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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

TC News

The Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee for each Technical Committee is currently seeking nominations for new Members, as well as the Vice Chair position for some Technical Committees. Nominations for both positions should be submitted directly to each Technical Committee’s Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee. Nominations must be received no later than 15 August 2010.

The Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Technical Committee (TC) addresses the areas of sensor array and multi-channel statistical signal processing. The committee interests span the areas of signal detection and estimation, direction-of-arrival estimation, beamforming, blind source separation, source localization and tracking, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and space-time coding, sensor networks, and multichannel signal processing. Our main application areas are focused on radar, sonar, wireless communications, microphone array processing, navigation, seismology, radio astronomy, and biomedicine.

For each of the past 6 years, the Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) TC has hosted a data analysis competition. The specific application varies from year to year. The goal for this year's competition, MLSP 2010 Competition: Mind Reading, was to develop a feature extraction method and classifier to detect the neural signatures in EEG data that occur when the subject detects an instance of a pre-defined target during an image presentation task (using the oddball paradigm).

The SLTC has participated in organizing several remarkable events since last fall. The 11th biannual IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) workshop was hosted in December 2009 in the historical Kurhaus Theatre in Merano, Italy. The TC was involved in coordinating the review for ICASSP 2010, with a total contribution of 308 published papers from the SLTC community. Two SLTC members received major IEEE SPS awards and recognitions. And the Spring 2010 issue of the SLTC eNewsletter is now available online.

The call for security is increasingly pervading our society, touching many diverse and fundamental facets of our life. Signal processing technology plays a fundamental role in many security-oriented applications. The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) was established in recent years to promote this areas of research and technology development as well as community building. Two new initiatives are going to play a key role toward the establishment of an IFS community inside the SP Society, namely, the creation of affiliate membership in the Technical Committees of the SP Society and the annual WIFS workshop.

The Audio and Electroacoustics (AE) Technical Committee has a new name: it is now the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) Technical Committee. This name change reflects the expanding interests of the committee as evidenced by the recent integration of the music signal processing community.

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 13 technical committees that support a broad selection of signal processing related activities defined by the scope of the Society. Recent policy revisions were made to ensure that Technical Committees remain at the forefront of innovation and interdisciplinary research and foster renewal and openness. Technical Committees now have the opportunity to expand their membership base by adding Affiliate TC Members.



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