Minutes of SPCOM-TC Meeting at SPAWC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal,
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Chair: Ananthram Swami (for Alle-Jan van der Veen)
Minutes taken by: Javier Fonollosa
- The meeting was called to order at 13:45
- 10 of 30 Members attended the meeting:
Luc Vandendorpe, Dirk Slock, Ali Sayed, Gregori Vazquez,
Bjorn Ottersten, Geert Leus, Ananthram Swami, Javier Fonollosa.
Sergio Barbarossa, Philippe Loubaton.
- SPAWC'06 proposals:
Thomas Kaiser presented his proposal to organize SPAWC'06 in the
Dusseldorf-Duisburg area, cochaired with KJ Ray Liu. He showed flexibility
with respect to dates and to maintain his proposal for 2007.
Dirk Slock briefly updated his proposal with respect to the one
presented at ICASSP. Their preferred date for celebration is the week
immediately after ICASSP'06 which will take place in France also.
- SPAWC'04: Report was presented by Victor Barroso. He predicted a surplus
of about 30% over an approximate budget of 100.000 euro. He also mentioned
the fact that the IEEE will no longer allow subcontracting management
companies to deal with finances when organizing workshops.
- SPAWC'03: Sergio Barbarossa mentioned that he had closed books with
almost zero balance for SPAWC'03.
- SPAWC'05 seemed to be well on track.
- New members: 9 of our members will be retiring this year, and another 5 are
eligible for re-election. We need to look for good candidates.
- Our next face-to-face meeting will be at ICASSP'05, Philadelphia, March
19-23. E-mail meetings will take place in July to vote on SPAWC'06 bids
and on the pool of Associate Editors.
- The meeting adjourned around 14:30