Follow Through: Maintaining Momentum After Your Event Ends

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Follow Through: Maintaining Momentum After Your Event Ends

Your event was a success, you had great feedback from attendees, and you made lasting impacts on your community. Now that your event is over, you may be wondering how to keep attendees engaged and looking forward to your next event. Ongoing attendee engagement is vital to building on your successes, continuing dialogues, and keeping the momentum going.
A wrap-up communication is a great way to thank your participants and sponsors, highlight achievements, and showcase photos from your event. MCE has developed a new online resource with tips and guidance on kicking off your post-event engagement. Find information on the benefits of continued engagement, selecting a communications tool, and a variety of assets to help you get started. 
The new resource also features a sample post-event wrap-up communication that you can use as a model for your event. The sample communication includes suggested content such as metrics, social media reach, photos, and acknowledgements. Also discover IEEE Brand Experience resources including email templates, banners, and an icon library.  
Keeping your attendees engaged is key to building a vibrant event community that keeps coming back year after year.


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