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Join a Technical Committee

Technical Committees provide unique ways for Signal Processing Society members to involve themselves in specialized areas of interest in signal processing and address emerging technical areas.  Industry professionals, academic researchers and student members all have the opportunity to contribute, learn from fellow engineers in the field and advance the study and impact of signal processing.

Technical Committees were created to support signal processing-related activities within specific technical areas. Involvement in a Technical Committee allows industry professionals and academics alike to network and participate in creating community ties based on a common area of interest within signal processing. As a member of a Technical Committee, you’ll have the opportunity for involvement in awards, conferences, publications and educational activities. 

Members of Technical Committees must have strong ties to a technical area and must be nominated. To make a nomination for a committee, please visit the individual Technical Committee page and submit the nomination form to the committee’s Nominations and Elections Subcommittee Chair. Here, you can also find general information on all Technical Committees.  

Technical Committee Affiliates

Technical Committee Affiliates are non-elected, non-voting members of a particular Technical Committee. Technical Committee Affiliates is open to:

  • IEEE student members interested in the scope of a given Technical Committee;
  • IEEE SPS members (any grade) interested in the scope of a given Technical Committee; or
  • Members of some professional organizations in interdisciplinary fields within the Society’s Technical Committee’s scope, such as language processing or biological sciences and are not IEEE members.

Technical Committee Affiliates will receive calls for Member and Vice Chair nominations, as well as any eNewsletter the Technical Committee may have. Technical Committee Affiliates also have the opportunity to act as a reviewer for one of the Society’s conferences or be appointed to one of the Technical Committee’s subcommittees. They may also have the opportunity to attend open Technical Committee meetings held at one of the Technical Committee's workshops.

Becoming a Technical Committee Affiliate is easy. Fill out the Affiliates Form by clicking on the Technical Committee of your interest below, to request Membership.

Fill out one form for each TC of your interest.

Affiliate Forms per Technical Committee

Applied Signal Processing Systems

Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing

Bio Imaging and Signal Processing

Computational Imaging

Image Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing

Information Forensics and Security

Machine Learning for Signal Processing

Multimedia Signal Processing

Sensor Array and Multichannel

Signal Processing for Communication and Networking

Signal Processing Theory and Methods

Speech and Language Processing


IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel