1. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
2. Signal Processing Digital Library*
3. Inside Signal Processing Newsletter
4. SPS Resource Center
5. Career advancement & recognition
6. Discounts on conferences and publications
7. Professional networking
8. Communities for students, young professionals, and women
9. Volunteer opportunities
10. Coming soon! PDH/CEU credits
Click here to learn more.
The Society's Distinguished Lecturer Program provides means for chapters to have access to individuals who are well-known educators and authors in the fields of signal processing, to lecture at Chapter meetings. To further encourage Chapter and member engagement with signal processing experts in academia and industry, all SPS Chapters may formally invite prior SPS Distinguished Lecturers to lecture at Chapter events along with the current class of Distinguished Lecturers. By formalizing this process, it is meant to enable Chapters to energize their local communities with dynamic signal processing content and generate interest by expanding the Chapter’s access to network with well-respected leaders in the field. While many IEEE Societies have similar programs, the SPS provides financial support for the Chapters to take advantage of the service.
For operational information on the SPS Distinguished Lecturer Program, please see the attached file:
Please send your message to sp-lecturers@listserv.ieee.org.
Signal Processing Society Chapters and Student Branch Chapters Only
Chapter should:
Student Branch Chapter should:
The Society provides an allotment of up to $3,500 per SPS Chapter and SPS Student Branch Chapters annually to use towards scheduling Society-appointed Distinguished Lecturers or other invited speakers, provided they are pre-approved by the Program Coordinator. The allotment is to help defray speaker travel expenses. Any unused balance from one year does not carry over to the next.
The Society also provides support for coffee breaks and other small social gatherings in conjunction with meetings up to $500 per SPS Chapter annually. Please submit your request for pre-approval of expenses to sp-lecturers@listserv.ieee.org. Note that funding will be done on a reimbursement basis and funds must be pre-approved.
Student Branch Chapters are eligible for $500 annually to help support invited speakers, career development activities such as soft skill training, social functions in connection to Student Branch Chapter meetings, and similar related activities. Funding will be provided upfront based on the submitted proposal/request. The funded Student Branch Chapter will be expected to provide receipts in a timely fashion based on IEEE’s guidelines after the event, and any continued funding for the following years would be contingent on the Student Branch Chapter having properly submitted receipts for the prior year. Student Branch Chapters must also write a small summary of the event to be featured in the SPS Newsletter. Requests for funding can be submitted to the SBC Funding Request form, using the SBC Budget Template as a supporting document. Any questions can be directed to sp-sbc-funding@listserv.ieee.org.
Student Branch Chapters are eligible to receive $25 for each new member, up to a maximum of $250 annually to be used towards additional funding for such activities as networking events, soft skill training, social functions in connection to Student Branch Chapter meetings, Distinguished Lecture related activities and similar related activities. This item is subject to budget approval by the Executive Committee.