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This paper presents a comprehensive study of post-mortem human iris recognition carried out for 1200 near-infrared and 1787 visible-light samples collected from 37 deceased individuals kept in mortuary conditions. We used four independent iris recognition methods (three commercial and one academic) to analyze genuine and impostor comparison scores and check the dynamics of iris quality decay over a period of up to 814 h after death.

Video watermarking is a well-established technology to help identify digital pirates when they illegally re-distribute multimedia content. In order to provide every client with a unique, watermarked video, the traditional distribution architectures separately encode each watermarked video. However, since these encodings require a high amount of computational resources, such architectures do not scale well to a large number of users.

Despite the benefits of cyber-insurance, organizations are reluctant to enroll in such policies mainly because of their limitation and high price. On the other hand, insurers are confronting the adverse selection and moral hazard problems as monitoring and distinguishing insureds' cybersecurity posture are highly complicated. Considering the organizations' security interdependency and their demand for cyber-insurance, we study the design of coalitional insurance mechanisms...

This paper proposes a novel screen-shooting resilient watermarking scheme, which means that if the watermarked image is displayed on the screen and the screen information is captured by the camera, we can still extract the watermark message from the captured photo. To realize such demands, we analyzed the special distortions caused by the screen-shooting process, including lens distortion, light source distortion, and moiré distortion.

Watermarking is a solution for copyright protection and forensics tracking, but recapturing and de-synchronization attacks may be used to effectively remove audio watermarks. Although much effort has been made in recent years, the robustness of audio watermarking against recapturing and de-synchronization attacks is still a challenging issue. Specifically, we first construct the frequency-domain coefficients logarithmic mean (FDLM) feature of digital audio.

Additive manufacturing (AM, or 3D printing) is a novel manufacturing technology that has been adopted in industrial and consumer settings. However, the reliance of this technology on computerization has raised various security concerns. In this paper, we address issues associated with sabotage via tampering during the 3D printing process by presenting an approach that can verify the integrity of a 3D printed object.

The forensic investigation of JPEG compression generally relies on the analysis of first-order statistics based on image histogram. The JPEG compression detection methods based on such methodology can be effortlessly circumvented by adopting some anti-forensic attacks. This paper presents a counter JPEG anti-forensic method by considering the second-order statistical analysis based on the co-occurrence matrices (CMs).

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) analyze data that are collected by sensors, which monitor the network traffic. Any alert generated by the IDS is transmitted to a cybersecurity operations center (CSOC), which performs the important task of analyzing the alerts.


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