SA-TWG Webinar: Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Using Performance Bounds

Date: 29 January 2024
Time: 10:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Speaker(s): Dr. Joseph Tabrikian


Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar technology, which was introduced about twenty years ago, provides enhanced flexibility in transmit signal design, and since then, many works have been devoted to waveform design in space, time, and frequency. This problem was also extended to cognitive radars, where the transmit signal is sequentially designed based on history observations. Various criteria have been used for waveform design, such as detection or estimation performance. The most popular criteria that has been proposed, are the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB), and the Bayesian CRB (BCRB). The popularity of these bounds stems from their simplicity.

In this talk, we consider the Bayesian framework and via simple examples it will be shown that the use of BCRB as an optimization criterion leads to absurd waveforms and poor performance. The reasons for this phenomenon will be analyzed and discussed. Two new alternative Bayesian bounds will be presented and implemented for spatial waveform design. The first bound, called AT-BCRB, is a simple modification of the BCRB. Unlike the BCRB, the new bound is asymptotically tight. The second bound is a modification of the Weiss-Weinstein bound (WWB), which is found to be tighter than the WWB, and is related to the ambiguity function. Examples for the use of the proposed bounds for MIMO radar waveform design and antenna selection will be provided.


Joseph Tabrikian is a Professor in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel in 1986, 1992, and 1997, respectively. He has served as Associate Editor and Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and the IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He was a member of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) and IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods (SPTM) technical committees, and the Signal Processing for Multisensor Systems (SPMuS) technical area committee of EURASIP. His research interests include estimation and detection theory, learning algorithms, and radar signal processing. He is a Fellow of IEEE. More details at: