News from the Signal Processing for Communications and Networking (SPCOM) Technical Committee

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

News from the Signal Processing for Communications and Networking (SPCOM) Technical Committee

by Geert Leus (SPCOM TC Chair)Geert Leus

The Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM TC) aims at illuminating and exploring signal processing challenges in communications and networking, and can be situated at the intersection of the IEEE Signal Processing (SPS), Communications (COMSOC), and Information Theory (IT) Societies.

The SPCOM TC is pleased to welcome three new members: Huaiyu Dai from the North Carolina State University, USA, Amir Leshem from the Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Zhi Tian from the Michigan Technological University, USA. In addition, the membership of the following members has been renewed: Tim Davidson, Daniel Palomar, Mats Bengtsson, Akbar Sayeed, Hamid Sadjadpour, and Zhengdao Wang. The members that are stepping down are Franz Hlawatsch, Anna Scaglione, and Zhengyuan (Daniel) Xu. We would like to thank them for their valuable contributions.

The SPCOM TC and the SAM TC joined forces in organizing two joint sessions at ICASSP 2010: SPCOM-L2 Distributed Estimation in Sensor Networks and SAM-P6 Sensor Networks I: localization and Cooperative Communication. See the ICASSP10 technical program for more detailed information.

The flagship conference of the SPCOM TC is the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). This year's SPAWC10 will be held June 20-23, 2010, in Marrakech, Morocco, chaired by Mounir Ghogho from the University of Leeds of UK and Ananthram Swami from the U.S. Army Research Lab. Plenary talks will be given by Gerhard Fettweis, Georgios B. Giannakis, Andrea Goldsmith, Nikos Sidiropoulos, and Qing Zhao.

For more information on our TC, please visit the SPCOM TC's webpage.

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