Young Professionals

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Young Professionals

Committee Members
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Young Professionals Resources

The IEEE Signal Processing Society serves its young professional in signal processing base with tailored events and initiatives to encourage networking, volunteerism, and career development. IEEE tools and resources connect members with the professional tools to build the foundation for your professional future. SPS offers a strong network of signal processing professionals of all career stages, giving young professionals the opportunity to establish meaningful connections and increase involvement in Society activities early in their careers.

To learn more about how to get involved with Young Professionals in Signal Processing, contact Young Professionals in Signal Processing Committee.

Young Professionals in Signal Processing page image

Volunteer Position Responsibilities

Duties. The Young Professionals Committee shall report to the Membership Services Committee. The Young Professionals Committee shall identify value/benefit/services to young professional members and recommend policy/mechanism for recruiting young professional members; develop programs and material to facilitate young professional member recruiting and services; maintain and develop contacts with leadership and membership constituents; and provide proper communication channels and feedback.

If you are interested to get involved, please send the following information to Young Professionals in Signal Processing Committee.

  1. Name of appointee
  2. Qualifications (short one/two lines)
  3. Appointment term dates
  4. Bio (as an attachment) and/or link
  5. Member grade/membership status
  6. Affiliation


Committee Members

Chair: Dr. Subhro Das
IBM Research
Cambridge, MA, USA

Student to Young Professional/Member Transition Subcommittee
Dr. Thuong Nguyen Canh
Staff Researcher, Dolby Laboratories

Engagement and Career Training Subcommittee
Prof. Qian He
Unviersity of Electronic Science & Technology-China


Prof. Elvin Isufi
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Young Professionals Benefits and Services Subcommittee
Dr. Zahra Kermani

New Events and Opportunities Subcommittee
Dr. Stefan Vlaski
Imperial College London
United Kingdom


Upcoming Events


Join the IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Professionals after the ICIP 2024 conference sessions for a networking reception to unwind with your colleagues to discuss careers, entrepreneurship, and opportunities in a fun and casual setting. 28 October 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. 

IEEE ICASSP 2025 On behalf of the Organizing Committee, our partners and volunteers, it is our pleasure to invite you to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), which will take place in Hyderabad, India from April 06 to April 11, 2025. The 2025 edition of the flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society will be an in-person event held at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.


Past Events

Check out our activities at past conferences on our Past Conferences & Events page and look for ICASSP or ICIP under the "Event Name" drop-down menu.

Young Professionals Resources


SPS Social Media

IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel