SPS Resource Center

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IEEE SPS Resource Center

SPS Resource Center

SPS RESOURCE CENTER, is the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s online library of tutorials, lectures, presentations and more. It includes content specifically for SPS members. With SPS Resource Center, you have videos from the world’s leading signal processing experts at your fingertips. SPS Resource Center spans the breadth of signal processing topics, including but not limited to:


- Audio & Acoustic Signal Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Image, Video & Multimedia Signal Processing
- Machine Learning
- Signal Processing Applications
- Embedded Signal Processing
- Communications Signal Processing
- Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Sampling and Signal Reconstruction Techniques


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Submission of Content

Video Format Specifications

You may submit to SPS Resource Center any of the following: video (MP4 format), slides, presentations or PDF files.
The following format must be used for recorded videos being submitted for the SPS Resource Center:

  • MP4 format video file (.mp4)
  • File size: 2GB recommended; no more than 5GB (gigabytes)
  • Video length: maximum of 90 minutes for each mp4 video file (<= 1.5 hours run time)
  • Codec: H264
  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Compression: VBR
  • Video Bitrate: 1200Kbps~1500Kbps max = 1.2Mbps~1.5Mbps
  • Audio: AAC 192Kbps or Mp3 192Kbps (can be higher but 192kbps is the minimum)
  • For each presentation video submitted, please fill out this metadata sheet and submit it with the video files. Fill out one row per each video file submitted.

Intellectual Property Rights: Submitting IEEE Copyright & Consent Forms

Interested in contributing a video of tutorial, presentation, workshop, or related documents? We’re always looking for your submissions . Email us your interest. Please be sure to include a proposed title along with your name and affiliation.

SPS Resource Center always welcomes new reviewers and editorial members.

Please review the Conference Capture Guidelines for the SPS Resource Center.

Any resource (videos, slides, posters, etc.) submitted for the Resource Center must have a completed IEEE Copyright and Consent form:

  • If the resource addresses the same Intellectual Property as an IEEE published journal or conference paper, the IEEE Copyright and Consent form that the author had already signed is sufficient.
  • If there is no IEEE published paper involved, the IEEE Media Release form (download PDF, 0.2 MB) should be submitted with the resource. Please complete the fields on the form and submit with your video and other media.

Resource Center Editorial Board




SPS Social Media

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IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel