Virtual SPS Member Driven Initiatives: Now accepting proposals for Summer 2021

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Virtual SPS Member Driven Initiatives: Now accepting proposals for Summer 2021

Virtual Signal Processing Society Member Driven Initiatives
Summer 2021 proposals being accepted now!

Did you know the Society offers funding under the Member Driven Initiatives program for events that encourage involvement by SPS membership, including local chapters, universities, industry members as well as individual members? Programs under the Member Driven Initiatives include the newly launched Forums and Regional Meetings, in addition to the existing Chapter Driven Initiatives.


Aimed at networking and with topics of interest to industry members. Formats include panel sessions, and presentations or lectures by industry experts. Content should be created based on interest to industry, and cannot include papers for publication.

Regional Meetings

Local high quality technical events (such as local workshops or small conferences) aimed to serve the local or regional community, as opposed to international conferences and workshops that cater to the needs of the worldwide research community. Events should target themes of interest to SPS members. Meetings can include conference paper publications.

Chapter Initiatives

Additional options for grant funding may include: chapter-centered events for practicing engineers; chapter meeting featuring industry executives; outreach to get students at primary schools interested in signal processing; design competitions; or other ideas. l Schools are interactive events designed to provide attendees with specialized background in select signal processing topics. Professors and established practitioners work closely with attendees in hands-on tutorials and applications, building meaningful collaborative relationships.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is happy to provide up to US$3,000 of support, on application basis, and we’re accepting proposals for virtual Summer 2021 Forums, Regional Meetings, and Chapter Driven Initiatives now! Summer events are considered those held in April through September 2021.

Submit your Member Driven Initiative proposal today!

Proposals for virtual Summer 2021 Member Driven Initiatives are due 25 January 2021, with final decisions announced by 6 March 2021.

Questions about the SPS Member Driven Initiative program? Visit the Organize Local Initiatives on the Society website.


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