IEEE Sections Congress 2014 Registration Opening Soon

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

IEEE Sections Congress 2014 Registration Opening Soon

IEEE Sections Congress 2014 (SC2014) will be held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The primary audience for IEEE Sections Congress is IEEE members who are volunteering within the MGA structure (Region, Geographic Councils, Section, Subsection, Chapter, and Affinity Group), but volunteers from other IEEE units are encouraged to attend as well.

The SC2014 theme is "Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow," and the Breakout Sessions will correspond with the three program tracks: Enhance Member Satisfaction, Improve Volunteer Experience, and Reach Globally with Local Touch. In addition to attending five 75-minute traditional Breakout Sessions throughout the weekend, attendees will be offered several new program options, including Learning Labs and Ignite Sessions.

Registration will be open the week of 3 March. Once the registration site is live, the link to register will be available on the top of the SC2014 Web page. Information about the program, sponsorship opportunities, and travel logistics are also available on the web.


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