Co-Sponsorship of Non-Conference TC Events

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(Co-)Sponsorship of Non-Conference Related Events by Technical Committees and Related Technical Entities

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IEEE SPS Technical Committees and Related Technical Entities may request (co-)sponsorship of non-conference related events by the IEEE Signal Processing Society by following the below noted process.  Please note that requests for technical event approval must be submitted at least six weeks in advance of the event.

Step 1: Review and formal approval by the technical entity.

Step 2: Review and approval by a subcommittee consisting of five technically relevant Technical Committees, Prospective Technical Committees, Technical Working Groups, and Megatrends chairs, which are identified by the proposer.

Step3: Review and formal approval by the Vice President-Technical Directions.


  1. Review and formal approval by the technical entity.
  2. The technical entity will be responsible for completing and submitting the Technical Committees and Related Technical Entities (Co-)Sponsorship of Non-Conference Related Events Approval Form to the Director, Operations at least six weeks in advance of the event.
  3. The Director, Operations will inform the Vice President-Technical Directions that a proposal has been submitted and will send the approval form to the selected five technically relevant TCs/PTCs/TWGs/Megatrends for their two-week review period.
  4. At the end of the two weeks, the subcommittee will mark their decision on the approval form, date it, and insert any comments and return the approval form to the Director, Operations.
  5. The Director, Operations will forward the updated form to the Vice President-Technical Directions for review and final decision/approval.
  6. Within one week, the Vice President-Technical Directions will inform the technical entity of the decision with cc to the Director, Operations.
  7. Vice President-Technical Directions will inform the Executive Committee of all approvals as an information item on the agenda.

If approved, the event may use the SPS logos on the event’s website and any other promotional materials related to the event, as defined in the IEEE and SPS policies. Upon request, the Society will assist with the event’s publicity through an article in the newsletter, an email burst to the Society’s membership, and social media.  At least one week’s notice is required.

Please complete the Approval Form below (Word document) and submit the form to the SPS Director, Operation ( at least six weeks in advance of the event.

Approval Form





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