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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 169 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. Senior Member is the only membership grade that is eligible to be nominated for IEEE Fellow. The new Senior Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society are:
Dr. Masanobu Abe
Dr. Purang Abolmaesumi Dr. Driss Aboutajdine Dr. Nurul Ahmad Dr. George Alexandropoulos Dr. Jaime Almodovar Dr. Mohamad Ali Assaad Dr. Alexander Awuviri Dr. Robert Barsanti Dr. Patrick Bas Dr. Mohammed Benaissa Dr. Francesco Benedetto Dr. Manav Bhatnagar Dr. Chinmoy Bhattacharya Dr. Igor Bisio Dr. Jacques Blanc-Talon Dr. Andrew Bolstad Dr. Larbi Boubchir Dr. Jean-Marc Boucher Dr. Joon-Hyuk Chang Dr. Kunal Chaudhury Dr. Ricardo Chaves Dr. Seow Chee Kiat Dr. Chiao-En Chen Dr. Kuan-Ta Chen Dr. Xinjian Chen Dr. Amina Chentir Dr. Ching Te Chiu Dr. Darryl Collins Dr. Pedro Comesana-Alfaro Dr. William Correll Jr. Dr. Timothy Davidson Dr. Luis De Oliveira Dr. John Donohue Dr. Leonardo Duarte Dr. Damien Dusha Dr. Alessandro J. Dutra Dr. Alireza Entezari Dr. Alper Erdogan Dr. Franck eLuthon Dr. Tomas McKelvey Dr. Petri Mahonen Dr. Man Mak Dr. Dmitry Malioutov Dr. Richard Martin Dr. Brian Mazzeo Dr. John Mcroberts Dr. Vinay Melkote Dr. Robert Miklosovic Dr. Benjamin Miller Dr. Michael Mina Dr. Seiji Miyoshi Dr. Mehdi Moradi Dr. Anirban Mukherjee Dr. Koji Murai Dr. Hema Murthy Dr. Peter Nagy Dr. Ganesh Naik Dr. Kameswara Rao Namuduri Dr. Syed Naqvi Dr. Yousef Nijim Dr. Brett Ninness Dr. James Norris Dr. Laszlo Nyul Dr. Morrison Obeng Dr. Zhijian Ou Dr. Jingning Pan Dr. Dimitrios Pados Dr. Ashutosh Pandey Dr. Georgios Papandreou Dr. Sungkwon Park Dr. Alberto Perotti Dr. Olivier Pietquin Dr. William Puech Dr. Khandker Quader Dr. Barry Quinn Dr. Ratnam V. RajaKumar Dr. Bhuvana Ramabhadran Dr. Qolamreza Razlighi Dr. Yuriy Reznik Dr. Fred Richardson Dr. Anderson Rocha Dr. Manuel Rosa-Zurera Dr. Arun Ross Dr. Leszek Szczecinski |
Dr. Ramy Fathy
Dr. Inbar Fijalkow Dr. Jessica Fridrich Dr. Tomas Gansler Dr. Timo Gerkmann Dr. Prasanta Ghosh Dr. Daniele Giacobello Dr. Dadang Gunawan Dr. Narayana H V S Bandhakavi Dr. Walaa Hamouda Dr. Ryan Hersey Dr. Steven Chu-Hong Hoi Dr. Jaakko Hollmen Dr. Dong-Yan Huang Dr. Du Huynh Dr. Giancarlo Iannizzotto Dr. Takao Inoue Dr. Julie Jackson Dr. Kalyani Joshi Dr. Claudio Jung Dr. Zoltan Kato Dr. Jussi Kahtava Dr. H. Kalva Dr. Rajiv Kapadia Dr. Gunes Karabulut Dr. Aleksandar Kavcic Dr. Byung-Gyu Kim Dr. Moo Young Kim Dr. Raja Rajeswari Konduri Dr. Lingjiang Kong Dr. Gerald Konstanzer Dr. Heung-No Lee Dr. Kyogu Lee Dr. Xinrong Li Dr. Jian-Ao Lian Dr. Dong Liang Dr. Joseph Liberti Dr. Guo-Shiang Lin Dr. Qingwen Liu Dr. Ahmed Sadek Dr. Salina Samad Dr. Arash Samani Dr. Dinesh Sathyamoorthy Dr. Bjoern Schuller Dr. Michael Sebek Dr. Karim Seddik Dr. Shiguang Shan Dr. Robert Sims Dr. Ozgur Sinanoglu Dr. Satish Singh Dr. Wei Song Dr. Flippo Stanco Dr. S. Sudharsanan Dr. Laszlo Sujbert Dr. Himal Suraweera Dr. Piotr Szczepaniak Dr. Kien Truong Dr. Aliakbar Tadaion Taft Dr. Ali Tajer Dr. Antti Tolli Dr. George Tziritas Dr. Sennur Ulukus Dr. Kush Varshney Dr. Haris Vikalo Dr. Tuomas Virtanen Dr. Kathleen Wage Dr. Chen Wang Dr. Stephen Weddell Dr. Stefan Werner Dr. Hao-tian Wu Dr. Ji Wu Dr. Jun Wu Dr. Jia Xu Dr. Wei Xu Dr. Xiaopeng Yang Dr. Qixiang Ye Dr. Chuohao Yeo Dr. Nasharuddin Zainal Dr. Yi-Chong Zeng Dr. Rui Zhang Dr. Tao Zhang Dr. Zhilin Zhang Dr. Bowen Zhou Dr. Wangmeng Zuo |
View the complete list of SPS Senior Members.
IEEE Senior Members receive an array of benefits, including, but not limited to, professional recognition and notoriety, a plaque, coupons for IEEE membership, eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions, and the ability to serve as a reference for other Senior Member applicants.
For more information on IEEE membership grades and elevation, please visit the IEEE Member Grade Elevation Web page.
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