Volunteer Opportunities

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Volunteer Opportunities

The IEEE Signal Processing Society relies on the support of more than 1,000 volunteers for its operation, 700+ who serve in official capacities. While some positions require a certain level of technical expertise, there are many volunteer opportunities for which Society Membership and a desire to serve are the only requirements. If you are not already involved, we encourage you to consider lending your time and talents to the Signal Processing Society. Explore the links below for ideas for volunteer involvement. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the SPS Executive office.

Volunteer Opportunities Page Image

How do I apply to become an IEEE SPS volunteer or nominate a colleague?

To nominate an IEEE Signal Processing Society member for an IEEE SPS volunteer position:

  • Go to the Call for Nominations website
  • Locate the volunteer position (note the position term and nomination open and close deadline)
  • Complete and submit the Nomination Form

How do I express interest in future opportunities?

Please contact the SPS Executive Office at sp-info@listserv.ieee.org to express you interest in a position or obtain information.

What IEEE SPS volunteer positions are available and how do I know if I am eligible?

Please see the Volunteer Positions and Opportunities page for a list of IEEE SPS volunteer positions. Position qualifications and requirements, opening dates and deadlines for submission, and in-depth position descriptions are listed for you. Any IEEE SPS member who meets the stated position criteria may be nominated or apply for self nominations, if noted.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

As an IEEE Signal Processing Society volunteer, you can take pride in participating in activities that interest you while expanding your knowledge of IEEE ang the Signal Processing Society, gaining valuable management and leadership skills, and networking with others in your profession.

Benefits associated with volunteer opportunities include:

  • Advancing your knowledge in all aspects of technology and the sciences related to Signal Processing
  • Helping guide the evolution of your field
  • Networking with others from around the world
  • Honing your knowledge of Society products and project management
  • Gaining confidence and developing leadership, communication, and presentation skills

Public Visibility and Awareness

The IEEE Signal Processing Society aims to drive awareness, understanding and appreciation of signal processing, the professionals who implement it, and our Society through “The Science Behind Our Digital Life” positioning. Our multi-year campaign is anchored by compelling content for our website blog, external media opportunities, and social media initiatives; we need volunteers like you to support this effort. There are numerous ways members can get involved, including drafting articles on interesting signal processing trends and applications, sharing the Society’s messages and amplifying their reach through your own social networks, participating in videos, providing commentary on breaking news we can share with the media, and participating in interviews. List the SPS Volunteer Interest category (Social Media Engagement, Guest Authored Articles, Media or Other) and complete the online contact submission form.


The strength of our Society lies in the quality of our publications. Do you have an interest in writing or editing? We are always looking for qualified individuals to serve as reviewers, associate editors, organizers of special issues of our Transactions and Magazine, etc.

Reviewers and associate editors provide an invaluable service to the society in helping maintain the high quality and timeliness of our publications. Visit the Publications and Guidelines page for more information. Our guidelines require at least three reviewers for every paper submitted to one of our journals. Considering that we receive thousands of submissions to our publications every year, the workload in organizing and conducting the peer review of these submissions is immense. If you're not already involved in the peer review process for the society, consider lending us your technical expertise in one of the following ways, appropriate to your background in the field:


Qualifications: solid familiarity with the past and current literature in at least one of the topical areas covered by a journal (usually found within the EDICS listed for the journal), preferably a record of publications in one of these areas (conference publications would be sufficient), ability to complete a quality review within a six-week timeframe. Both reviewers with a deep understanding of narrow topical areas and those with broad expertise in a general area are needed. Reviewers need not be an IEEE member.

To Volunteer:To Volunteer: Contact the editor-in-chief or (preferably) an appropriate associate editor of the journal(s) you're interested in being involved with. Include a description of your technical experience along with the EDICS of the areas you feel you are qualified to review papers for. Follow the links on the societies main publication page to find the names of the editors and the EDICS associated with each journal.

Associate Editors

Qualifications: Membership in the society (or in a sister society for the case of co-sponsored publications), previous experience as a reviewer for a journal, a track record of publications in the journal, typically several years of post-graduate experience, recommendation from a technical committee is very helpful, ability to calmly and wisely mediate disputes between reviewers and authors, committment to handling paper reviews in a time-efficient and unbiased manner.

To Volunteer: The preferred method is to contact the Technical Committee most closely allied with your interests and ask them to consider recommending you to the editor-in-chief of the journal you would like to work with. Alternatively, you can contact the editor-in-chief directly. Include a resume, publication list, and the EDICS areas you feel qualified to handle.

Conferences & Workshops

If you like organizing and engaging people, the Society facilitates several technical meetings each year, and we can use your help. In addition to coordinating the technical program, volunteers are needed to help with logistical issues such as local arrangements, registration, exhibits, etc.

The Signal Processing Society sponsors 10-12 conferences and workshops every year, all over the world. ICASSP and ICIP are the society's "flagship" conferences, and attract thousands of paper submissions and attendees. There are also a number of smaller meetings that are focused on specialized topics within the society, and even these require significant planning and a large volunteer force. List of conferences and workshops sponsored by the society. Opportunities to be involved include the following:

Conference & Workshop Organization - Proposals for hosting ICASSP and ICIP must be submitted to the society's Conference Board several years in advance. Proposals for workshops are submitted to the appropriate Technical Committee, and typically require a lead time of 1-2 years. Information about how to organize a conference or workshop can be found here.

Paper Reviews - The Technical Committees are charged with handling the reviews of papers submitted to all of the society's conferences and workshops. One does not, however, need to be a member of a Technical Committee in order to help with the review process. Some committees have a set of associate or adjunct members in addition to their regular membership whose role is specifically to help with the committee's review load. If you would like to participate in the review of conference papers, contact the chair of the Technical Committee most closely allied with your research interests. The qualifications for reviewing conference papers are similar to those for regular journal papers. Please reference the Guidelines page.

Exhibits - Help is needed in finding companies and other organizations to participate as exhibitors at ICASSP and ICIP. Contact the Exhibits Chair of the conference for information and suggestions on how to proceed.

Publicity - Advertise upcoming conferences and workshops on your personal web page, distribute Calls for Papers to colleagues at your business or university, or in your local society chapter, etc. For additional suggestions on publicity for ICASSP and ICIP, contact the Publicity Chair of the conference. For workshops, contact the General Chair directly.

Special Sessions & Tutorials - Proposal deadlines for special sessions and tutorials at ICASSP and ICIP are listed on the conference Call for Papers. Proposals should be sent to the appropriate chair on the organizing committee. Proposals for special sessions at a workshop should be sent directly to the Technical Program Chair of the workshop.

Local Arrangements - If you live near the location of an upcoming meeting, volunteer to help with generating lists describing local hotels, restaurants and places to visit, organizing sight-seeing tours, suggesting possible entertainment for social events, etc. Contact the Local Arrangements Chair for additional ideas.

Registration - Volunteers are needed to help the conference management service or workshop organizers set up and run registration booths at each meeting. ICASSP and ICIP have a Registration Chair that you can contact directly to volunteer; for workshops, contact the General Chair.

Society Liaisons & Representatives

The Society must continually interact with the main IEEE organizational body as well as with sister societies in the IEEE on issues of common interest (e.g., the History Center, electronic libraries, multimedia, wireless communications, medical imaging, etc.). Volunteers are needed to serve as liaisons to these other IEEE entities, representing the Signal Processing Society's interests.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society maintains a close relationship with its parent organization, as well as with several other societies that share common interests. In particular, we work closely with the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), we are members of the IEEE Sensors Council and the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, and we work together with other societies on conferences and publications in wireless communications, mobile computing, multimedia, neural networks, and medical imaging.

The society relies on liaisons and representatives to these boards, councils and sister societies for information about their activities and to represent the interests of the society in their operations. We encourage you to consider serving the society in one of these important positions.

Qualifications: Membership in the society, interest and significant background in the technical area of the organization you are associated with, ability to attend meetings of the board/council you represent, ability to provide timely reports to the Signal Processing Society's Executive Committee on your activities and issues relevant to the society.

Technical Committees

The technical sub-specialties within the Society are represented by 12 committees comprising 25 to 40 members. Members typically serve three-year terms, so there are new positions available every year on each committee.

Technical Committees within the Signal Processing Society have the following functions: organize and conduct timely reviews of ICASSP papers in their area, approve and supervise relevant workshops, nominate members for various society awards, assist in the selection of distinguished lecturers, assist in the selection of associate editors for society journals, provide expertise in the development of IEEE standards, generally promote their technical area within the Signal Processing Society.

Qualifications: Membership in the society, a track record of publications within the committee's technical purview, several (typically at least three) years of post-graduate experience, a reputation of expertise in some relevant technical area, commitment to regularly attend ICASSP and workshops sponsored by the committee, commitment to be responsive to committee responsibilities listed above.

To Volunteer: Openings on the Technical Committees are filled from nominations made by committee members. The best way to be nominated is to get to know members of the committee, and ask them to consider you for an open position (there are typically 5-10 openings on each committee every year). Note that the committees will take more than your qualifications into account when voting on new members; in particular, it is critical that they have a membership whose specialties are well-balanced and cover the breadth of the committee's technical domain. Qualified nominees may not be selected if their area is already well represented on the committee.

There are 12 Technical Committees of the Society where Membership is limited. However, you can still be involved by joining as an Affiliate Member.  Technical Committee Affiliates are non-elected, non-voting members of a particular the Technical Committee. There is no limit to the number of Affiliates that a Technical Committee can have. Affiliate membership is open to: IEEE SPS members (any grade) and IEEE student members interested in the scope of a given Technical Committee and non-IEEE members of professional organizations in interdisciplinary fields within the Technical Committee’s scope. Technical Committee Affiliates have the opportunity to act as reviewers for one of the Society’s conferences or be appointed to one of the Technical Committee’s subcommittees. They may also have the opportunity to attend open Technical Committee meetings held at one of the Technical Committee's workshops. Becoming an Affiliate Member is easy.

Local Signal Processing Society Chapters

There are more than 170 local Chapters of the IEEE Signal Processing Society organized around the world. If you live near one, contact the Chapter Chair and consider volunteering in your area. Visit the Chapters and Communities page for more information.

IEEE Volunteer Resources

Visit the IEEE Volunteer Resources page for a comprehensive list of resources available to IEEE volunteers in all aspects of the society, including those described on the SPS website and other opportunities not discussed here.


IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel