MMSP Challenge on Structure-Guided Image Inpainting (MMSP 2021)

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MMSP Challenge on Structure-Guided Image Inpainting (MMSP 2021)


Associated SPS Event: IEEE MMSP 2021 Grand Challenge

This challenge is meant to consolidate and strengthen research efforts about image inpainting using structural guidance. We will prepare two tracks: image restoration (IR) and image editing (IE). In the IR track, we mask out random areas in an image and provide the edge maps within the areas to help restore the image. In the IE track, we carefully select some objects in an image to be removed and invite users to draw sketches to reflect their ideal layout in the missing region. In both tracks we challenge the researchers to inpaint the incomplete image with the structural guidance. The major difference between the two tracks is that, in the first track, we want to recover the missing areas so that the completed image approximates the original, and in the second track, our goal is to make the result visually plausible and to meet the structural constraints as much as possible.


Training data is now available at link. Training set consists of around 1500 high-definition natural, complete images.

Validation set has two subsets that correspond to the two tracks: IR and IE. For validation set we will provide a mask for each image to indicate "missing areas" and a sketch map to provide the "structural guidance". The validation data can be downloaded at link.

Test set is similar in scale to the validation set, and for each test image we will provide incomplete image together with a mask and sketch map. The ground-truth of test images is not public.

For updates, further details, submission and other information, please visit the website




Technical Committee: Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing


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