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The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly empowering people with an interconnected world of physical objects ranging from smart buildings to portable smart devices, such as wearables. With recent advances in mobile sensing, wearables have become a rich collection of portable sensors and are able to provide various types of services...

The use of mobile phones in public places opens up the possibilities of remote side channel attacks on these devices. We present a video-based side channel attack to decipher passwords on mobile devices. Our method uses short video clips ranging from 5 to 10 s each, which can be taken unobtrusively from a distance and do not require the keyboard or the screen of the phone to be visible.

The procedure for extracting a cryptographic key from noisy sources, such as biometrics and physically uncloneable functions (PUFs), is known as fuzzy extractor (FE). Although FE constructions deal with discrete sources, most noisy sources are continuous. In the continuous case, it is required to transform the source to a discrete one. 

In this paper, the achievable secrecy rate of a relay-assisted massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink is investigated in the presence of a multi-antenna active/passive eavesdropper. The excess degrees-of-freedom offered by a massive MIMO base-station (BS) are exploited for sending artificial noise (AN) via random and null-space precoders.

Spectrum auction is an effective approach to improve the spectrum utilization, by leasing an idle spectrum from primary users to secondary users. Recently, a few differentially private spectrum auction mechanisms have been proposed, but, as far as we know, none of them addressed the differential privacy in the setting of double spectrum auctions.

Constrained image splicing detection and localization (CISDL), which investigates two input suspected images and identifies whether one image has suspected regions pasted from the other, is a newly proposed challenging task for image forensics. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial learning framework to learn a deep matching network for CISDL.

Sparse coding-based anomaly detection has shown promising performance, of which the keys are feature learning, sparse representation, and dictionary learning. In this paper, we propose a new neural network for anomaly detection (termed AnomalyNet) by deeply achieving feature learning, sparse representation, and dictionary learning in three joint neural processing blocks. Specifically, to learn better features,...

The importance of normalizing biometric features or matching scores is understood in the multimodal biometric case, but there is less attention to the unimodal case. Prior reports assess the effectiveness of normalization directly on biometric performance. We propose that this process is logically comprised of two independent steps: (1) methods to equalize the effect of each biometric feature on the similarity scores calculated from all the features together...

In September 2017, the McAfee Labs quarterly report estimated that brute-force attacks represent 20% of total network attacks, making them the most prevalent type of attack ex-aequo with browser-based vulnerabilities. These attacks have sometimes catastrophic consequences, and understanding their fundamental limits may play an important role in the risk assessment of password-secured systems and in the design of better security protocols. 

We introduce the multiple enrollment scheme for SRAM-physical unclonable functions (PUFs). During each enrollment, the binary power-on values of the SRAM are observed, and a corresponding key and helper data are generated. Each key can later be reconstructed from an additional observation and the helper data.


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