Call for Nominations-EiC

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Call for Nominations: IEEE SPS Editors-in-Chief

Nomination Deadline Extended: 15 February 2024

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the position of Editor-in-Chief for the following journals: IEEE/ACM Trans​actions on Audio, Speech, and Language ProcessingIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, and IEEE Trans. on Signal and Information Processing over Networks. The Editor-in-Chief appointment is for a 3-year term starting on 1 January 2025. Nominators should take into consideration the need for representation of diversity in the Editor-in-Chief nomination slate when submitting their nominations. Self-nominations are accepted. 

The nominee must be a member in good standing of the IEEE and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He/she must have served as an Associate Editor, Senior Area Editor, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue Editor, or in a management capacity for an archival journal published by IEEE. Preference shall be given to candidates who have served as Associate Editors of one or more Signal Processing Society archival publications. Desirable qualities include solid technical accomplishments, leadership, integrity and ethical standards, organizational and management skills, and a vision for moving the journal forward.

The duties include the identification of Associate Editors, Senior Area Editors, and Deputy Editors-in-Chief to serve across the topical scope of the periodical journal including special issue topics and guest editors; management of the day-to-day operations in Scholar One with the assistance of the Signal Processing Society's publications staff; identifying areas that require strengthening the scope of the Society and working with the Society and its technical committees to achieve that goal.

The Editor-in-Chief will report to the Society's Vice President-Publications and is responsible for working with the Vice President-Publications to create strategic and long-term plans for the publication they oversee. The Editor-in-Chief chairs the Editorial Board for the publication they oversee and serves on and is a voting member of the Society's Publications Board.

 The Editor-in-Chief is expected to participate in Publications Board meetings at ICASSP in the Spring and in the Fall at ICIP (with limited travel support covered by IEEE SPS) and in conference calls, contributing to decisions about publication policies and priorities. The term of service will be from 1/1/2025 to 12/31/2027.

Nominations for the noted positions must be submitted through the online nomination system no later than 15 February 2024.  If you wish to communicate first with 2024-26 SPS Vice President-Publications Antonio Ortega, you can reach him at​.

Nominations must include:

  1. candidate name and contact information
  2. IEEE Region
  3. IEEE Member number
  4. a high-resolution photo
  5. candidate's brief IEEE-style biography including candidate’s editorial experience - up to 200 words;
  6. a web address that contains the candidate’s CV (do not send a curriculum vitae with the nomination);
  7. a brief narrative supporting statement from the nominator(s) - up to 500 words;
  8. a statement of interest stating the nominee’s vision for the journal - up to 500 words.


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