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Signal Processing for Communications and Networking

Technical Committee


NOTE: The Technical Committee's EDICS list is derived from the Society's Unified EDICS list. You can view the Society's complete Unified EDICS ist and EDICS list approval process on the Unified EDICS page.

EDICS Notations:
1. Bolded text represents the EDICS major topic category
2. Blue shaded rows represent EDICS that can be selected as paper's topic.
3. Non-shaded rows represent sub-topic EDICSs for those above them.


Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
[SPC-MOD] Modulation, demodulation, encoding and decoding
  • [SPC-MEPB] Modulation, encoding, pre-coding and beamforming
  • [SPC-DETC] Detection, estimation, and demodulation
  • [SPC-CMPR] Signal representation, coding and compression
[SPC-CHAN] Channel modelling and estimation
  • [SPC-SYNC] Acquisition, synchronization and tracking
  • [SPC-CHAN] Channel characterization, modelling, estimation and equalization
[SPC-MIMO] Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
  • [SPC-MIMO] Multiple-input multiple-output communication systems
  • [SPC-MMIMO] Massive MIMO communication systems
  • [SPC-DMIMO] Distributed MIMO
[SPC-HIGH] High frequency and wideband communication
  • [SPC-MMTH] Millimetre-wave and terahertz communications
  • [SPC-UWBC] Ultra wideband communications
[CNS-LLC] Low latency communications
[SPC-INTF] Interference management techniques
[SPC-MULT] Multi-carrier and spread spectrum techniques
  • [SPC-MULT] Multi-carrier, OFDM, and DMT communications
  • [SPC-CDSS] CDMA and spread spectrum communications
  • [SPC-DSLP] Digital subscriber loops and powerline communication
[SPCN-NETW] Networks and Network Resource allocation
  • [SPC-RSRC] Scheduling and resource management
  • [SPC-CROP] Cross-layer optimization
  • [CNS-NSPRA] Optimal network signal processing and resource allocation
  • [CNS-CLRD] Cross-Layer design
  • [CNS-RSMG] Resource management issues
  • [CNS-SQP] Scheduling and queuing protocols
  • [MLR-MLON] Machine learning over wireless networks
[CNS-SENS] Sensor and ad-hoc networks
  • [CNS-APPL] Applications of sensor networks
  • [CNS-ADHC] Ad-hoc wireless networks
[SPC-COMP] Compensation and calibration of front end components
[SPCN-ENGY] Energy efficiency in communications
  • [SPC-EAC] Energy Aware Communications
  • [CNS-ENGY] Energy efficient sensor network algorithms
[SPCN-DIST] Distributed, adaptive, and collaborative communication techniques
  • [SPC-SPCR] Signal processing for cognitive radios
  • [CNS-SPDCN] Signal processing for distributed communications and networking
  • [CNS-SPCN] Signal processing for cooperative networking
  • [CNS-CCMCT] Cooperative and coordinated multi-cell techniques
  • [CNS-DSCD] Distributed source and channel decoding
[SPC-ML] Machine Learning for Communications
[SPC-PERF] Information theory and performance bounds
  • [SPC-INFO] Information-theoretic studies
  • [SPC-PERF] Performance analysis and bounds
[SPC-SPARCO] Sparse SP techniques for communication
[SPC-APP] Applications involving of signal processing for communications
[CIT-PHYS] Physical Layer Security
  • [SPC-PHYS] Physical layer security
  • [CIT-COM-JAM] Jamming and anti-jamming techniques
  • [CIT-COM-COV] Covert or stealthy communication via physical layers
  • [CIT-COM-COOP] Security and trust in cooperative communications
  • [CIT-COM-MIMO] Security and trust in MIMO and multiple-access techniques
  • [CIT-COM-COG] Security in cognitive radio
  • [CIT-PHY] Physical layer security
  • [CIT-PHY-SKEY] Secret key extraction from channels
  • [CIT-PHY-COD] Coding for physical layer security
  • [CIT-PHY-MIMO] Physical layer security in MIMO systems
  • [CIT-INF] Information theoretic security
  • [CIT-INF-SECC] Security over channels

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