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Signal Processing Society Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a quorum and how it applies to voting?
A quorum of a Board or Committee shall be a majority of those members having voting rights. A majority of the legal votes cast by members of the Board or Committee present at a regularly convened meeting shall be necessary for the conduct of business.

Q. What are the voting rules?

Face-to-Face Voting: The vote of a majority of the votes of the members present and entitled to vote, at the time of vote, provided a quorum is present, shall be the act of the Board/Committee.

Telecommunication Voting: The Board/Committee may meet and act upon the vote of its members by any means of telecommunication. The normal voting requirements shall apply when action is taken by means of telecommunications equipment allowing all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.

E-Mail Voting: The Board/Committee may take action without a meeting if applicable (e.g., e-mail voting). An affirmative vote of a majority of ALL the voting members of the Board/Committee shall be required to approve the action. The results of the vote shall be confirmed promptly in writing or by electronic transmission. The writings and/or electronic transmission shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board/Committee. “Electronic transmission” means any form of electronic communication, such as e-mail, not directly involving the physical transmission of paper, that creates a record that may be retained, retrieved and reviewed by a recipient thereof, and that may be directly reproduced in paper form by such a recipient.

Voting Example: If a committee has 40 members and 30 of them are present at the meeting, then you have quorum.  For voting, the committee would need a minimum of 16 favorable votes for face-to-face or telecommunication meetings and a minimum of 21 favorable votes for electronic voting.

A plurality of the votes is not enough to pass a motion. For example, if there are 30 total votes split into 14 yes, 13 no and 3 abstain, the motion fails.

Number of Votes. Individuals holding more than one position on the Board/Committee shall be limited to one vote on each matter being considered by the committee.  Proxy voting is not allowed.

Q. What are TIP codes and what are they used for?

TIP stands for Technical Interest Profile.  Each individual should identify with their IEEE Membership a set of TIP codes.  TIP codes allow members to identify what technical areas they are working in or are interested in.  TIP codes are used within IEEE to target specific technical audiences. The Signal Processing Society has a set of TIPs assigned to the Society, which can be found on the IEEE website.



Q. What is the nomination procedure for the Society’s awards?

Please refer to Policy 2.20. Awards Nomination Process for details on nomination procedures, as well as Policy 5.7. for Technical Committee and Special Interest Group Award Nomination Procedures.  Nomination procedures for each award are detailed below, but full details for each award can be found in Policy 2.19 Signal Processing Society Awards. Refer to the Policies and Procedures Manual on SPS website.

Society Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. The following list is ineligible to receive the award: current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board, as well as the previous recipients of the SPS Society Award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Meritorious Service Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered and members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. The following individuals are ineligible to receive the award: current President of the Signal Processing Society, current members of the SPS Board of Governors and Awards Board, as well as the previous recipients of the SPS Meritorious Service Award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Best Paper and Young Author Best Paper Awards: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. The current members of the SPS Awards Board are ineligible to receive the award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. The current members of the SPS Awards Board are ineligible to receive the award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Signal Processing Magazine Best Column Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. The current members of the SPS Awards Board are ineligible to receive the award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Signal Processing Society Education Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered and members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. The following individuals are ineligible to receive the award: current officers and members of the SPS Board of Governors and Awards Board. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Technical Achievement Award:  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee.  Self-nominations are not accepted or considered and members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. The following individuals are ineligible to receive the award: current officers and members of the SPS Board of Governors and Awards Board, as well as previous recipients of the SP Technical Achievement Award. Nominations shall be submitted directly to the Society’s Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Signal Processing Letters Best Paper Award:  A board or committee cannot nominate one of its members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Nominations will also be solicited from specific boards/committees of the Society, which are the technical committees, editorial boards, and the major boards of the Society. Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board. Nominations should be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Overview Paper Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Papers that have already been recognized with another SPS Paper Award are not eligible. Nominations should be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Sustained Impact Paper Award: Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current members of the Signal Processing Society's Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. This award is exempt from the rule that papers that have already been recognized with another SPS Paper Award are not eligible. Nominations should be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and subsequent balloting by the Awards Board.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Industrial Leader Award:  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. Previous recipients of the Industrial Leader Award are ineligible. The candidate is not required to be an IEEE member. Nominations should be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Industrial Innovation Award:  Nominations may arise from any individual or committee/board, but a board or committee cannot nominate one of its own members for the award. However, a member of a board or committee can be nominated by another board or committee. Current officers and members of the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors and Awards Board are ineligible. Candidate(s) need not be an IEEE SPS member. It is preferred that recipients of the IEEE SPS Industrial Innovation Award be members of IEEE. However, the IEEE Board of Governors may approve the presentation to a non-member upon the recommendation of the IEEE SPS Awards Board. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Awards Board and Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations. However, non-voting Board of Governors members are permitted to submit nominations. Previous recipients of the Industrial Innovation Award are ineligible.  Nominations should be submitted directly to the Society's Awards Board, who is responsible for vetting all the nominations and ensuring that there are no more than three nominations per award. The Awards Board will manage the balloting by the Board of Governors.  Nominations must be received by the SPS Awards Board by 1 September.

Conference Best Paper Award for Industry: The candidate(s) are not required to be IEEE members. Candidates are not required to be working in industry at the time of nomination or when the paper was written. Current members of the Conference Award Evaluation Committee are ineligible. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations can be submitted through two methods: 1) The authors will be given the option to nominate their paper for the award at the paper submission step; or 2) The reviewers will be asked to indicate whether a paper is award quality, as is the case for the regular conference paper awards.

Q. What is the nomination procedure for IEEE awards?

Board/Committee level endorsement is not needed for IEEE awards, but individual Board/Committee members may wish to nominate an individual for an IEEE level award.  The award procedures and selection process are handled by an IEEE level committee.

IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
The nomination form and award information for the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal can be found here.  Nominations must be received at IEEE by 1 July.

IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
Nomination forms for the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing are now available and can be found here. Nominations must be received at IEEE by 31 January.

IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Technical Field Award
The nomination form and award information for the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Technical Field Award can be found here.  Nominations must be received at IEEE by 31 January.



Q. What is the nomination procedure for the Society’s Distinguished Lecturers?

The Awards Board shall make an open solicitation for all distinguished lecturer nominations no later than 1 June of each year. All nominations will be considered by the Awards Board and a list of nominees and alternates, along with a list of their lecture topics, will be provided to the Board of Governors at least three weeks prior to its Fall meeting. The Board will consider this list at its Fall meeting and provide its advice and consent for the final selections, which shall be announced by the Awards Board Chair.



Q. Where can I find the Society’s Constitution, Bylaws and Policy and Procedures?

The Society’s controlling documents can be found on the Society’s website here.  Links to IEEE’s controlling documents can also be found on the same page.



Q. Where can I find the list of IEEE and SPS Fellows?

The list of IEEE and SPS Fellows can be found on the IEEE website.

Q. Where can I find the list of the current year’s SPS Fellows?

The list of the current year’s SPS Fellows along with citations can be found on the Society’s website on the IEEE Fellows Program page.

Q. Where can I find the list of SPS Senior Members?

The list of current SPS Senior Members can be found on the Society’s website.



Q. Where can I find a list of the Executive Office staff?

The list and contact information for all the Society’s Executive Office staff, including what areas they cover, can be found on the Society’s website at

Q. Who manages the Society’s alias lists?

The alias lists are managed by Debbie Blazek.  Debbie’s contact information is +1 732-562-3888 or


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