Awards & Submit Award Nomination

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Awards & Submit an Award Nomination

Awards and Submit Award Nomination page image

We welcome your award nominations to honor an individual member, Chapter, or author for their work on publications, conferences, Chapters, educational activities, industrial activities, or service to the Society.

Each award has its own nomination requirements and procedures. Please review the IEEE Signal Processing Society Awards section below for the specific details. 

Program Details

Who can nominate?

Nominations are accepted from any IEEE Signal Processing Society individual member, group of members, society committee, or society board. Nominators are encouraged to take into consideration the need for representation of diversity in the award nomination slate, when submitting their nominations.  The SPS Diversity Statements and Pledge can be found here.

What are the eligibility requirement for the awards?
Please review the IEEE Signal Processing Society Awards section below for the specific eligibility requirements as it varies for each award.

Where can I submit a nomination?

All Major Award nominations and their endorsements must be submitted online through this link by 1 September.  However, all Paper Award nominations and their endorsements must be submitted through a Technical Committee for review by 15 July, except for cases where there is a noted conflict of interest within the Technical Committee. 

In cases where there is a conflict of interest noted by the Technical Committee or indicated by the nominator(s), the Technical Committee shall directly forward the paper award nominations to the Awards Board, without any TC endorsement, for review through the online nomination system. For the rest of the papers, the technical committees will submit directly to the Awards Board papers that are award worthy with an explanation of why the paper is award quality. 

If a Technical Committee member has a conflict of interest, the Technical Committee member shall abstain from providing any feedback or voting on the award nomination.

Who can submit an endorsement?

To be an endorser, there is no requirement for IEEE Signal Processing Society membership. Endorsement forms can be submitted by any individual for an IEEE Signal Processing Society award nomination. A nominator cannot serve as an endorser for a nomination he/she is submitting. All Endorsement Forms should be submitted through the online awards system. Full details can be found here. Up to two endorsements can be submitted per award.  Technical Committees cannot submit endorsements.

Can I submit a prior year’s nomination again?

Yes, however, the Awards Board suggests that, for nominations that have already been considered in the past three award nomination cycles, the nominator take a pause for a minimum of one year before re-nomination.

What are the conflict of interest rules?

Conflict of Interest concerns shall be disclosed and addressed in accordance with IEEE Policies 9.9 A, B. and C and IEEE Policy 4.4.H. - Eligibility and Process Limitations. Awards Board and Board of Governors members involved at any stage of the recipient selection or approval process for an award shall be ineligible to receive, or act as a nominator or reference for that award. Any real and perceived conflict of interest shall be avoided. Conflict of interest shall be defined as any relationships, professional or otherwise, that can affect impartiality and objectivity. Such relationship includes, but are not limited to:

  1. supervisor/student
  2. supervisor/post-doc
  3. manager/employee
  4. shared institutional affiliations
  5. recent (less than five years) research collaborations or joint authorship
  6. any Awards Board/Board of Governors member that reviews award nominations must disqualify himself or herself from participating in any part of the awards nomination process in which his or her impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including, but not limited to, instances where he or she has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a candidate.
  7. In the case of a conflict of interest, the Awards Board or Board of Governors member should neither listen to nor speak in the discussion and should not vote on the nominee.

How do I manage collaborators on the online nomination form?

There is a Manage Collaborators button in the top right corner of the nomination page.  The Primary Collaborator, who is the person who started the nomination, can add additional collaborators on the nomination by clicking the Add Collaborator button.  Once a Collaborator is added, the application can be transferred to a new Primary Collaborator by clicking Make Primary next to the name.  Access can also be removed from a collaborator by clicking Remove Access next to the name.  Only the Primary Collaborator can submit or finalize the application, as well as add other Collaborators.  All Collaborators can view and edit the application.  However, only one user can edit the nomination at a time, this is to avoid accidental overwriting of another's information.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Submission questions can be directed to Debbie Blazek.

Recent Awards Program Updates

  • Creation of the Industry Young Professional Leadership Award, which recognizes meritorious service and leadership of IEEE Signal Processing Society Industry members who are young professionals and whose volunteer efforts have significantly benefited the signal processing community and the profession.
  • The criteria for the Norbert Wiener Society Award, the Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award, and the Meritorious Regional/Chapter Service Award now requires that the nominee must be an IEEE Signal Processing Member for at least 10 consecutive years at the time of nomination.
  • The criteria for the Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Award and the Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award now requires that the nominee must be an IEEE Signal Processing Member for at least five consecutive years at the time of nomination.
  • The criteria for the Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement AwardLeo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award, and the Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award now states that previous recipients along with previous recipients of the SPS Norbert Wiener Society Award are ineligible.
  • The Best Paper Award and the Young Author Best Paper Award has been updated to select up to eight awards instead of six with a maximum of two awards per journal.
  • The Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award now reflects that nominated papers should be an overview paper with technical depth, not a tutorial or literature review.
  • The Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award and the Meritorious Regional/Chapter Service Award recipients will each be awarded $1500.

Award Nomination Procedures

To learn about the Society’s general award nomination procedures, please visit:

Each year, the Signal Processing Society and IEEE honor a select number of members with awards for their research and work in signal processing and for their involvement in both IEEE and the Signal Processing Society.

Browse through the Awards below for more information on individual IEEE and Signal Processing Society awards. If you’re interested in submitting an award nomination, please click on the links to the awards below.  Each award outlines the individual nomination requirements and procedures.

Awards Ceremony

  • Celebrate your colleagues and view the 2024 Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with ICASSP 2024!


IEEE Awards - Signal Processing Focused

IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
Nomination forms for the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal are now available and can be found by clicking the above link. Nominations must be received at IEEE by 15 June and endorsements by 1 July.

IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award
Nomination forms for the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Technical Field Award are now available and can be found by clicking the above link. Nominations must be received at IEEE 15 January and endorsements by 31 January.

IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
Nomination forms for the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing are now available and can be found by clicking the above link. Nominations must be received at IEEE by 15 January and endorsements by 31 January.

IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award
Nomination forms for the IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award are now available and can be found by clicking the above link. Nominations must be received at IEEE by 15 January and endorsements by 31 January.


IEEE Signal Processing Society Awards

(Best Paper Award is formerly known as the Senior Award)


Honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a subject related to the Society’s technical scope, and appearing in one of the Society’s solely owned transactions, the Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, the Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the Transactions on Computational Imaging, or the Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, irrespective of the author’s age.  


The prize shall be $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


Eligibility is based on a six-year window: for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in one of the Society’s Transactions between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2021. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be based on general quality, originality, subject matter, and timeliness.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to eight Best Paper Awards may be presented annually with a maximum of two awards per journal.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner(s). The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Recognize PhD relevant work in signal processing while stimulating further research in the field.


The prize shall consist of $1500 and a certificate


Up to three (3) awards may be presented annually and each recipient will receive the full prize amount. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified. Eligibility is based on having earned the PhD in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning within the past three-years: for example, for the 2018 Award, the window is between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2017. The nominee must be a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society at the time of nomination and must have carried out a PhD thesis on a signal processing subject. The PhD dissertation must have been accepted in final form within the eligibility window.

Nominations must be submitted by SPS members, either the applicant’s advisor (preferred), or other SPS member with detailed knowledge of the applicant and the dissertation. The below noted items must be included with the nomination to be considered for review. All nomination materials must be written in English.

  1. Contact information of the nominee and the advisor/nominator of the PhD, including their IEEE membership numbers;
  2. Copy of the PhD Dissertation in pdf format; the dissertation should be publicly available, e.g., through the nominee’s University repository;
  3. A complete curriculum vitae or resume of the applicant that includes a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers;
  4. A nomination letter from the PhD advisor, explaining why the dissertation is worthy of the IEEE SPS Best PhD Dissertation Award;
  5. Two reference letters from domain experts familiar with the dissertation work, and not serving in the same institution as the nominee or nominator, as independent corroborating evidence of the quality of the dissertation.

Previous recipients of the Signal Processing Society Best PhD Dissertation Award are ineligible. Current members of the Awards Board and Regional Directors-at-Large are ineligible and are not permitted to submit nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Eligibility and selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.

Basis for Judging:

The criteria for evaluation are:

  • Scientific impact (50%): impact on the scientific discipline and practice as evidenced by citations, downloads, journal papers published from the dissertation, conference paper published from the dissertation, other awards received, patents, or adoption into practice.
  • Overall quality of dissertation (50%): Creativity, quality of writing, relevance, significance and timeliness of the research questions addressed, level of novelty compared to the state of the art, quality and rigor of scientific method, quality of critical thinking in discussion and conclusions, quality and scope of the bibliography.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members, as well as to specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board. The Society’s Awards Board will be responsible for managing the award nomination and selection process. However, an initial review of the nominations will be conducted by the Society’s four Regional Directors-at-Large, who will work as a committee to select up to six nominations among all the submissions, which will be sent to the SPS Awards Board. The Awards Board may select no more than half of the submissions received from the Regional Directors-at-Large (up to three if the Regional Directors-at-Large submit six) as the final awardees. Expanded conflict-of-interest (CoI) rules apply throughout the selection process: if there's a conflict with the nominee, the nominee’s PhD supervisor(s) or the nominator, the individual must remove himself/herself from the discussion and voting for all candidates, not only the one with which there is a conflict. Here conflict includes serving as a member of the nominee’s PhD examination committee, co-authoring papers, participating in joint research projects, or serving on the same board with the nominee, the nominee’s PhD supervisor(s) or the nominator.


The award shall be presented at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September




Honors educators who have made pioneering and significant contributions to signal processing education.


The prize shall be $1500, a plaque and a certificate.


Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

Basis for Judging:

Nominees shall be an IEEE Signal Processing Society member for at least 5 consecutive years at the time of nomination and shall be judged by a career of meritorious achievement in signal processing education as exemplified by writing of scholarly books and texts, course materials, and papers on education; inspirational and innovative teaching; creativity in the development of new curricula and methodology.  Previous recipients of the Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award and the SPS Norbert Wiener Society Award are ineligible.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


The award shall be presented at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award (CoYA) will be presented annually to a Chapter that has provided their membership with the highest quality of programs, activities and services. The award will be presented annually in conjunction with the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) to the Chapter's representative. The award will consist of a plaque and a check in the amount of $1,000 to support local chapter activities. The winning Chapter will also be invited to publish an article in the IEEE Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter.

Nomination Process:

Nominations will be solicited from the local Signal Processing Chapter Chairs through an article listed in the IEEE Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter. The Regional Director-at-Large from each region should also help foster nominations. Self-nominations are welcome from the local SP Chapter Chairs.

Selection Process:

The nominated Chapters will be evaluated based on the following chapter activities, programs and services during the past year:

  1. Technical activities (e.g., technical meetings, workshops and conferences, tours with industry)
  2. Educational programs (e.g,. courses, seminars, student workshops, tutorials, student activities)
  3. Membership development (e.g., programs to encourage students and engineers to join the society, growth in chapter’s membership, member advancement programs)
  4. Annual IEEE Chapter report submitted by the Chapter.

Selection will be based on the nominator’s submission of the Chapter of the Year Award nomination form, the SPS Chapter Certification Form, and the annual IEEE chapter report.  If the Chapter indicates on the Chapter Certification Form that they would like to be considered for the Chapter of the Year Award, the Chapter Certification Form is sufficient to move the nomination forward.


All IEEE Signal Processing Society local chapters established more than one year are eligible.


  • Call for nominations emailed to local Chapter Chairs -- June annually
  • Deadline for nominations -- 15 October
  • CoYA Selection Committee to choose winner -- by 31 December
  • Award presentation to winning Chapter -- ICASSP


The representative of the winning Chapter will receive a plaque and a check of $1,000. In the event that multiple chapters are selected, each winner shall still receive $1,000.  The representative of the winning Chapter also will be provided with up to $1200 for continental or $2100 for intercontinental travel support to attend the ICASSP awards ceremony and the ICASSP Chapter Chairs Luncheon meeting to present a brief talk highlighting their Chapter’s accomplishments.  Attendance for the Chapter Chairs Luncheon is mandatory in order to receive the travel support. 


Nominations should be submitted through the online system, no later than 15 October annually.



Honors a person who is an IEEE Signal Processing Society member for at least five consecutive years at the time of nomination and; over a period of years, has made outstanding technical contributions to theory and/or practice in technical areas within the scope of the Society, as demonstrated by publications, patents, or recognized impact on the field.


The prize shall be $1500, a plaque and a certificate.


Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Previous recipients of the SPS Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Award and the SPS Norbert Wiener Society Award are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

Basis for Judging:

Nominees shall be judged on the basis of outstanding technical contributions to theory and/or practice in technical areas within the scope of the Society, as demonstrated by publications, patents, or recognized impact on the field.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to two Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Awards may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Recognizes the author(s) of an ICIP and ICASSP paper of exceptional industrial merit and industrial impact dealing with a subject related to the Society’s technical scope.


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


To be eligible for consideration, the paper must have been submitted to ICIP or ICASSP. The candidate(s) are not required to be IEEE members. Candidates are not required to be working in industry at the time of nomination or when the paper was written. Current members of the Conference Award Evaluation Committee are ineligible. Self-nominations are accepted. One Conference Best Paper Award for Industry may be presented annually at each conference, provided nomintations meet the specific criteria.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be based on general quality, novelty, maturity of the technology and industrial impact of the described work. Prototype, demo or video of prototype/demo presented at these conferences can also be considered for the award. 

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Please note that the submission of nominations to this award is different from all other SPS awards. The Award will be announced via the conference websites. Nominations can be submitted through two methods:

  1. The authors will be given the option to nominate their paper for the award at the paper submission step; or
  2. The reviewers will be asked to indicate whether a paper is award quality, as is the case for the regular conference paper awards. The nominated papers will be evaluated by a committee, consisting of members of the Technical Program Committee of the conference (including Area Chairs or Technical Program Committee Chairs). The Committee will consist of five members.

Nomination Schedule:

The award nomination schedule will be set by the ICASSP, and ICIP paper nomination deadline, which will be noted on each conference’s website.


One award may be presented annually at ICIP's Opening Ceremony and one award may be presented annually at ICASSP's Opening Ceremony. 


Each year, up to ten (10) technically diverse and geographically dispersed individuals shall serve as Signal Processing Society Distinguished Industry Speaker (DIS). The formal term of appointment shall be two calendar years with up to five (5) individuals appointed each year.

The Awards Board shall make an open solicitation for all Distinguished Industry Speaker nominations reaching all Society members no later than 1 June of each year. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which include the chapters, technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board. Distinguished Industry Speaker nominations may include endorsements. Nominations by individuals can be accompanied by up to two endorsements by other individual members. Nominations supported by committees/boards cannot be accompanied by endorsements. Please review the endorsement form for full details and restrictions.

A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for Distinguished Industry Speaker. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Please note: boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that Board of Governors voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

All nominations will be considered by the Awards Board and a list of nominees and alternates, along with a list of their lecture topics, will be provided to the Board of Governors at least three weeks prior to its Fall meeting. The Board will consider this list at its Fall meeting and provide its advice and consent for the final selections, which shall be announced by the Awards Board Chair.

The list of nominees and alternates shall comprise individuals of distinction who are members of the IEEE and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, who are recognized experts with a background in industrial applications in the signal processing area and are well versed in the ongoing issues/activities in industry, and who are capable of delivering a message of importance to the technical community as well as to the Society’s members organized in chapters around the world.

Following identification of the top five (5) candidates and alternates by the Board, the Society staff, on behalf of the Awards Board Chair, will reconfirm in writing the candidates’ willingness to serve as an SPS Distinguished Industry Speaker.

The Society has created a new open access portal called the SPS Resource Center, an online library of tutorials in established and emerging signal processing fields. It is required that the Distinguished Indsutry Speakers contribute their lecture(s) to the Resource Center.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 April
  • Nomination Period Closes: 31 May


Each year, up to ten (10) technically diverse and geographically dispersed individuals shall serve as Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturers (DLs). The formal term of appointment shall be two calendar years with five (5) individuals appointed each year.

The Awards Board shall make an open solicitation for all distinguished lecturer nominations reaching all Society members no later than 1 June of each year.  Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which include the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board.  Distinguished Lecture nominations may include endorsements. Please review the endorsement form for full details and restrictions.

A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for Distinguished Lecturer. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.  Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations.  Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

All nominations will be considered by the Awards Board and a list of nominees and alternates, along with a list of their lecture topics, will be provided to the Board of Governors at least three weeks prior to its Fall meeting.  The Board will consider this list at its Fall meeting and provide its advice and consent for the final selections, which shall be announced by the Awards Board Chair.

The list of nominees and alternates shall comprise individuals of distinction who are members of the IEEE and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, who are recognized experts in their fields of endeavor, and who are capable of delivering a message of importance to the technical community as well as to the Society’s members organized in chapters around the world.

Following identification of the top five (5) candidates and alternates by the Board, the Society staff, on behalf of the Awards Board Chair, will reconfirm in writing the candidates’ willingness to serve as an SPS Distinguished Lecturer.

The Society has created a new open access portal called the SPS Resource Center, an online library of tutorials in established and emerging signal processing fields. It is required that the Distinguished Lecturers contribute their lecture(s) to the Resource Center.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 April
  • Nomination Period Closes: 31 May



Honors the author(s) of a journal article of broad interest that has had substantial impact over several years on a subject related to the Society's technical scope.


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


A paper considered for the award should present an overview of a method or theory with technical depth and application perspective. It should have a multi-year record of impact and also be relevant to current researchers and/or practitioners. To be eligible for consideration, an article must have appeared in one of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Transactions, the Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, the Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the Transactions on Computational Imaging, the Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks or the IEEE Proceedings, in an issue that is three years old or more from the current award year: for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in an issue in 2019 or earlier.  Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Papers that have already been recognized with another SPS Paper Award are not eligible.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of effectiveness in presenting subjects of high impact and broad interest to the Society's members. The nominated paper should be an overview paper with technical depth, not a tutorial or literature review. The paper should have a record of broad and/or long-term impact and be of current importance, e.g., it is still frequently cited and/or is incorporated in widely-used commercial technology. Work that was particularly important 20 years ago, but has since been superseded by other methods, would not be appropriate unless the new methods clearly leverage the original work in some way. The paper should have a sustained citation record. Ideally, the paper will have had commercial impact.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members, as well as specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society will be solicited.  Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation of the award shall be made at either the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors an individual who, over a period of years in his/her early career, has made significant technical contributions to theory and/or practice in technical areas within the scope of the Society, as demonstrated by publications, patents, or recognized impact on the field, including but not limited to, a standard, a product, or a technology trend.


The prize shall be $1500, a plaque and a certificate.


This is an early career award and is not intended for individuals who are IEEE Fellows. The candidate is required to be an IEEE Signal Processing Society member. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Signal Processing Society Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Previous recipients of the IEEE SPS Early Career Technical Achievement Award are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. Nominees should be less than 40 years of age or 10 years from highest degree at the time of nomination. 

Basis for Judging:

Nominees shall be judged on the basis of their significant technical contributions to theory and/or practice in technical areas within the scope of the Society, as demonstrated by publications, patents, or recognized impact on the field, including but not limited to, a standard, a product, or a technology trend.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to two Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Awards may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.


Your election may be announced on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website, newsletter and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.




Recognizes an individual or team up to five people at any level who were industry employees whose technical contributions have resulted in significant advances using signal processing technologies within the scope of the Society. 


The prize shall be $1500 per awardee (up to a maximum of $4500 per award) and a plaque and certificate. In the event that there are more than three awardees, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all awardees and each shall receive a plaque and certificate.


The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees who played a significant role in the technical contribution at the time of the accomplishments being recognized.  Candidate(s) need not be an IEEE SPS member. For a nominated team, the nominator shall describe the specific contribution(s) of each nominee. It is preferred that recipients of the IEEE SPS Industrial Innovation Award be members of IEEE. However, the SPS Board of Governors may approve the presentation to a non-member upon the recommendation of the IEEE SPS Awards Board. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. Previous recipients of the Industrial Innovation Award are ineligible.

Basis for Judging:

Judging is based on major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products, etc, that are of substantial benefit to the public, which use signal processing technologies and are visible beyond the company or institution where the contribution was made.  

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Industrial Innovation Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members, as well as, specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award.  The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation of the award shall be made at either the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




This award recognizes meritorious service and leadership of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Industry members who are young professionals (as per IEEE definition at the time of nomination) and whose volunteer efforts have significantly benefited the signal processing community and the profession. Young Professional is a professional membership group within the IEEE, whose goal is to ease the transition of young graduates from college to professional life.


The prize shall consist of $1500, a plaque, and a certificate. Up to two (2) awards may be presented annually. Each recipient receives full prize.


Nominee must be an IEEE Signal Processing Society SPS member in good standing for at least five consecutive years and must be working in the Industry and an IEEE Young Professional member at the time of nomination, as per the definition of an IEEE Young Professional member. Previous award recipients of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Industry Young Professional Leadership Award are ineligible. A list of specific restrictions is provided in section "Nominee Solicitation".

Eligibility and selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.)

Basis for Judging:

Nominees shall be judged on the basis of their leadership and contributions that are aimed at promoting the technical and educational activities in a field within the scope of the Signal Processing Society, benefiting the Society’s membership at-large, promoting membership and community development, and having impact on the profession or economy, as identified in the nomination package. The Society’s Awards Board vets all the nominations and afterwards each member ranks the nominations. The ranking is discussed by the Awards Board to determine the final three nominations to be forwarded to the Board of Governors for the final selection. The Board of Governors conducts a ballot, and a majority vote is required to select the final recipient. If the voting does not result in a majority vote and/or there is a tied vote, then the Society President will select the award recipient from the final candidates.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

  • There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members.
  • Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society.
  • Nominations may arise from any IEEE SPS individual member or group of members of any grade, as well as Society committees and boards, unless otherwise noted.

Nominations are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.
  • Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations.
  • Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.
  • A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.
  • Boards or committees who submit nominations but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. 
  • Current members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible.

Up to two (2) awards may be presented annually. Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards. Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE's publication policies, will be strongly considered by the Awards Board and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the spring or at ICIP in the fall following selection of the winner.




Recognizes an industry business or technical leader whose leadership has resulted in major and outstanding advances or new directions using signal processing technologies within the scope of the Society.


The prize shall be $1500, a plaque and certificate.


This award is for executive leadership resulting in major advances and new directions using signal processing in a business area. The candidate is not required to be an IEEE member.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the oard of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. Previous recipients of the Industrial Leader Award are ineligible.

Basis for Judging:

Evaluation is based on such factors as global acceptance of the products and services, financial success and growth of the business, ubiquity of the products and services, emulation of the contributions by competition, and degree of global recognition of the candidate. Other factors include time of service, impact, specific innovations, etc. An industry leader who played a major leadership role in research or development and introduction of systems, devices, applications or services that have significantly impacted society on a global basis or has substantially advanced the use of signal processing technologies in industry, commerce, or society.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Amar G. Bose Industrial Leader Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria. There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members, as well as, specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation of the award shall be made at either the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors contributions to the Signal Processing Society.


The prize shall consist of $1500, a plaque and a certificate.


Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Nominees shall be an IEEE Signal Processing Society member for at least 10 consecutive years at the time of nomination.  Previous recipients of the Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award and the Norbert Wiener Society Award are ineligible. Current members of the Awards Board and the Board of Governors are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be based on recognizing outstanding efforts and contributions aimed at promoting the technical and educational activities of the entire Signal Processing Society, i.e. that benefit the membership of the SPS at-large. 

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to two Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Awards may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria. There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors the outstanding contributions of any member of the Society to regional activities of the Signal Processing Society.


The prize shall consist of $1500, a plaque and a certificate.


A board or committee member cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or a member of a committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Nominees shall be an IEEE SPS member for at least 10 consecutive years at the time of nomination.  Previous recipients of the Signal Processing Society Meritorious Regional/Chapter Service Award are ineligible. Current members of the Awards Board and the Board of Governors are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be based on dedication, effort, and contributions made to activities aimed at promoting the technical and educational activities of the Signal Processing Society in one specific region/ chapter, as well as its local membership participation.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors outstanding technical contributions in a field within the scope of the Signal Processing Society and outstanding leadership within that field.


The prize shall be $2500, a plaque and a certificate.


Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Board of Governors and/or Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Nominees shall be an IEEE Signal Processing Society member for at least 10 consecutive years at the time of nomination.  Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Previous recipients of the SP Society Award are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and voting members of the Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. Non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations..

Basis for Judging:

Nominees shall be judged on the basis of outstanding technical contributions as well as leadership in a field within the scope of the Society as evidenced by publications, patents, books, lectures, significant SPS service, etc. Each Norbert Wiener Society Award recipient is expected to present a Norbert Wiener Lecture at the upcoming IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. This Lecture is one of the plenary lectures given on the day of the banquet of ICASSP, but it is not a banquet speech. 

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Norbert Wiener Society Award may be presented annually, provided nominatins meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Recognizes individuals who have excelled in the teaching of Signal Processing.


The prize shall consist of $1500, a plaque, a certificate, and for non-member recipients a complimentary one-year Society membership. The Society may also support the participation of the awardee in a Society sponsored Seasonal School as an instructor for a short course on the winning material. This course would be recorded and posted on the Society’s e-learning/Resource Center.


The candidate need not be an IEEE SPS member. It is preferred that recipients of the IEEE SPS Regional Distinguished Teacher Award be members of IEEE.  However, the IEEE SPS Board of Governors may approve the presentation to a non-member upon the recommendation of the IEEE SPS Awards Board.  A board or committee member cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Signal Processing Society Awards Board members or Regional Directors-at-Large sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Previous recipients of the Signal Processing Society Regional Distinguished Teacher Award are ineligible. Current members of the Awards Board and the Regional Directors-at-Large are ineligible and are not permitted to submit nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.

Basis for Judging:

Preference should be given to nominees whose educational material covers areas of heightened and timely interest. The award is not intended for educators who qualify for the Society’s Education Award.  Supporting material submitted with the nomination can include the awardees developed teaching material, which should be of high educational value in the signal processing discipline, related to basics and fundamentals, applications or emerging topics of heightened interest.  The emphasis is on both the delivery and quality of the educational material. Contributions of online or video material for educational purposes are welcome, in order to promote new modes of delivery.  Copies or links to the material, if available, should be submitted for evaluation. The educational or teaching material developed by the nominee and submitted for evaluation does not need to be in English. The Society acknowledges the diversity of its members and wishes to recognize their efforts irrespective of the language of instruction. If desired by the winner, and if approved by the winner’s institution and baring any copyright issues, the educational material generated by the winner can be considered for posting on the Society’s Resource Center and can be promoted in the Society’s SP Magazine and at the Society’s Award ceremony. Supporting letters from undergraduate students is also encouraged.  The Society’s Awards Board will determine the award recipient(s).

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to three (3) Regional Distinguished Teacher Awards may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria. There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the Education Committee, technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. The Society’s Awards Board will be responsible for managing the award nomination and selection process. However, an initial review of the nominations will be conducted by the Society’s four Regional Directors-at-Large, who will work as a committee to select up to six nominations among all the submissions, which will be sent to the SPS Awards Board. The Awards Board may select no more than half of the submissions received from the Regional Directors-at-Large (up to three if the Regional Directors-at-Large submit six) as the final awardees. Standard conflict-of-interest (CoI) rules apply throughout the selection process: if there's a conflict, the individual must remove themselves from the discussion and voting for all candidates, not only the one with which there is a conflict.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.


Your election may be announced on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website, newsletter and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.




Honors the author(s) of a letter article of exceptional merit and broad interest on a subject related to the Society's technical scope and appearing in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters.


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


To be eligible for consideration, an article must have appeared in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Eligibility is based on a five-year window: for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in the Signal Processing Letters between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2021. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award.  However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.d.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of the technical novelty, the research significance of the work, quality and effectiveness in presenting subjects in an area of high impact to the Society's members.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Signal Processing Letters Best Paper Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made either at the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors the author(s) of a column of exceptional merit and broad interest on a subject related to the Society's technical scope and appearing in the Society's magazine.


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


To be eligible for consideration, an article must have appeared in the Columns and Forums Section of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in any issue predating the Spring Awards Board meeting of the current year (typically held in conjunction with ICASSP) for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in an issue of the Signal Processing Magazine before March 2022. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award.  However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of quality and effectiveness in presenting subjects of broad interest to the Society's members.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Signal Processing Magazine Best Column Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members.There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/ committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made either at the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit and broad interest on a subject related to the Society’s technical scope and appearing in the Society’s magazine.


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


To be eligible for consideration, a paper must have appeared in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in any issue predating the Spring Awards Board meeting of the current year (typically held in conjunction with ICASSP) for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in an issue of the Signal Processing Magazine before March 2022.  Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award.  However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society’s Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of quality and effectiveness in presenting subjects of broad interest to the Society’s members.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria.  There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made either at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




Honors the author(s) of a journal article of broad interest that has had sustained impact over many years on a subject related to the Society's technical scope. 


The prize shall consist of $500 per author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate.


To be eligible for consideration, an article must have appeared in any of the Society’s financial sponsored periodicals, in an issue that is 10 years old or more from the current award year: for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in any of the Society’s financial sponsored periodicals in an issue in 2012 or earlier. Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  Nominations may arise from any indiviudal or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. This award is exempt from the rule that papers that have already been recognized with another SPS Paper Award are not eligible.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of novelty and effectiveness in presenting subjects of high impact and long-term interest to the Society's members. The nominated paper should have a record of sustained impact and be of current importance, e.g., it is still frequently cited and/or is incorporated in widely-used commercial technology. Work that was particularly important 20 years ago, but has since been superseded by other methods, would not be appropriate unless the new methods clearly leverage the original work in some way. The paper should also be an original contribution rather than an overview or tutorial.  A paper considered for the award should be relevant to current researchers and/or practitioners and represent at least one of the following: the paper resulted in a paradigm shift in how a particular problem is solved; the work forms the theoretical basis for much of the contemporary work in a particular field and the work introduced methods that are now broadly adopted in industry.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

One Sustained Impact Paper Award may be presented annually, provided nominations meet the specific criteria. There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members, as well as specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society will be solicited. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation of the award shall be made at either the Society's Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.



(formerly known as the Paper Award)


Honors the author(s) of an especially meritorious paper dealing with a subject related to the Society’s technical scope and appearing in one of the Society’s solely owned transactions, the Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, the Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the Transactions on Computational Imaging, or the Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks and who, upon the date of submission of the paper, is less than 30 years of age.


The prize shall consist of $500 per young author (up to a maximum of $1500 per award) and a certificate. In the event that there are more than three young authors, the maximum prize shall be divided equally among all young authors and each shall receive a certificate. The prize is only presented to the author(s) who are under 30 years of age, not all the authors of the paper.


Eligibility is based on a four-year window; for example, for the 2022 Award, the paper must have appeared in one of the Society’s Transactions between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2021.  Boards or committees who submit nominations, but have voting Awards Board members sitting on their boards or committees must ensure that those Awards Board voting members do not participate in the board/committee award nomination or selection process.  Members of the Awards Board are not permitted to submit nominations.  A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. Please note: this includes nominating an author of a paper where a member of a nominating board or committee is also an author on the paper, even though this member is not the “young author” being considered for the award. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award.  However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered.

Basis for Judging:

Judging shall be on the basis of general quality, originality, subject matter, and timeliness.

Nominations Submission/Selection Process:

Up to eight Young Author Best Paper Awards may be presented annually with a maximum of two awards per journal. There shall be an open call for nominations reaching all Society members. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards and the major boards of the Society. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the appropriate Technical Committee for initial vetting and the Technical Committee will forward their approved nominations to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.

Nomination Schedule:

Nominations must be submitted through the online system.

  • Nominations Period Opens: 1 May
  • Nomination Period Closes: 1 September


Presentation shall be made at the Society’s Awards Ceremonies, normally held during ICASSP in the Spring or at ICIP in the Fall following selection of the winner. The award will not be conferred in any given year for which there are no suitable candidates identified.




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