Minutes of the SPCOM-TC face-to-face meeting at SPAWC 2005, NYC, June 6, 2005
Meeting commenced at 1 pm
Members attending (19): Gregori Vasquez, Javier Garcia-Frias, Hesham El
Gamal, Robert Heath, Phil Schniter, Geert Leus, Jonathan Manton, Visa
Koivunen, Daniel Xu, Constantinos Papadias, Luc Vandendorpe, Pierre
Duhamel, Brian Sadler, Xiaodong Wang, Ananthram Swami, Nikos Sidiropoulos,
David Gesbert, Anna Scaglione, Yingbo Hua
Members absent (11): Mounir Ghogho, Marc Moonen, See-May Phoong, Bhaskar
Rao, Phil Regalia, Ali Sayed, Xiang-Gen Xia, Holger Boche, Helmut
Boelcskei, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Franz Hlawatsch
Meeting was called to order by A. Swami.
- Anna Scaglione updated the TC on SPAWC 2005. There were a record 256
registrants, with many student attendees.
- Dirk Slock updated the TC on progress towards SPAWC 2006. The SPAWC'06
dates have now been changed to 2-5 July, and the budget looks healthy.
- There was a general discussion regarding workshop budget surpluses,
reduced student regsitration fees, etc.
- Nikos Sidiropoulos attempted to play video submitted via s-mail by
Thomas Kaiser containing 15-minute presentation of Duisburg's bid for
SPAWC2007. Audio volume was aparently low at recording, and it was
difficult to follow the presentation. All members had soft copy of
presentation slides.
- Visa Koivunen subsequently presented the Helsinki proposal for SPAWC 2007.
It was noted that the Finnish Academy has agreed to assume
financial responsibility for the event.
- Nikos Sidiropoulos updated the TC regarding the awards process. Nikos
Sidiropoulos and Ananthram Swami emphasized the importance of
TC member participation and voting.
- There was a discussion regarding Ali Sayed's suggestion to institute a
hard rule prohibiting nomination of papers co-authored by colleagues who
have already received the same paper award within a two year window upon
recommendation of the SPCOM-TC. Ali's rationale was to promote
award diversity among the numerous outstanding colleagues in the SPCOM
area. The consensus of the TC was that this aspect should be kept in mind
but that instituting a hard rule is not necessary.
- Brian Sadler updated the TC about the AE pool and the associated AE
candidate endorsement process. There was a brief discussion of the TC's
role with respect to the Trans. on wireless Communications AE selection
- Pierre Duhamel updated the TC about ICASSP06, specificaly regarding
the review of special session submissions. There was a subsequent
discussion about the best way to select candidates for ICASSP student
paper awards. Several ideas were discussed. Anna Scaglione
suggested to include a "student paper award quality" button for reviewers
to click during the review process (drawback: not all reviewers are TC
members, how do we normalize the mean and variance of reviewer scores?).
Consensus was not reached, the TC will revisit this issue.
- Xavier Garcias-Frias shared his experience from handling the
student paper award process for ICASSP 2005.
Meeting adjurned at 1:55 pm.
Transcribed by Nikos Sidiropoulos
Submitted by Ananthram Swami