Computer Vision PostDoc and PhD Student Positions

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Computer Vision PostDoc and PhD Student Positions

Aalto University, Tampere University, Univ. of Vaasa
Country of Position: 
Contact Name: 
Jani Boutellier
Subject Area: 
Applies to General Signal Processing
Start Date: 
17 October 2019
Expiration Date: 
15 November 2019
Position Description: 

Aalto University, Tampere University and University of Vaasa are looking for talented PostDocs and PhD students to work on a joint computer vision project "REPEAT"

The Academy of Finland project "Robust and Efficient Perception for Autonomous Things" (REPEAT) concerns autonomous perceiving and understanding of the environment, as well as image-based localization. The project combines machine learning, computer vision and computer engineering to develop new methods for data-driven 3D visual computing and image based localization, while considering the computational resource limitations of autonomous systems.

More information and instructions for applying can be found on the project website:

The project starts on Jan 1, 2020 and the deadline for applications is Nov 15, 2019.

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