IEEE Fellows Program

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IEEE Fellows Program

Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth percent of the members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.


IEEE Fellows Directory - All SPS Fellows can be found here.


IEEE Fellows Program Page Image


55 SPS Members Elevated to Fellow

Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the voting members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.

The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 55 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2024:


Members Elevated to Fellow

P Thushara Abhayapala, for contribution to the theory of spherical harmonic-based spatial sound field recording, reproduction, and control.

Juan Bello, for contributions to sound detection and retrieval.

Aggelos Bletsas, for contributions to cooperative relaying and backscatter communication networks.

Volkan Cevher, for contributions to model-based signal processing and semi-definite programming.

Wen-Huang Cheng, for contributions to intelligent multimedia computing and applications.

Kaushik Chowdhury, for contributions to development of cognitive radio networks and applied machine learning for wireless systems.

Leslie Collins, for contributions to signal processing algorithms for auditory applications and to buried threat detection.

Subhrakanti Dey, for contributions to networked control systems and performance optimization over wireless and sensor networks.

Min Dong, for contribution to transmission design and resource optimization for wireless communications.

Matthew Ettus, for contributions to software-defined radio products.

Yue Gao, for contributions to sparse signal processing and smart antennas in cognitive radio and networks.

Reza Ghanadan, for leadership in robust artificial intelligence technologies and applications.

Sergiu Goma, for contributions to hardware implementation of image processing for color cameras in mobile phones.

Nathan Goodman, for contributions to cognitive and distributed radar signal processing.

Neil Gordon, for contributions to sequential Monte Carlo methods and applications.

Warren Gross, for contributions to the design of algorithms and integrated circuit architectures for communication systems.

Guan Gui, for contributions to intelligent signal analysis and wireless resource optimization.

Onur Guleryuz, for contributions to nonlinear approximation and sparsity-based signal processing.

Jakob Hoydis, for contributions to the use of machine learning in communication systems.

Yu-Gang Jiang, for contributions to large-scale video analysis and open-source datasets.

Chunxiao Jiang, for contributions to heterogeneous space-air-ground networks.

Shi Jin, for contributions to MIMO and reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communications.

Niklas Karlsson, for technical leadership to vSLAM and online advertising.

Zaher Kassas, for contributions to navigation with signals of opportunity.

Joerg Kliewer, for contributions to theory and applications of iteratively decodable error correcting codes and network coding.

Gitta Kutyniok, for contributions to the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence in signal processing and communication.

Matti Latva-aho, for contributions to mobile communication systems.

Zhen Lei, for contributions to face analysis and object detection.

Jonathan Le Roux, for contributions to multi-source speech and audio processing.

Liang Lin, for contributions to multimedia content analysis.

Yuanwei Liu, for contributions to non-orthogonal multiple access technologies and wireless power transfer.

Huchuan Lu, for contributions to visual object tracking and salient object detection.

Jiwen Lu, for contributions to visual content analysis and recognition.

Yue Lu, for contributions to multidimensional signal processing.

Siwei Ma, for contributions to video coding technologies and standards.

Christos Masouros, for contributions to interference exploitation and,  joint sensing and communications.

Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia, for contributions to biomedical image processing.

Vito Pascazio, for contributions to statistical signal processing in imaging radars.

Anderson Rocha, for contributions to digital forensics using machine learning.

Mathini Sellathurai, for contributions to multi-user, multi-functional and multi-antenna wireless communications.

Hamid Sheikh, for contributions to visual quality prediction in mobile cameras.

Jianbing Shen, for contributions to computer vision for video analysis and visual understanding.

Kush Varshney, for contributions to socially responsible and trustworthy machine learning.

Beibei Wang, for contributions to wireless sensing and cognitive communications.

Chao-Kai Wen, for contributions to deep learning technology for wireless systems.

David Wipf, for contributions to detecting low-dimensional data structures.

Roger Woods, for contributions to VLSI chips and FPGA implementations for signal processing.

Henk Wymeersch, for contributions to radio localization and sensing.

Jing Xiao, for contributions to the multiple modality knowledge mining technologies.

Arie Yeredor, for contributions to blind source separation.

Hengyong Yu, for contribution to tomographic image reconstruction.

Honggang Zhang, for contributions to intelligent wireless communications and networks.

Fumin Zhang, for contributions to autonomy of robotic sensing networks and control of marine robots.

Sheng Zhong, for contributions to incentive-compatible and privacy-preserving mechanisms in distributed systems.

Enrico Zio, for contributions to safety and reliability engineering.


The following individuals were evaluated by the SPS, but are not SPS members:

Ming-Yu Liu, for contributions to generative adversarial networks in multimodal content creation.

Benjamin Recht, for contributions to high-dimensional signal processing, machine learning, and optimization.

Martin Wainwright, for contributions to the theory of statistical signal processing and machine learning.


Nominate an IEEE Fellow today!

IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership of the IEEE. It honors members with an outstanding record of technical achievements, contributing importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, and bringing significant value to society. Around late November of every year, the new class of IEEE Fellows is announced. Hopefully, you will consider nominating someone this year! Anyone can be a nominator (no need to be an IEEE Fellow, or even an IEEE member). The nomination deadline is 7 February (11:59 p.m. US Eastern Time), and all required information (and an “electronic” nomination kit) can be obtained from Please note that a nominee must be an IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Life Senior Member in good standing, who has been an IEEE member for 5 years or more preceding 1 January of the elevation year. Self-nominations are not permitted. The IEEE and the Signal Processing Society would like to encourage more nominations from:

It helps to understand the elaborate review process. Nominations first obtain a technical evaluation by a relevant Society Fellow Reference Committee. This results in a rank-ordering (numerical grade) and brief essays (150-200 words) regarding the following questions:

  1. Underrepresented regions (e.g., Latin America, Asia, Africa)
  2. Underrepresented categories (Technical Leader, Educator, Application Engineer), as described below
  3. Other underrepresented categories, such as women.

Some hints for nominators Each year, SPS receives about 60-65 nominations, and IEEE a total of around 1000 and the number is climbing. About one third of the nominations are successful. While all pertinent information can be obtained from public IEEE websites (see in particular, we would like to give some hints to improve the chances that a nomination will be successful. It helps to understand the elaborate review process. The submitted nominations first undergo a technical evaluation by a relevant Society Fellow Evaluation Committee. This results in a rank-ordering (based on numerical grade scores) of all the nominees and for each nomination a brief essay (150-200 words) regarding the following questions:

  1. What are the technical contributions? These can also be the development or application of products, systems, facilities, services or software. List not more than two, and focus on outstanding, innovative and creative contributions.
  2. What is the evidence supporting the claims? These are usually published papers, patents, standards, developed courses and textbooks. Further evidence can be awards and the number of citations to publications, but can also be news reports, web sites, etc. that discuss the work of the candidate. What is the role of the nominee in the contributions?
  3. What is the importance of the contribution? What is its lasting impact on the profession and the society? The impact must be actual/evident, not potential. Who has adopted the contribution, has it influenced other work, has it opened new avenues of research? Keep in mind that citation numbers can raise questions but do not provide answers.

The essays, rank ordering and score go to the IEEE-level Fellow Committee. The committee is partitioned into small groups, and the nomination forms are randomly distributed over the groups. Each nomination is then scored on four categories. The Society score and rank-ordering is one category, but it counts for only 25% of the total. The main category is Technical Accomplishment (40%). Since the IEEE-Level groups are not necessarily experts in the nominees' subfields, they will be informed by the Society Committee essays, so these essays play an important role. The remaining categories are the attached references letters from 3-5 IEEE Fellows (15%), professional activities (10%), and years in the profession (10%). From this process, it is important to realize that the majority of reviewers are non-experts on the work of a nominee. Nomination forms should be written with this in mind! Therefore, it is crucial to focus on clear, tangible contributions as well as evidence, and equally important is their impact on society. Clear essays by the Society Committees are very important as well, so please help the committee members by making the required input for these essays readily (and compactly) available in the nomination form. The Society Committees do not see the Fellow-grade reference letters, as these go directly to the IEEE-level Fellow Committee. Thus, these letters should be written to impress non-experts, and also the stature of the referee should be briefly pointed out. This also means that the nominator and nomination form play a critical role at the society evaluation stage. In addition, the Society Committees do have access to endorsement letters (up to three are allowed and do not have to be written by IEEE Fellows). Endorsement letters are particularly important in clarifying an individual’s specific contributions as part of a team effort (e.g., in industry) and impact on commercialization, standardization, product development, or education. Finally, while many of us are familiar with nominations related to outstanding academic contributions (these go to the category “Research Engineer/Scientist”), there are three other submission categories with equal recognition:

  1. Educator, e.g., for writing an accepted and widely used pioneering textbook, or for the development of a new curriculum or courses that are innovative or unique (with lasting impact on engineering education);
  2. Application Engineer/Practitioner, for product, process, or standards development, for significant technical contributions in the design and evolution into manufacturing of products or systems;
  3. Technical Leader, responsible for a managerial, team, or company-wide effort using technical innovation, and resulting in outstanding performance, economic enhancements, or other advantages that benefit society.

In each case, the contributions are to be judged on the basis of uniqueness, innovation, and wide acceptance. For the latter categories, it is important that the nominator points out clearly what the individual’s technical contribution was to a group effort. In addition, you should add what were the specific technical contributions that the nominee made, which made the achievement possible.

Please submit your nomination no later than 7 February. Again the online nomination form can be found at Questions on the IEEE Fellow nomination process should be sent to

There are many deserving members of the Signal Processing Society. We encourage you to help them get the recognition that comes with being an IEEE Fellow.


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