OU Analytics - Member/Customer Search

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

OU Analytics - Member/Customer Search

The OU Analytics dashboards provide an intuitive interface to present data using tables and charts with the capability to customize using filtering options by OU, Region, Section, Grade, Gender, etc.  Counts provided can further link to the respective member contact details.  A convenient search feature is also available, providing the capability to quickly search for one particular member within the member details listing on the dashboard.  This avoids the need to scroll through a list of contact information or filter a list to narrow the counts to find a member on the Detail dashboard.  It also eliminates the need to download the member contact information to Excel in order to search, sort and filter to find a member or customer.   Both the Detail Dashboard and Volunteer Positions Dashboards have search functionality to find a Member/Customer by simply entering in either Member/Customer #, First Name or Last Name.  Using one or all three of the search fields will retrieve results, if applicable.  The search capability within the three Volunteer Positions Dashboards allows you to search for a volunteer using the same fields.  This includes searching for a current volunteer within the two Volunteer Positions dashboards or searching for a volunteer in a former position in the Volunteer History Dashboard.
Please see this month's OU Analytics TIp of the Month in the latter part of this newsletter under "Resources Available" which provides How To screenshots to access the search capability.
Reminder - Section Student Activities Chairs and Representatives
Please work with your local Student Branches to plan 2021 activities and remind them that the following is required in order for them to remain active:
  1. At least 10 active IEEE Student Members to remain an active IEEE Student Branch
  2. Annual Plan: https://sbr.vtools.ieee.org
  3. Officer Reporting: https://officers.vtools.ieee.org (Chair position is required)
  4. Meeting/Event Reporting: https://events.vtools.ieee.org

SPS Social Media

IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel