Certified Chapter Highlights

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Certified Chapters Highlights


Chapter highlights:
2024- 2027 | 2023-2026 | 2022-2025 | 2021-2024 |


Chapter Chapter Details

Long Island Chapter Chair: Jessica A. Donaldson
The IEEE Long Island (LI) Signal Processing Society Chapter collaborates with national and international chapters and industry leaders to host technical lectures. The IEEE LI SPS Chapter caters to hardware, firmware and software engineers involved in signal processing techniques, implementation, and apparatus.
Rochester Chapter Chair: Eric Zeise
Jordan Chapter Chair: Sami Ahmad Aldalahmeh
Our team is highly motivated, committed and solution-oriented. We strive to provide our members, students and professionals, with the latest relevant technological information. In addition to promoting engagement with academia and industry.
North Macedonia Chapter Chair: Branislav Gerazov
The SPS Chapter in the IEEE North Macedonia section is a small, but extremely active group that organizes numerous activities and events, including technical sessions, pre-University STEM workshops, and competitions, providing members with ample opportunities for engagement and growth.
Poland Chapter Chair: Konrad Jędrzejewski
The Poland Chapter of SPS gathers professionals of A-Z branches of signal processing (Acoustic, Biomedical, Genomic, Image, Music, Optical, Radar, Video, Watermark... and many others) from main academic centers in Poland. Our principal aims are: exchange of experience and methods, mutual learning and support, cooperation with industrial partners, detecting and nurturing talents among young professionals and directing attention to the humanistic aspects of technology.
Bangalore Chapter Chair: Shailesh Sakri
Beijing Chapter Chair: Qiuqi Ruan
Rio de Janeiro Signal Processing Chapter: disseminating the knowledge, engaging people, and inspiring current and future researchers.
Madras Chapter Chair: N. Venkateswaran
The IEEE Signal Processing Society Madras Chapter has more than 400 members covering the entire Tamil Nadu State, India. It holds periodic events that invite professionals, academics and students for networking, research, and project collaboration for all those interested in signal processing.
Sri Lanka Chapter Chair: Chamira U. S. Edussooriya
Tokyo Chapter Chair: Nobutaka Ono
The IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter, the largest in Japan, is dedicated to hosting distinguished lecture talks, co-sponsoring domestic symposiums and workshops, and fostering researchers in the signal processing field through conferring several awards.
Uttar Pradesh Chapter Chair: Satish Kumar Singh
The IEEE SPS Uttar Pradesh Chapter is located in the northern part of India and is committed to delivering excellence in signal processing.
Western Australia Chapter Chair: Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam

Boston Chapter Chair:Karen A. Panetta
Denver/High Plains Chapter Chair: TBA
Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the Denver Chapter is surrounded by Aerospace, software and technology companies of all sizes. Our AES and SPS chapter serves a diverse and deep pool of technology professionals who use our chapter to network/recruit/find jobs and also to stay informed on ground-breaking technologies, innovative methods, and industry standards.
Oakland/East Bay Chapter Chair: David Chambers
Italy Chapter Chair: Enrico Magli
The IEEE SPS Italy Chapter promotes signal processing and multimedia research in academia and industry. It aims at fostering scientific excellence through recognition of outstanding work by young and senior researchers, and the organization of scientific events and summer schools.
Sweden Chapter Chair: Amleset Kelati
IEEE Sweden SPS involve different stage of members such as Life Members, Fellow member, Life fellow member, Senior Member, regular Members- and Graduate Student Member. The chapter prepares a professional development event with students and other professionals' participation on academic and industry topics.
Türkiye Chapter Chair: Burak Acar
Gujarat Chapter Chair: Chirag N. Paunwala
IEEE GS is dedicated to using its resources to give the best programs for young engineers, professionals, and Women in Signal Processing.
Malaysia Chapter Chair: R. Logeswaran
A vibrant award-winning Chapter that promotes signal processing within Malaysia and beyond.
Singapore Chapter Chair: Ngai-Man (Man) Cheung
SPS Singapore Chapter includes prominent and experienced signal processing researchers from Singapore research institutions such as Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

Baltimore Chapter Chair: Benaud D. Menachery
IEEE Signal Processing Chapter of Baltimore Section is a professional engineering chapter focused on analyzing, modifying, and synthesizing signals. The Chapter is involved in bringing together scientists, engineers and all interested in learning, networking, and exploring new career goals. The Chapter host technical presentations during the year and welcome all members and interested professionals to join the event. Currently the technical meetings are conducted online.
Atlanta Chapter Chair: Wendy Newcomb
Lone Star (San Antonio) Chapter Chair: Brian T. Kelley
We are the Signal Processing Chapter of the Texas IEEE Lone Star Section, representing a combined IEEE Chapter of Signal Processing and IEEE Communications.
Ukraine (Kharkiv) Chapter Chair: Oleksandr Dumin
IEEE Ukraine Section (Kharkiv) SP/AP/C/EMC/COM Joint Chapter was founded in the biggest center of Radio Physics in Ukraine, in Kharkiv. Four universities and several academic institutions actively work in the area of Electrical Engineering in Kharkiv.
South Brazil (South Region) Chapter Chair: Jacob Scharcanski
Bangladesh Chapter Chair: Shaikh A. Fattah

Dallas Chapter Chair: Issa Panahi
The main goal of the Chapter has been to present and spread the technical knowledge among the academics and professionals in Dallas – Fort Worth area, and to increase the IEEE SPS membership, especially among the students while collaborating with other Dallas chapters of IEEE and the local IEEE Students organizations.
Spain Chapter Chair: Víctor P. Gil Jiménez
The IEEE Spanish Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter is devoted to providing high quality services to their members, including access to the best technical talks by academic and industry experts and benefits for their student members.
Guadalajara Chapter Chair: Rodrigo Calderón Rico
Growing SP Society Chapter with a balance blend of Senior, Member, and Graduate membership levels focusing on high-quality technical meetings and discussions with DL to influence younger generations to perform research, and triggering local innovation projects.
Beijing Chapter Chair: Qiuqi Ruan
IEEE SPS Beijing Chapter is one of the earliest Chapters in China, mainly engaged in academic activities in the SPS fields.
Delhi Chapter Chair: Anubha Gupta
IEEE SPS Delhi Chapter: Supporting the interaction of young learners with the experienced professionals in the field of signal processing, under the patronage of IEEE.
Kansai Chapter Chair: Tomohiro Nakatani
The IEEE SPS Kansai Chapter is located in the most traditional and economically second largest area in Japan. Many industry and academia members are both actively working for advancing future technologies.
Kerala Chapter Chair: – Suresh Kumaraswamy
IEEE Signal Processing Society Kerala Chapter provides a common platform for Students, Faculty, Practicing Engineers, and researchers interested in signal processing to work together and achieve professional and personal growth.
Kolkata Chapter Chair: – Debangshu Dey
IEEE SPS Kolkata Chapter provides a local platform and forum in global scenarios for the members and individuals from both industry and academia to share their ideas, knowledge, and experiences in the art, science and technology of Signal Processing for sustainable development.


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