of the Informal SPCOM TC Meeting at SPAWC 2001
Contributed by Z. Ding
Date: March 22, 2001
Location: Ta-shi Hotel and Resort, Taoyuan, Taiwan ROC
Present: G. Giannakis (chair), D. Slock, Z. Ding, R. Blum, D.
Hatzinakos (guest w.r.t. SPAWC 2003 proposal), C.-Y. Chi (guest,
organizer of SPAWC 2001), Victor Barosso (guest w.r.t. SPAWC proposal).
- The meeting began at 12:00noon.
- Chair stated that there is a lack of quorum. No votes or
decisions will be made. The meeting can only
discuss relevant matters.
- On SPAWC'2003. G. Giannakis introduced V. Barosso who
presented a plan to organize SPAWC 2003. A
a very compelling statement was made regarding how SPAWC can help
advance the research activities among
universities in Portugal. G. Giannakis informed the committee of
a potential second bid for SPAWC 2003 from Turkey.
- On the frequency of SPAWC: G. Giannakis suggested the
possibility of changing SPAWC into an annual event.
The committee agreed to study this suggestion at ICASSP'2001 Z.
Ding suggested to use this opportunity as a vehicle to
collaborate with the Communications Society, advocating that the
workshop can boost its the attendance and broaden its
- On SPAWC'2001: The committee thanked C.-Y. Chi for successfully
organizing SPAWC'2001.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.