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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

The e-Membership program started as a pilot in 2011. The intent of the pilot was to test the impact of substantially reduced dues on membership recruitment and retention in countries where the per capita gross domestic product is US$15,000 or less. Data has shown that there was no significant increase on recruitment or retention during this period.

The following SPS Distinguished lectures will be held in the upcoming months

The Fellow Reference Committee is seeking nominations for three new members of the 2015 Fellow Reference Committee. The term of appointment is three years, non-renewable (1 January 2015-31 December 2017). The position is responsible for evaluating nominations for IEEE Fellow that are referred for review by the IEEE Fellow Committee. Candidates must hold the grade of IEEE Fellow and must be an SPS Member.

Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.

All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award will be presented for the fourth time in 2015. The award will be presented annually to a Chapter that has provided their membership with the highest quality of programs, activities and services. The award will be presented annually in conjunction with the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) to the Chapter’s representative. The award will consist of a certificate and a check in the amount of $1,000 to support local chapter activities. The winning Chapter will also be invited to publish an article in the IEEE Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter.

Section Officers can spread the word that members can take advantage of special deals going on right now for back-to-school shopping. Each of IEEE’s hardware discount providers has its own promotions and offers worth looking into: Dell (with international programs), Lenovo (US), and HP (US). Compare pricing and save on laptops, PCs, tablets, workstations, electronics, accessories, and more. Visit IEEE Technology Discounts for access to current hardware promotions

IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients accepted their awards on Saturday, 23 August, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The 2014 IEEE Honors Ceremony was held in conjunction with IEEE Sections Congress and hosted by IEEE President Roberto de Marca and IEEE President-Elect Howard E. Michel.

The Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM TC) promotes activities that illuminate and explore signal processing challenges in communications and networking. These activities take place at the interfaces between the IEEE Signal Processing (SPS), Communications (COMSOC), and Information Theory (IT) Societies.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.eNotice: A new vTools application has been released to replace the existing eNotice submission form. Both options will remain available during the month of July as the pilot phase is completed.

K. J. Ray Liu,
SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee Chair

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board for the term 2015-17 and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee for the term 2015-16. This year, the Society will be filling TWO positions on the N&A Committee and TWO positions on the Awards Board. Nominations must be received no later than Monday, 13 October 2014.


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