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The IEEE SPS congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious awards during IEEE ICASSP 2025 in India.
Ahmed Tewfik, “for fundamental contributions to watermarking signal processing and sustained leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” |
Marc Moonen, “for outstanding contributions to theory and practice of statistical signal processing and optimal communication systems.” |
Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz, “for sustained contributions to education and menthorship in signal processing and adaptive filtering.” |
Walter L. Kellermann, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” |
Akihiko Sugiyama, “for major contributions to development, standardization, and applications of audio coding technology.” |
Ulugbek Kamilov, “for major contributions to the theory and practice in computational imaging.” Kumar Vijay Mishra, “for major contributions in radar signal processing and the integration of sensing and communications.” |
Pin-Yu Chen, “for research and industry impact for machine learning robustness and AI safety.” |
Gui Zhou, “Transmission Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Wireless Systems”. Tian Tong, “Scaled Gradient Methods for Ill-conditioned Low-rank Matrix and Tensor Estimation”. |
John R. Buck, “for contributions to innovative teaching methods, exceptional mentorship, and the development of high-quality educational materials in the field of signal processing.” |
Neil Zeghidour, Alejandro Luebs, Ahmed Omran, Jan Skoglund, and Marco Tagliasacchi for “SoundStream: An End-to-End Neural Audio Codec”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 30, 2022. Fan Liu; Ya-Feng Liu; Ang Li; Christos Masouros; Yonina C. Eldar for “Cramér-Rao Bound Optimization for Joint Radar-Communication Beamforming”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 70, 2022. Kai Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, and Lei Zhang for “FFDNet: Toward a Fast and Flexible Solution for CNN-Based Image Denoising”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, September 2018. Wei-Ning Hsu, Benjamin Bolte, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Kushal Lakhotia, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Abdelrahman Mohamed for “HuBERT: Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Masked Prediction of Hidden Units”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 29, 2021. Hendrik Purwins, Bo Li, Tuomas Virtanen, Jan Schlüter, Shuo-Yiin Chang, Tara Sainath for “Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, May 2019. Fernando Gama, Antonio G. Marques, Geert Leus, and Alejandro Ribeiro for “Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Signals Supported on Graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, February 2019. Sebastian Bosse, Dominique Maniry, Klaus-Robert Müller, Thomas Wiegand, and Wojciech Samek for “Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference and Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, January 2018. |
J. Andrew Zhang, Fan Liu, Christos Masouros, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Zhiyong Feng, , Le Zheng, and Athina Petropulu for “An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Joint Communication and Radar Sensing”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, November 2021. |
Peilan Wang, Jun Fang, Huiping Duan, Hongbin Li for “Compressed Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Millimeter Wave Systems”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 27, 2020. |
Peter Stoica and Jian Li for “Source Localization from Range-Difference Measurements”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2006. |
Vishal Monga, Yuelong Li, and Yonina Eldar for “Algorithm Unrolling: Interpretable, Efficient Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2021. |
Yiu-Tong Chan, K. C. (Dominic) Ho for “A Simple and Efficient Estimator for Hyperbolic Location”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, August 1994. |
Yifan Jiang, Xinyu Gong, and Zhangyang Wang for the paper co-authored with Ding Liu, Yu Cheng, Chen Fang, Xiaohui Shen, Jianchao Yang, and Pan Zhou, “EnlightenGAN: Deep Light Enhancement Without Paired Supervision”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 30, 2021. Dongchao Yang, Jianwei Yu, Helin Wang, and Wen Wang for the paper co-authored with Chao Weng, Yuexian Zou, and Dong Yu, “Diffsound: Discrete Diffusion Model for Text-to-Sound Generation”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 31, 2023. Zhaoxian Wu and Tianyi Chen for the paper co-authored with Qing Ling and Georgios B. Giannakis, “Federated Variance-Reduced Stochastic Gradient Descent With Robustness to Byzantine Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 68, 2020. Xiang Liu for the paper co-authored with Tianyao Huang, Nir Shlezinger, Yimin Liu, Jie Zhou, and Yonina C. Eldar, “Joint Transmit Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO Communications and MIMO Radar”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 68, 2020. |
IEEE Signal Processing Society Kolkata Chapter. |
Following are the award recipients from previous years. The full award recipient list for each award can be on the SPS Awards website. Click open the award name and you will see a "Recipients" section. Click on the "View Recipients of X Award" to view the full recipient list for that particular award.
The IEEE SPS congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious awards during IEEE ICASSP 2024 in Korea.
Bhaskar D. Rao, “for sustained and pioneering contributions to research and education in sparsity, array processing, and wireless communications.” |
Shrikanth Narayanan, “for contributions to spoken language processing technologies and their societal applications.” Christian Jutten, “for pioneering contributions to blind source separation.” |
Patrick P Flandrin, “for contributions to education in time-frequency-based methods and their mathematical foundations.” |
Fernando Pereira, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” |
Kush R. Varshney, “for outstanding contributions in statistical signal processing and trustworthy machine learning.” |
William Wang, “for contributions to the development of scalable algorithms in natural language processing.” |
Yang Lei , “for contributions to the Signal Processing community.” |
Virginia Bordignon, “Opinion Formation over Adaptive Networks.” Mario Coutino, “Advances in Graph Signal Processing: Graph Filtering and Network Identification.” Burhaneddin Yaman, “Self-Supervised Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Solving Inverse Problems in Imaging.” |
Richard J. Radke, “for bringing new technology and pedagogy into the classroom and tying academic concepts to real-world practice.” |
Emre Çakır, Giambattista Parascandolo, Toni Heittola, Heikki Huttunen, and Tuomas Virtanen for “Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, June 2017. Hossein Talebi and Peyman Milanfar for “NIMA: Neural Image Assessment”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, August 2018. Timothy James O’Shea, Tamoghna Roy, and T. Charles Clancy for “Over-the-Air Deep Learning Based Radio Signal Classification”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, February 2018. Huiqiang Xie, Zhijin Qin, Geoffrey Ye Li, and Biing-Hwang Juang for “Deep Learning Enabled Semantic Communication Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021. Le Trieu Phong, Yoshinori Aono, Takuya Hayashi, Lihua Wang, and Shiho Moriai for “Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning via Additively Homomorphic Encryption”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, May 2018. |
Fredrik Rusek; Daniel Persson; Buon Kiong Lau; Erik G. Larsson; Thomas L. Marzetta; Ove Edfors; and Fredrik Tufvesson for “Scaling Up MIMO: Opportunities and Challenges with Very Large Arrays”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2013. |
Feng Wang, Jian Cheng, Weiyang Liu, and Haijun Liu for “Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, July 2018. |
Peter Stoica and Jian Li for “Source Localization from Range-Difference Measurements”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2006. |
Michael M. Bronstein, Joan Bruna, Yann LeCun, Arthur Szlam and Pierre Vandergheynst for “Geometric Deep Learning: Going beyond Euclidean”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 2017. |
Emmanuel Vincent, Rémi Gribonval, and Cédric Févotte for “Performance Measurement in Blind Audio Source Separation”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, July 2006. |
Neil Zeghidour for the paper co-authored with David Grangier, “Wavesplit: End-to-End Speech Separation by Speaker Clustering”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2021. Chenhong Zhou for the paper co-authored with Changxing Ding, Xinchao Wang, Zhentai Lu, and Dacheng Tao, “One-Pass Multi-Task Networks with Cross-Task Guided Attention for Brain Tumor Segmentation”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020. Neev Samuel for the paper co-authored with Tzvi Diskin and Ami Wiesel, “Learning to Detect”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, May 2019. |
IEEE Signal Processing Society Kerala Chapter. |
Richard Baraniuk, “for fundamental contributions to sparsity-based signal processing and pioneering broad dissemination of open educational resources.” |
Nicholas Sidiropoulos, “for exemplary contributions to tensor decomposition, beamforming, and spectral analysis.” Arnold Lee Swindlehurst, “for contributions to multi-user and multi-antenna communications and sensor array signal processing.” |
Vincent Poor, "for outstanding contributions to education and mentoring in statistical signal processing and wireless communications." |
Ahmed Tewfik, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” Tulay Adali, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” |
Xuedong Huang, “for contributions to speech recognition and industrial leadership in artificial intelligence.” |
Ivan Tashev, “for outstanding contributions to microphone array and speech enhancement systems.” |
Mingyi Hong, “for contributions to non-convex, distributed and learning-based optimization for signal processing.” |
Elvin Isufi |
Sarath S., “for leadership and outstanding contributions as a volunteer and mentor at Section and Regional levels.” |
Morten Kolbæk, Dong Yu, Zheng-Hua Tan, and Jesper Jensen for "Multitalker Speech Separation with Utterance-Level Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, October 2017. |
Haoran Sun, Xiangyi Chen, Qingjiang Shi, Mingyi Hong, Xiao Fu, and Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos for “Learning to Optimize: Training Deep Neural Networks for Interference Management”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, October 2018. |
Fernando Gama, Joan Bruna, and Alejandro Ribeiro for “Stability Properties of Graph Neural Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, September 2020. |
Stanley H. Chan, Xiran Wang, and Omar A. Elgendy for “Plug-and-Play ADMM for Image Restoration: Fixed-Point Convergence and Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, January 2017. |
David I Shuman, Pierre Vandergheynst, Daniel Kressner, and Pascal Frossard for “Distributed Signal Processing via Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, December 2018. |
Kang Wei, Jun Li, Ming Ding, Chuan Ma, Howard H. Yang, Farokhi Farhad, Shi Jin, Tony Q. S. Quek and H. Vincent Poor for “Federated Learning With Differential Privacy: Algorithms and Performance Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, April 2020. |
Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos; Lieven De Lathauwer; Xiao Fu; Kejun Huang; Evangelos E. Papalexakis; and Christos Faloutsos for “Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, July 2017. |
Lorenzo Vangelista for “Frequency Shift Chirp Modulation: The LoRa Modulation”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, December 2017. |
Dong Yu and Li Deng for “Deep Learning and Its Applications to Signal and Information Processing [Exploratory DSP]”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2011. |
Geoffrey Hinton, Li Deng, Dong Yu, George E. Dahl, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Navdeep Jaitly, Andrew Senior, Vincent Vanhoucke, Patrick Nguyen, Tara N. Sainath, and Brian Kingsbury for “Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition: The Shared Views of Four Research Groups”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2012. |
Petre Stoica and Arye Nehorai for “MUSIC, Maximum Likelihood, and Cramer-Rao Bound”, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,May 1989. |
Ashutosh Pandey for the paper co-authored with DeLiang Wang, “A New Framework for CNN-Based Speech Enhancement in the Time Domain”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, July 2019. |
Qiuqiang Kong and Turab Iqbal for the paper co-authored with Yin Cao, Yuxuan Wang, Wenwu Wang, and Mark D. Plumbley, “PANNs: Large-Scale Pretrained Audio Neural Networks for Audio Pattern Recognition”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, October 2020. |
IEEE Signal Processing Society Boston Chapter. |
The IEEE SPS congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious awards during ICASSP 2022 in Singapore.
Sergios Theodoridis, “for seminal contributions to leadership, research and education in signal processing.” |
Pramod K. Varshney, “for outstanding contributions in the fields of distributed inference, and data fusion.” Charles Bouman, “for fundamental contributions to X-ray computed tomography and computational imaging.” |
Stephen J. Young, “for contributions to education in the speech and language processing area.” |
Tara N. Sainath, “for contributions to deep learning for automatic speech recognition.” |
Gonzalo Mateos, “for contributions to distributed signal processing over networks.” Vishal M. Patel, “for contributions to image processing and machine learning for biometrics.” |
John Hansen, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” Shoji Makino, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” |
Joshua Rapp |
Suhash Chandra Dutta Roy |
René Vidal for “Subspace Clustering: Applications in Motion Segmentation and Face Clustering”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2011. |
Moshe Mishali and Yonina C. Eldar for “Wideband Spectrum Sensing at Sub-Nyquist Rates”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 2011. |
Chun-Lin Liu and P. P. Vaidyanathan for “Remarks on the Spatial Smoothing Step in Coarray MUSIC”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, September 2015. |
Mike Schuster and Kuldip K. Paliwal for “Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, November 1997. |
IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter. |
Yi Luo and Nima Mesgarani for “Conv-TasNet: Surpassing Ideal Time–Frequency Magnitude Masking for Speech Separation”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, August 2019. |
Yaniv Romano, John Isidoro, and Peyman Milanfar for “RAISR: Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, January 2017. |
Liang Liu and Wei Yu for “Massive Connectivity With Massive MIMO-Part I: Device Activity Detection and Channel Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, June 2018. |
Yongzhi Li, Cheng Tao, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, Amine Mezghani, A. Lee Swindlehurst, and Liu Liu for “Channel Estimation and Performance Analysis of One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, August 2017. |
Tsung-Hui Chang, Mingyi Hong, and Xiangfeng Wang for “Multi-Agent Distributed Optimization via Inexact Consensus ADMM”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, January 2015. |
Fan Liu, Longfei Zhou, and Ang Li, for the paper co-authored with Christos Masouros, Wu Luo, and Athina Petropulu, “Toward Dual-functional Radar-Communication Systems: Optimal Waveform Design”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, August 2018. |
Szu-Wei Fu for the paper co-authored with Tao-Wei Wang, Yu Tsao, Xugang Lu, and Hisashi Kawai, “End-to-End Waveform Utterance Enhancement for Direct Evaluation Metrics Optimization by Fully Convolutional Neural Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, September 2018. |
Chengwei Zhou for the paper co-authored with Yujie Gu, Xing Fan, Zhiguo Shi, Guoqiang Mao, and Yimin D. Zhang, “Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Coprime Array via Virtual Array Interpolation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, November 2018. |
Kaiming Shen for the paper co-authored with Wei Yu, “Fractional Programming for Communication Systems-Part I: Power Control and Beamforming”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, May 2018. |
The IEEE SPS congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious awards during ICASSP 2021 in Toronto, Canada.
Ali H. Sayed, “for contributions to adaptive and statistical signal processing and outstanding leadership in the Signal Processing Society." |
Jose Carlos Principe, "for fundamental contributions to adaptive learning systems." |
Louis L. Scharf, “for sustained contributions to education and mentorship in statistical signal processing.” |
Henrique S. Malvar, "for contributions to multimedia signal processing and industrial research leadership." |
James D. Johnston, Karlheinz Brandenburg, and Jürgen Herre, "for contributions to the standardization of audio coding technology." |
Emil Björnson, “for contributions to signal processing for communications and research reproducibility.” Piya Pal “for innovative contributions to sparse array design, and fundamental performance limits of sparse inverse problems.” |
Ayush Bhandari and Tianyi Chen. |
Marco F. Duarte, Mark A. Davenport, Dharmpal Takhar, Jason N. Laska, Ting Sun, Kevin F. Kelly, and Richard G. Baraniuk for "Single-Pixel Imaging via Compressive Sampling: Building simpler, smaller, and less-expensive digital cameras", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2008. |
Ljubiša Stankovic´, Srdjan Stankovic´, and Miloš Dakovic for "From the STFT to the Wigner Distribution", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, May 2014. |
Justin Salamon and Juan Pablo Bello, for "Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Data Augmentation for Environmental Sound Classification", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 3, March 2017. |
Robert W. Heath Jr., Nuria González-Prelcic, Sundeep Rangan, Wonil Roh, and Akbar M. Sayeed, for "An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 3, April 2016. |
Yariv Ephraim and David Malah, "Speech Enhancement Using a Minimum Mean Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,vol. 32, no. 6, December 1984. |
IEEE Signal Processing Society Delhi Chapter. |
Po-Sen Huang, Minje Kim, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, and Paris Smaragdis, for "Joint Optimization of Masks and Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Monaural Source Separation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 12, December 2015. |
Stefania Sardellitti, Gesualdo Scutari, and Sergio Barbarossa, for "Joint Optimization of Radio and Computational Resources for Multicell Mobile-Edge Computing", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Over Networks, vol. 1, no. 2, June 2015. |
Di Wen, Hu Han, and Anil K. Jain, "Face Spoof Detection With Image Distortion Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 10, no. 4, April 2015. |
Grégoire Mesnil, Yann Dauphin, Kaisheng Yao, Yoshua Bengio, Li Deng, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Xiaodong He, Larry Heck, Gokhan Tur, Dong Yu, and Geoffrey Zweig, " Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 3, March 2015. |
Joshua Rapp, for the paper co-authored with Vivek K. Goyal, "A Few Photons Among Many: Unmixing Signal and Noise for Photon-Efficient Active Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, vol. 3, no. 3, September 2017. |
Bo Li, for the paper co-authored with Athina P. Petropulu and Wade Trappe, "Optimum Co-Design for Spectrum Sharing between Matrix Completion Based MIMO Radars and a MIMO Communication System", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 17, September 2016. |
Ying Sun, for the paper co-authored with Prabhu Babu and Daniel P. Palomar, "Majorization-Minimization Algorithms in Signal Processing, Communications, and Machine Learning", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 3, February 2017. |
Yuki Saito and Shinnosuke Takamichi, for the paper co-authored with Hiroshi Saruwatari, "Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Incorporating Generative Adversarial Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 26, no. 1, January 2018. |
Santiago Segarra, for the paper co-authored with Antonio G. Marques, Gonzalo Mateos, and Alejandro Ribeiro, "Network Topology Inference from Spectral Templates", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 3, no. 3, September 2017. |
Xiang Wu, for the paper co-authored with Ran He, Zhenan Sun, and Tieniu Tan, "A Light CNN for Deep Face Representation With Noisy Labels", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 13, no. 11, November 2018. |
The IEEE SPS congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious awards during ICASSP 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.
Georgios B. Giannakis, “for fundamental contributions to statistical signal processing, especially for networking and communications, and for outstanding mentoring of young researchers." | |
C.-C. Jay Kuo "for significant contributions to visual signal processing technologies and their applications." | |
Helen Meng “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society." Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society." |
Peter Stoica, “for lifetime contributions to education and mentoring in statistical signal processing.” | |
Li Deng "for leadership in pioneering research and development on large-scale deep learning that disrupted worldwide speech recognition industry and for leadership in natural language processing and finance engineering." | |
Gene Alan Frantz "for contributions to the development of signal processing systems." | |
Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi "for exemplary leadership and strong commitment towards the growth of SPS Chapter in Malaysia." Syed Abd Rahman Abu-Bakar "for outstanding service to the Signal Processing Society Malaysian Chapter and Region 10." |
Yuejie Chi "for contributions to high-dimensional structured signal processing." |
Emmanuel J. Candès and Michael B. Wakin for "An Introduction To Compressive Sampling: A sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common knowledge in data acquisition", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 25, No. 2, March 2008. |
Emil Björnson, Mats Bengtsson, and Björn Ottersten for "Optimal Multiuser Transmit Beamforming: A Difficult Problem with a Simple Solution Structure", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume. 31, No. 4, July 2014. |
Stelios Timotheou and Ioannis Krikidis, for "Fairness for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 22, No. 10, October 2015. |
Hamid Krim and Mats Viberg, for "Two Decades of Array Signal Processing Research: The Parametric Approach", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 13, No. 4, July 1996. |
Martin Sundermeyer, Hermann Ney, and Ralf Schlüter, for "From Feedforward to Recurrent LSTM Neural Networks for Language Modeling", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 23, No. 3, March 2015. |
Dongeek Shin, Ahmed Kirmani, Vivek K Goyal, and Jeffrey H. Shapiro, for "Photon-Efficient Computational 3-D and Reflectivity Imaging With Single-Photon Detectors", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Volume 1, No. 2, June 2015. |
Kyong Hwan Jin, Michael T. McCann, Emmanuel Froustey, and Michael Unser, for "Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 26, No. 9, September 2017. |
Yuxuan Wang, Arun Narayanan, and DeLiang Wang, for "On Training Targets for Supervised Speech Separation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 22, No. 12, December 2014. |
Praneeth Netrapalli, Prateek Jain, and Sujay Sanghavi, for "Phase Retrieval Using Alternating Minimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 63, No. 18, September 2015. |
Chanwoo Kim and Richard M. Stern, for “Power-Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (PNCC) for Robust Speech Recognition”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 24, No. 7, July 2016. |
Daichi Kitamura, for the paper co-authored with Nobutaka Ono, Hiroshi Sawada, Hirokazu Kameoka, and Hiroshi Saruwatari, for "Determined Blind Source Separation Unifying Independent Vector Analysis and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 24, No. 9, September 2016. |
Sebastian Dörner and Sebastian Cammerer, for the paper co-authored with Jakob Hoydis and Stephan ten Brink, for "Deep Learning Based Communication Over the Air", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 12, No. 1, February 2018. |
Mianzhi Wang, for the paper co-authored with Arye Nehorai, for "Coarrays, MUSIC, and the Cramer–Rao Bound", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 65, No. 4, February 2017. |
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who received the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2019 in Brighton, UK.
John R. Treichler, “for contributions and leadership in the practical use of adaptive digital signal processing and for sustained service to the Society." | |
Michael Elad "for contributions to sparsity-based signal processing." | |
Abdelhak M. Zoubir, “for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.” | |
Stéphane Mallat, “for contributions to education in wavelet- and sparsity-based methods and their mathematical foundations.” | |
Takao Nishitani "for contributions to the ADPCM Standard and its dedicated programmable DSP device." |
Andrzej Cichocki, Danilo P. Mandic, Anh Huy Phan, Cesar F. Caiafa, Guoxu Zhou, Qibin Zhao, and Lieven De Lathauwer for "Tensor Decompositions for Signal Processing Applications: From two-way to multiway component analysis", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, March 2015. |
Sangwoo Park, Erchin Serpedin, and Khalid Qaraqe for "Gaussian Assumption: The Least Favorable but the Most Useful", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 30, no. 3, May 2013. |
Zhiguo Ding, Zheng Yang, Pingzhi Fan, and H. Vincent Poor, for "On the Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems with Randomly Deployed Users", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 12, December 2014. |
M. Sanjeev Arulampalam, Simon Maskell, Neil Gordon, and Tim Clapp, for "A Tutorial on Particle Filters for Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 50, no. 2, February 2002. |
Michal Aharon, Michael Elad, and Alfred Bruckstein, for "K-SVD: An Algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,vol. 54, no. 11, November 2006. |
Ron Rubinstein, Tomer Peleg, and Michael Elad, for "Analysis K-SVD: A Dictionary-Learning Algorithm for the Analysis Sparse Model", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 3, February 2013. |
Yong Xu, Jun Du, Li-Rong Dai, and Chin-Hui Lee, for "A Regression Approach to Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 1, January 2015. |
Aliaksei Sandryhaila and José M. F. Moura, for "Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs: Frequency Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 12, June 2014. |
Seok-Hwan Park, Osvaldo Simeone, Onur Sahin, and Shlomo Shamai, for "Joint Precoding and Multivariate Backhaul Compression for the Downlink of Cloud Radio Access Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 22, November 2013. |
Kun-Yu Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Tsung-Hui Chang, Wing-Kin Ma, and Chong-Yung Chi, for "Outage Constrained Robust Transmit Optimization for Multiuser MISO Downlinks: Tractable Approximations by Conic Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 21, November 2014. |
Hamid Palangi, Li Deng, Yelong Shen, Jianfeng Gao, Xiaodong He, Jianshu Chen, Xinying Song, and Rabab Ward, for “Deep Sentence Embedding Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks: Analysis and Application to Information Retrieval”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 4, April 2016. |
Zhijin Qin, for the paper co-authored with Yue Gao, Mark D. Plumbley, and Clive G. Parini, for "Wideband Spectrum Sensing on Real-Time Signals at Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rates in Single and Cooperative Multiple Nodes", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 12, June 2016. |
Suhas Sreehari, for the paper co-authored with S. V. Venkatakrishnan, Brendt Wohlberg, Gregery T. Buzzard, Lawrence F. Drummy, Jeffrey P. Simmons, and Charles A. Bouman, for "Plug-and-Play Priors for Bright Field Electron Tomography and Sparse Interpolation", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, vol. 2, no. 4, December 2016. |
Eric C. Hall, for the paper co-authored with Rebecca M. Willett, for "Online Convex Optimization in Dynamic Environments", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 4, June 2015. |
Xianghao Yu, for the paper co-authored with Juei-Chin Shen, Jun Zhang, and Khaled B. Letaief, for "Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Hybrid Precoding in Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 3, April 2016. |
Siheng Chen and Rohan Varma, for the paper co-authored with Aliaksei Sandryhaila and Jelena Kovačević, for "Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs: Sampling Theory", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 24, December 2015. |
Si Qin, for the paper co-authored with Yimin D. Zhang and Moeness G. Amin, for "Generalized Coprime Array Configurations for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 6, March 2015. |
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2018 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Alejandro (Alex) Acero, "for contributions to speech technology and leadership in the signal processing community."
Patrick Flandrin, "for contributions to the theory and application of nonstationary signal analysis."
Ahmed H. Tewfik, "for contributions to digital watermarking, multimedia, and wavelets."
Mari Ostendorf, "for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society."
John H. Cozzens, "for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society."
C.-C. Jay Kuo, "for contributions to signal, image and multimedia education."
Alfonso Farina, "for contributions to radar array processing and industrial leadership."
Richard F. Lyon, "for contributions in integrated circuits, cameras, and audio processing."
Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Visa Koivunen, Yacine Chakhchoukh and Michael Muma, for "Robust Estimation in Signal Processing: A tutorial-style treatment of fundamental concepts", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 29, No. 4, July 2012.
Ramsey Faragher, for "Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter Via a Simple and Intuitive Derivation ", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 29, No. 5, September 2012.
Anish Mittal, Rajiv Soundararajan and Alan C. Bovik, for "Making a “Completely Blind” Image Quality Analyzer", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 20, No. 3, March 2013.
Lu Lu, Geoffrey Ye Li, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Alexei Ashikhmin and Rui Zhang, for "An Overview of Massive MIMO: Benefits and Challenges", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 8, No. 5, October 2014.
Richard Roy and Thomas Kailath, for "ESPRIT-Estimation of Signal Parameters Via Rotational Invariance Techniques ", IEEE Transactions on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 37, No. 7, July 1989.
Aliaksei Sandryhaila and José M. F. Moura, for "Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 61, No. 7, April 2013.
Stamatios Lefkimmiatis, Aurélien Bourquard and Michael Unser, for "Hessian-Based Norm Regularization for Image Restoration With Biomedical Applications ", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 21, No. 3, March 2012.
Vincent Christlein, Christian Riess, Johannes Jordan, Corinna Riess and Elli Angelopoulou, for "An Evaluation of Popular Copy-Move Forgery Detection Approaches", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 7, No. 6, December 2012.
Ulugbek S. Kamilov, Vivek K Goyal and Sundeep Rangan, for "Message-Passing De-Quantization With Applications to Compressed Sensing", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 60, No. 12, December 2012.
Foad Sohrabi and Wei Yu, for "Hybrid Digital and Analog Beamforming Design for Large-Scale Antenna Arrays", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 10, No. 3, April 2016.
Nasser Mohammadiha, Paris Smaragdis and Arne Leijon, for "Supervised and Unsupervised Speech Enhancement Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization ", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 21, No. 10, October 2013.
Jie Xu and Liang Liu, for the paper co-authored with Rui Zhang, for "Multiuser MISO Beamforming for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 18, September 2014.
Konstantin Dragomiretskiy, for the paper co-authored with Dominique Zosso, for "Variational Mode Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 3, February 2014.
Wei Shi and Kun Yuan for the paper co-authored with Qing Ling, Gang Wu and Wotao Yin, for "On the Linear Convergence of the ADMM in Decentralized Consensus Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 7, April 2014.
Morteza Mardani, for the paper co-authored with Gonzalo Mateos, and Georgios B. Giannakis, for "Subspace Learning and Imputation for Streaming Big Data Matrices and Tensors", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 63, No. 10, May 2015.
Mojtaba Soltanalian, for the paper co-authored with Petre Stoica, for "Designing Unimodular Codes Via Quadratic Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 5, March 2014.
Roee Enbar, for the paper co-authored with Eran Eidinger, and Tal Hassner, for "Age and Gender Estimation of Unfiltered Faces", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 9, No. 12, December 2014.
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2017 in New Orleans, USA.
P. P. Vaidyanathan, "for pioneering contributions to signal processing theory and education."
Jelena Kovacevic, "for contributions to the theory and practice of signal representations."
Bhaskar D. Rao, "for fundamental contributions to array processing and sparsity-based signal processing."
K. J. Ray Liu, "for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society."
None selected.
None selected.
None selected.
David I. Shuman, Sunil K. Narang, Pascal Frossard, Antonio Ortega and Pierre Vandergheynst, for "The Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs [Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains]", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 30, No. 3, May 2013.
Ronald W. Schafer, for "What Is a Savitzky-Golay Filter?", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 28, No. 4, July 2011.
Ye Yang, Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Jianhua Ge and P. C. Ching, for "Cooperative Secure Beamforming for AF Relay Networks With Multiple Eavesdroppers", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 20, No. 1, January 2013.
Marco F. Duarte and Yonina C. Eldar, for "Structured Compressed Sensing: From Theory to Applications", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 59, No. 9, September 2011.
Zhou Wang, Alan Conrad Bovik, Hamid Rahim Sheikh and Eero P. Simoncelli, for "Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 13, No. 4, April 2004.
Jun Yu, Yong Rui and Dacheng Tao, for "Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 23, No. 5, May 2014.
Chin Keong Ho and Rui Zhang, for "Optimal Energy Allocation for Wireless Communications With Energy Harvesting Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 60, No. 9, September 2012.
Ossama Abdel-Hamid, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Hui Jiang, Li Deng, Gerald Penn and Dong Yu, for "Convolutional Neural Networks for Speech Recognition", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 22, No. 10, October 2014.
Cees H. Taal, Richard C. Hendriks, Richard Heusdens and Jesper Jensen, for "An Algorithm for Intelligibility Prediction of Time–Frequency Weighted Noisy Speech", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 19, No. 7, September 2011.
Jason T. Parker, Philip Schniter and Volkan Cevher, for two "Bilinear Generalized Approximate Message Passing - Part I: Derivation"; "Part II: Applications", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 22, November 2014.
Ahmed Alkhateeb and Omar El Ayach, for the paper co-authored with Geert Leus and Robert W. Heath, Jr., for "Channel Estimation and Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 8, No. 5, October 2014.
Saiprasad Ravishankar, for the paper co-authored with Yoram Bresler, for "Learning Sparsifying Transforms", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 61, No. 5, March 2013.
Jack Ho, for the paper co-authored with Wee Peng Tay, Tony Q. S. Quek and Edwin K. P. Chong, for "Robust Decentralized Detection and Social Learning in Tandem Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 63, No. 19, October 2015.
Yuanming Shi and Brendan O’Donoghue, for the paper co-authored with Jun Zhang and Khaled B. Letaief, for "Large-Scale Convex Optimization for Dense Wireless Cooperative Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 63, No. 18, September 2015.
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2016 in Shanghai, China.
Alfred O. Hero "for contributions to the field of statistical signal and image processing and for sustained service to the Society."
Li Deng "for outstanding contributions to deep learning and to automatic speech recognition."
Min Wu "for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society."
Ali H. Sayed "for the writing of scholarly and influential texts in the areas of adaptive systems and statistical signal processing."
John R. Treichler "for sustained impact and leadership to the security and intelligence industry through signal processing innovations."
Gary Elko "for outstanding contributions towards industrial research and commercialization of innovative electroacoustic devices and microphone array signal processing."
Zhi-Quan Luo,Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye and Shuzhong Zhang, for "Semidefinite Relaxation of Quadratic Optimization Problems", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 27, No.3, May 2010.
Antonio Plaza, Javier Plaza, Abel Paz and Sergio Sánchez, for "Parallel Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 28, No. 3, May 2011.
Argyrios Zymnis, Stephen Boyd and Emmanuel Candès, for "Compressed Sensing With Quantized Measurements", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 17, No.2, February 2010.
Beibei Wang and K. J. Ray Liu, for "Advances in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 5, No. 1, February 2011.
Ingemar J. Cox, Joe Kilian, F. Thomson Leighton and Talal Shamoon, for "Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 6, No. 12, December 1997.
Mark A. Davenport, Petros T. Boufounos, Michael B. Wakin and Richard G. Baraniuk, for "Signal Processing With Compressive Measurements", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 4, No. 2, April 2010.
Moshe Mishali and Yonina C. Eldar, for "From Theory to Practice: Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Sparse Wideband Analog Signals", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 4, No. 2, April 2010.
Xiaoyang Tan and Bill Triggs, "Enhanced Local Texture Feature Sets for Face Recognition Under Difficult Lighting Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 19, No. 6, June 2010.
Tomás Pevný, Patrick Bas and Jessica Fridrich, "Steganalysis by Subtractive Pixel Adjacency Matrix", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 5, No. 2, June 2010.
Junil Choi, David J. Love and Patrick Bidigare, "Downlink Training Techniques for FDD Massive MIMO Systems: Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Training With Memory", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 8, No. 5, October 2014.
Chunming Li, Chenyang Xu, Changfeng Gui and Martin D. Fox, "Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 19, No.12, December 2010.
João F. C. Mota, for the paper co-authored with João M. F. Xavier, Pedro M. Q. Aguiar, and Markus Püschel, "Distributed Basis Pursuit", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 60, No. 4, April 2012.
Dimitris S. Papailiopoulos, for the paper co-authored with Alexandros G. Dimakis, "Interference Alignment as a Rank Constrained Rank Minimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 60, No. 8, August 2012.
Jingning Han, Ankur Saxena, Vinay Melkote for the paper co-authored with Kenneth Rose, "Jointly Optimized Spatial Prediction and Block Transform for Video and Image Coding", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 21, No. 4, April 2012.
Yuhua Xu, for the paper co-authored with Jinlong Wang, Qihui Wu, Alagan Anpalagan and Yu-Dong Yao, "Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks: Global Optimization Using Local Interaction Games", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 6, No. 2, April 2012.
Peiran Song, for the paper co-authored with Gesualdo Scutari, Francisco Facchinei, Daniel P. Palomar and Jong-Shi Pang, "Decomposition by Partial Linearization: Parallel Optimization of Multi-Agent Systems", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 62, No. 3, February 2014.
IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award presented to Takehiro Moriya "for contributions to speech and audio coding algorithms and standardization."
IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing presented to Bede Liu "for foundational contributions to the analysis, design, and implementation of digital signal processing systems."
IEEE Leon K. Krichmayer Graduate Teaching Award presented to K. J. Ray Liu "for exemplary teaching and curriculum development, inspirational mentoring of graduate students, and broad educational impact in signal processing and communications."
IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award presented to Yonina Eldar "for development of the theory and implementation of sub-Nyquist sampling with applications to radar, communications, and ultrasound."
IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award presented to P.P. Vaidyanathan "for fundamental contributions to digital signal processing."
The IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal presented to Louis L. Scharf "for pioneering and sustained contributions to statistical signal processing and its practice."
The IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal presented to Simon S. Haykin "for contributions to engineering education in adaptive signal processing and communication.”
The IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications presented to Nadav Levanon "for contributions to radar signal design and analysis, pulse compression, and signal processing."
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2015 in Brisbane, Australia.
K. J. Ray Liu "for influential technical contributions and profound leadership impact."
Moeness G. Amin "for fundamental contributions to signal processing algorithms for communications, satellite navigations, and radar imaging."
Richard G. Baraniuk "for contributions to the theory and applications of sparsity and compressive sensing."
V. John Mathews "for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society."
Sergios Theodoridis "for sustained contributions to education in the area of machine learning for signal processing."
Sergios Theodoridis, Konstantinos Slavakis and Isao Yamada, for "Adaptive Learning in a World of Projections: A unifying framework for linear and nonlinear classification and regression tasks", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 28, No. 1, January 2011.
Göran Bergqvist and Erik G. Larsson, for "The Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition: Theory and an Application", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 27, No. 3, May 2010.
Emanuël A. P. Habets, Sharon Gannot and Israel Cohen, for "Late Reverberant Spectral Variance Estimation Based on a Statistical Model", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume: 16, No. 9, September 2009.
No paper selected.
Stephane G. Mallat and Zhifeng Zhang, "Matching Pursuits With Time-Frequency Dictionaries", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 41, No. 12, December 1993.
Namrata Vaswani and Wei Lu, "Modified-CS: Modifying Compressive Sensing for Problems With Partially Known Support", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 58, No. 9, September 2010.
Hiroshi Sawada, Shoko Araki and Shoji Makino, "Underdetermined Convolutive Blind Source Separation via Frequency Bin-Wise Clustering and Permutation Alignment", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 19, No. 3, March 2011.
Alexey Ozerov and Cédric Févotte, "Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Convolutive Mixtures for Audio Source Separation", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 18, No. 3, March 2010.
Stefania Sardellitti, Massimiliano Giona and Sergio Barbarossa, "Fast Distributed Average Consensus Algorithms Based on Advection-Diffusion Processes", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 58, No. 2, February 2010.
Federico S. Cattivelli and Ali H. Sayed, "Diffusion LMS Strategies for Distributed Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 58, No. 3, March 2010.
Rony Ferzli and Lina J. Karam, "A No-Reference Objective Image Sharpness Metric Based on the Notion of Just Noticeable Blur (JNB)", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 18, No. 4, April 2009.
Tomáš Filler and Jan Judas, for the paper co-authored with Jessica Fridrich, “Minimizing Additive Distortion in Steganography Using Syndrome-Trellis Codes ", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 6, no. 3, September 2011.
Jort F. Gemmeke and Antti Hurmalainen, for the paper co-authored with Tuomas Virtanen, "Exemplar-Based Sparse Representations for Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 7, September 2011.
Daniele Giacobello, for the paper co-authored with Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Manohar N. Murthi, Søren Holdt Jensen, and Marc Moonen, “Sparse Linear Prediction and Its Applications to Speech Processing", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 20, no. 5, July 2012.
Tiangao Gou and Chenwei Wang, for the paper co-authored with Syed A. Jafar, "Aiming Perfectly in the Dark-Blind Interference Alignment Through Staggered Antenna Switching", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 6, June 2011.
Meisam Razaviyayn, for the paper co-authored with Gennady Lyubeznik and Zhi-Quan Luo, "On the Degrees of Freedom Achievable Through Interference Alignment in a MIMO Interference Channel", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 2, February 2012.
The IEEE Edison Medal recognizes a career of meritorious achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering, or the electrical arts. James Julius Spilker (AOSense, Inc., Half Moon Bay, California, USA) was honored "for contributions to the technology and implementation of civilian GPS navigation systems."
The IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal, awarded for outstanding achievements in signal processing, was presented to Harry L. Van Trees (George Mason University, Standardsville, Virginia, USA) "for fundamental contributions to detections, estimation, and modulation theory; sensor array processing; and Bayesian bounds."
The IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal, distributed for a career of outstanding contributions to education in the fields of interest of IEEE, was awarded to Richard Gordon Baraniuk (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA) "for fundamental contributions to open educational resources for electrical engineering and beyond."
IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award presented to Stephen John Young "for pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of automatic speech recognition and statistical spoken dialogue systems."
IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing presented to Georgios B. Giannakis "for contributions to the theory and practice of statistical signal processing and its applications to wireless communications."
IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits presented to Robert Whitlock Adams "for contributions to noise-shaping data converter circuits, digital signal processing, and log-domain analog filters."
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2014 in Florence, Italy.
Al Bovik for "fundamental contributions to digital image processing theory, technology, leadership and education."
Alan S. Willsky for "fundamental contributions to probabilistic modeling and for pioneering work in the development and application of multi-resolution statistical methods."
Yonina Eldar for "fundamental contributions to sub-nyquist and compressed sampling, convex optimization and statistical signal processing."
Al Hero for "information-theoretic advances in statistical signal processing and machine learning."
Ali H. Sayed for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.
Rabab Ward for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.
Dimitris Manolakis for "fundamental contributions to education in signal processing and algorithms for adaptive filtering and hyperspectral target."
Zhou Wang and A.C. Bovik, "Mean Squared Error: Love it or Leave it? A New Look at Signal Fidelity Measures" IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 26, No. 1, January 2009.
None presented for 2013.
Gan Zheng, Kai-Kit Wong, Arogyaswami Paulraj, and Bjorn Ottersten, "Collaborative-Relay Beamforming with Perfect CSI: Optimum and Distributed Implementation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume: 16, No. 4, April 2009.
Amir Beck, Petre Stoica and Jian Li, "Exact and Approximate Solutions of Source Localization Problems", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 56, No. 5, May 2008.
Matthew Herman and Thomas Strohmer, "High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 57, No. 6, June 2009.
Chunming Li, Chiu-Yen Kao, John C. Gore, and Zhaohua Ding, "Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 17, No. 10, October 2008.
Robert Heath, Jr., Tao Wu, Young Hoon Kwon, and Anthony Soong, "Multiuser MIMO in Distributed Antenna Systems with Out-of-Cell Interference", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 59, No. 10, October 2011.
George Dahl, Dong Yu, Li Deng, and Alex Acero, "Context-Dependent Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 20, No. 1, January 2012.
Yuejie Chi, Louis Scharf, Ali Pezeshki and A. Robert Calderbank, "Sensitivity to Basis Mismatch in Compressed Sensing" IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 59, No. 5, May 2011.
Kalpana Seshadrinathan and Alan Bovik, "Motion Tuned Spatio-Temporal Quality Assessment of Natural Videos" IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 19, No. 2, February 2010.
Lin Li, Anna Scaglione, and Jonathan Manton, "Distributed Principal Subspace Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume: 5, No. 4, August 2011.
Thomas P. Barnwell, III (Georgia Institute of Technology, Vinings, GA, USA) has been selected as the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal recipient "for leadership in and contributions to speech processing, filter banks and wavelets, DSP hardware and architectures, and technology-enhanced education." The medal will be presented to Dr. Barnwell at the IEEE Honors Ceremonies.
The IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal recognizes a career of outstanding contributions to education in the fields of interest of IEEE, will be presented to John G. Proakis (Northeastern University, Winchester, MA, USA) "for contributions to electrical engineering education through influential textbooks and inspiring leadership in integrating research and education."
IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications recognizes outstanding accomplishments in advancing the fields of radar technologies and their applications. The 2014 recipient is Yuri Abramovich (WR Systems Ltd., Fairfax, VA, USA) "for seminal contributions to adaptive radar signal processing algorithms and Over- The- Horizon Radar."
The IEEE W. R. G. Baker Paper Award recognizing the most outstanding paper reporting original work published in any IEEE archival publications (such as Transactions, Journals, and Letters), Magazines, or Proceedings is award to Stephen J. Wright, Robert Nowak and Mário A. T. Figueiredo for their paper, "Sparse Reconstruction by Separable Approximation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 7 July 2009.
The IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Technical Field Award will be presented to Biing-Hwang Juang (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA) "for pioneering contributions to automatic speech recognition and speech coding". This award was founded and is sponsored by the IEEE SPS.
The IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award recognizes outstanding early to mid-career contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative applications. The award is being presented to George Chrisikos (Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) "for contributions to heterogeneous network architectures with ubiquitous wireless access."
The IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award recognizing inspirational teaching of graduate students in the IEEE fields of interest will be presented to John M. Cioffi (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA) "for educating a stellar array of graduate students in digital communications and for inspiring them to make a difference."
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2013 in Vancouver, Canada.
José M. F. Moura, "for outstanding technical contributions and leadership in signal processing."
Shih-Fu Chang, "for pioneering contributions to signal processing for multimedia content analysis and retrieval" and to Ali H. Sayed, "for fundamental contributions to adaptive and statistical signal processing."
Athina Petropulu, "for exemplary service in technical leadership capacities."
Richard G. Lyons, "for sustained success in clarifying the intricacies of signal processing, and significant contributions improving the understanding of, and promoting, practical DSP."
David Gesbert, Marios Kountouris, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Chan-Byoung Chae, and Thomas Sälzer for the paper entitled "Shifting the MIMO Paradigm", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 24, No. 5, September 2007.
Erik G. Larsson for the paper entitled "MIMO Detection Methods: How They Work", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 26, No. 3, May 2009.
Seung-Jean Kim, Kwangmoo Koh, Michael Lustig, Stephen Boyd, and Dimitry Gorinevsky "An Interior-Point Method for Large-Scale 1 1 Regularized Least Squares", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume: 1, No. 4, December 2007
Tuomas Virtanen "Monaural Sound Source Separation by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Temporal Continuity and Sparse Criteria", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 15, No. 3, March 2007.
David P. Wipf and Bhaskar D. Rao "An Empirical Bayesian Strategy for Solving the Simultaneous Sparse Approximation Problem", IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Volume: 55, No. 7, July 2007.
Robert Wilson, David Tse, and Robert A. Scholtz" Channel Identification: Secret Sharing Using Reciprocity in Ultrawideband Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume: 2, No. 3, September 2007.
Yagiz Sutcu, Qiming Li, and Nasir Memon" Protecting Biometric Templates with Sketch: Theory and Practice", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume: 2, No. 3, September 2007.
Zhi Quan, Shuguang Cui, and Ali H. Sayed" Optimal Linear Cooperation for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume: 2, No. 1, February 2008.
Deanna Needell co-authored with Roman Vershynin" Signal Recovery from Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements Via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume: 4, No. 2, April 2010.
David Ramírez co-authored with Javier Vía, Ignacio Santamaría and Louis L. Scharf" Detection of Spatially Correlated Gaussian Time Series", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 58, No. 10, October 2010.
Najim Dehak co-authored with Patrick J. Kenny, Réda Dehak, Pierre Dumouchel, and Pierre Ouellet" Front-End Factor Analysis for Speaker Verification, "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 19, No. 4, May 2011.
Ngoc Q. K. Duong co-authored Emmanuel Vincent and Rémi Gribonval" Under-Determined Reverberant Audio Source Separation Using a Full-Rank Spatial Covariance Model, "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 18, No. 7, September 2010.
The IEEE Founders Medal to Leo Beranek (LFIEEE) – Founder (retired), Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Boston, MA, USA.
The IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal to Arthur Robert Calderbank (FIEEE) – Dean of Natural Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
The IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal to Bishu S. Atal(LFIEEE) – Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
The IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications to Michael Wicks (FIEEE) – Senior Scientist, Sensors Signal Processing, United States Air Force Research Laboratory (retired), Rome, NY, USA.
The IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award to Leah H. Jamieson (FIEEE) – John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering, Ransburg Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.
The IEEE Donald Fink Award to Anna Scaglione (FIEEE) – Professor, University of California – Davis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Davis, CA, USA with co-recipients Stefano Galli and Zhifang Wang.
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2012 in Kyoto, Japan.
H. Vincent Poor, "for fundamental technical contributions to, and leadership in, statistical signal processing and its applications to wireless communications and related fields."
Bernd Girod, "for his contributions to the theory and practice of video communications, search and processing" and to Björn Ottersten, "for contributions in array signal processing and wireless communications."
Shih-Fu Chang and Li Deng "for extraordinary service contributions and outstanding leadership of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine."
P. P. Vaidyanathan, "for fundamental contributions to education in signal processing and multirate filter bank theory and methods."
Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd for the paper entitled, "Real-Time Convex Optimization in Signal Processing," published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 27, Number 3, May 2010.
Hagit Messer, for the paper entitled, "Rainfall Monitoring Using Cellular Networks [In the Spotlight]," published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 24, Number 3, May 2007.
Tanya Ignatenko and Frans M. J. Willems for the paper entitled, " Biometric Systems: Privacy and Secrecy Aspects ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 4, Number 4, December 2009.
Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos , Timothy N. Davidson i and Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo for the paper entitled, " Transmit Beamforming for Physical-Layer Multicasting ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 54, Number 6, June 2006.
Stephen J. Wright , Robert D. Nowak and Mário A. T. Figueiredo for the paper entitled, " Sparse Reconstruction by Separable Approximation ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 57, Number 7, July 2009.
Pengfei Xia and Georgios B. Giannakis for the paper entitled, "Design and Analysis of Transmit-Beamforming based on Limited-Rate Feedback," published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 54, Number5, May 2006.
Raj Rao Nadakuditi , for the paper co-authored with Alan Edelman entitled, " Sample Eigenvalue Based Detection of High-Dimensional Signals in White Noise Using Relatively Few Samples ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 56, Number 7, July 2008.
Yi-Hsuan Yang , Yu-Ching Lin and Ya-Fan Su , for the paper co-authored with Homer H. Chen entitled, " A Regression Approach to Music Emotion Recognition ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 16, Number 2, February 2008.
Sheng Yi , for the paper co-authored with Demetrio Labate, Glenn R. Easley, and Hamid Krim entitled, " A Shearlet Approach to Edge Analysis and Detection ," published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 18, Number 5, May 2009.
SPS members are marked with an asterisk.
The IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of speech and/or audio signal processing. The 2012 co-recipients are James Baker, Carnegie Mellon University and Janet Baker*, Saras Institute, "for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of automatic speech recognition."
The 2012 IEEE Masasu Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award is being represented to Gisle Bjontegaard, Tandberg Telecom; Gary Sullivan*, Microsoft Corporation, and Thomas Wiegand, Berlin University of Technology, "for leadership and technical contributions to the development of the globally deployed vide coding standard H.264/MPEG4-AVC." The IEEE Masasu Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of consumer electronics technology.
The IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement recognizes outstanding contributions in electrical measurements. The 2012 recipient is Rik Pintelon*, Vrijo Universiteit Brussel, "for the development of innovative system identification methods for measurement applications."
The 2012 IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award is being represented to Pramod Kumar Varshney*, Syracuse University, “for contributions to and leadership in the theory and practice of multisensor data fusion for aerospace and bioengineering applications". The IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award recognizes outstanding contributions to space engineering, within the fields of interest of the IEEE.
The IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award recognizes inspirational teaching of graduate students in the IEEE fields of interest. The 2012 recipient is Anthony G. Constantinides*, Imperial College, "for educating, inspiring and mentoring generations of graduate students in digital signal processing and communications throughout the world."