In a different context, it was shown that by using sampling theory, one may improve the robustness of networks to their input. In particular, in the task of image super-resolution, neural networks achieved remarkable performance in the quality of the generated images. Yet, typically, the networks heavily relied on the way their input low-resolution images were originally sub-sampled. Specifically, most of them assumed that they were generated by a bicubic subsampling. If they got an image that was sampled with a different kernel, their results degraded significantly. Using principles of sampling theory, it was shown that by applying a simple kernel correction on the input image, the quality of the reconstruction improved remarkably [7].
Linear Programming and Representer Theorems. Neural Networks are non-parametric models enjoying universal approximation over the class of continuous functions, similarly as Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Fitting such neural networks on a finite dataset of n data points in dimension d thus naturally defines two distinct regimes: the overparametrised (resp. underparametrised) regime, corresponding to the setting when the number of neurons is larger (resp. smaller) than the number of data points. Several authors noted a remarkable phenomenon around this transition, such as the so-called double-descent [8, 9, 10, 11], leading to the apparent paradox of having good generalization capabilities even as the number of neurons grows indefinitely [8].
A possible hypothesis supporting this behavior comes from the implicit regularisation built-in by gradient descent methods at solving the Empirical Risk Minimisation. Weight-decay is a popular regularisation strategy that penalizes the squared
L2 norm of the neuron’s weights. In the context of shallow ReLU networks, the resulting training problem can be formulated in terms of a probability measure over the neuron parameters [5, 12], leading to a sparse regularised convex program over a ‘continuous’ dictionary {
θ ∈ Θ}, where Θ ⊆ R
d is the space of neuron parameters and
x) =
is a single neuron. Classic results from convex geometry assert that such convex programs admit sparse solutions with at most
n atoms [13, 14, 15], the so-called
Representer theorem. In fact, [16] recently have shown that
all solutions of this program are sparse, therefore resulting in only a finite number of neurons, irrespective of the amount of overparameterization. In other words, training shallow ReLU networks in the overparametrised regime amounts to solving a linear program in finite dimension, given by the hyperplane arrangement generated by the dataset when identifying a point
x ∈ R
d with a hyperplane in the dual. Although this reduction is not computationally useful (since the size of the hyperplane arrangement is
nd)), studying properties of the dataset that allow for substantially smaller arrangements is a promising direction for future research.
Spectral/Fourier analysis. Deep networks usually require a massive amount of labeled data for their training. Yet, such data may include some mistakes in the labels. Interestingly, networks have been shown to be robust to such errors. By analyzing the function space of neural networks in the spectral domain, an explanation for this robustness has been provided. In particular, it has been shown that this is related to the fact that neural networks tend to learn smooth functions, i.e., functions whose spectrum decays rapidly [17, 18, 19, 20]. This has been related to both the fact that networks have bounded weights as discussed above and to the structure of the network [21]. Noisy labels mainly affect the high frequencies in the learned function. Thus, the attenuation of high frequencies in neural networks may explain their robustness to noise. This understanding has led to the use of spectral regularization to further improve the network robustness to label noise [22].
Summary. We have briefly discussed how classic signal processing tools can greatly help in improving and understanding deep neural networks. The above directions are just an example and there are directions that used for deep learning other tools from signal processing such as sparse representation [23], max affine splines [24], wavelets [25]. We hope that others in the research community will be encouraged to do so as well.
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