Volunteer Opportunity: Chair, Online Content and Social Media

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Volunteer Opportunity: Chair, Online Content and Social Media

Are you passionate about social media and interested in improving the IEEE Signal Processing Society's online presence? We are looking for a lead volunteer to Chair an effort to organize, represent and improve the Society’s online content and social media presence. The position will have high visibility and interactions with other Society volunteers and IEEE/SPS staff across the organization. The primary responsibilities are noted below. If you are interested in volunteering for the position, please contact SPS President-Elect, Rabab Ward at rababw@ece.ubc.ca no later than 13 February 2015.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Initiate, assess, and oversee the Society’s online content and social media presence. Develop, establish and direct the strategic and tactical goals, policies, and procedures for online content and social media within SPS. Assess and anticipate projects and recommend appropriate action and resources.
  • Oversee SPS online content and social media budget.
  • Chair an ad hoc committee of SPS volunteers on online content and social media.
  • Interact with online content and social media IEEE corporate staff, SPS staff and Public Relations vendor hired for visibility campaign.
  • Develop a plan to serve the various constituencies in SPS: volunteers, authors, conference attendees, regular SPS members, local activities, academics, industry, students, influentials, and the public-at-large.
  • Work with the IT ad Hoc Committee on overseeing the software offered by SPS, which concerns the Society’s online content and social media presence, such as the main Society website (www.signalprocessingsociety.org), mobile apps, and social networking (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc).


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