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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

Do you know someone who has made notable contributions to signal processing or service to the IEEE Signal Processing Society? Now is your chance to recognize them by nominating them for an SPS award!

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is excited to announce a new initiative to support SPS refers to the pre-college educational years collectively, and commonly includes elementary, middle, and high schools.

Christ Richmond (Duke University) has been named Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Signal Processing Letters for the term 1 January 2023 through 31 December 2025.

With the IEEE Annual Election and several Society elections underway, a friendly reminder to review and adhere to the IEEE election campaign policies which apply to all IEEE elections. 

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award will be presented for the 14th time in 2025!

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee. This year, the Society will be filling TWO positions on the N&A Committee for the term 2025-2026 and TWO positions on the Awards Board for the term 2025-2027.

Earlier this year, the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors approved the formation of the SPS Industry Board. The Industry Board reports directly to the Board of Governors, ensuring that an industry perspective is reflected in all society operations, including technical directions, conferences, publications, membership, education, and awards. 

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC.

With the IEEE Annual Election and several Society elections underway, a friendly reminder to review and adhere to the IEEE election campaign policies which apply to all IEEE elections. 

Thanks in large part to all IEEE societies, IEEE DataPort currently has over 8.5 million global users and over 6000 datasets. IEEE DataPort is a global research data platform available to individual researchers and institutions enabling them to perform critical data management functions including storing valuable research datasets and accessing research datasets that can be used in research.


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