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Updated September 2015
MLSAS Machine Learning and Statistical Signal processing
SAS-STAT Detection, estimation and classification theory and methods, statistical signal processing
SAS-SYST System identification and modeling, nonlinear systems
SAS-ICAB Independent Component Analysis and blind source separation
SAS-ADAP Adaptive systems and adaptive filtering
SAS-MALN Machine learning and neural networks
SAS-TENS Tensor Signal Processing
SAS-OPTIM Optimization
MLSAS-SPARSE Theory of sparse representations and compressed-sensing
MLSAS-BAYES Bayesian learning; Particle filters; Information-theoretic learning
MLSAS-GRAPH Graphical and kernel methods
MLSAS-MAN Manifold learning, applications of Differential Geometry and adaptive signal processing on Manifolds
MLSAS-SOC Social networks, Social Learning models and Game Theoretic analysis
MLSAS-PATT Pattern recognition and classification
MLSAS-BIGD Big Data Methods and Applications
MLSAS-DEEP Deep Learning
DSP Digital and multirate signal processing
DSP-FILT Filter design, analysis and implementation
DSP-TFSR Time-frequency analysis and signal representations, including spectrum analysis, harmonic analysis, filter banks and multirate processing, wavelets
DSP-FAST Fast DSP algorithms, transforms and computation
DSP-SAMP Sampling, extrapolation, and interpolation
DSP-GRAPH Graph analysis, Spectral Graph Theory and Algebraic Topology algorithms, Wavelets over graphs
DSP-FRI Finite rate of innovation sampling and processing of signals
DSP-SPARSE Sparse signal representations and recovery - algorithms and applications
HDW Design and implementation of signal processing systems
HDW-ARCH Signal processing architectures and VLSI hardware, DSP algorithm implementation and tools
HDW-SECU Hardware security
HDW-PROG Programmable Hardware (e.g. FPGA, SoC, ASIC, etc.) for DSP algorithms
HDW-MCORE Multicore Processors for DSP algorithms
SPE Speech and Language processing
SPE-RECO Speech and speaker recognition
SPE-ANAL Speech coding, synthesis and analysis
SPE-SLID Speaker/Language identification and diarization
SPE-SPL Spoken language processing
AUD Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
AUD-MAAE Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Acoustic Environments
AUD-CLAS Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
AUD-AMHI Auditory Modeling and Hearing Instruments
AUD-ASAP Acoustic Sensor Array Processing
AUF-NEFR Active Noise Control, Echo Reduction and Feedback Reduction
AUD-SEP Audio and Speech Source Separation, Enhancement and Restoration
AUD-QIM Quality and Intelligibility Measures
AUD-SARR Spatial Audio Recording and Reproduction
AUD-AMCT Audio and Speech Modeling, Coding and Transmission
AUD-MSP Music Signal Analysis, Processing and Synthesis
AUD-MIR Music Information Retrieval and Music Language Processing
AUD-AUMM Audio for Multimedia and Bioacoustics
AUD-SEC Audio Security
IMD Image and multidimensional signal processing
IMD-MDSP Multidimensional signal processing
IMD-CODE Image/video coding and transmission
IMD-ANAL Image/video analysis, restoration and processing
IMD-STOR Image/video storage and retrieval
IMD-PATT Pattern recognition
IMD-SPAR Sparse representation in Imaging
IMD-ARS-BIM Signal & Image & Video Biometric Analysis
IMD-ARS-SRE Image & Video Storage and Retrieval
IMD-ARS-SRV Image & Video Synthesis, Rendering, and Visualization
IMD-ARS-FOR Image & Video Forensic Analysis
IMD-STER Stereo Image Processing
MSP Multimedia signal processing
MSP-MULT Multimedia signal processing, e.g., joint audio/image/video/graphic processing
MSP-WAT Watermarking (Theory, Algorithms, Attacks)
MSP-STE Steganography and steganalysis
MSP-HAS Hashing for content authentication/identification
MSP-FOR Multimedia Forensics
MSP-SECU Security and Privacy preserving signal processing
COM Signal processing for communications
COM-ESTI Communication signal transmission, reception and detection algorithms; channel estimation and modeling
COM-CODE Signal representation, coding, compression, including joint source-channel coding and iterative decoding algorithms
COM-MIMO MIMO communications and space-time or space-frequency coding
COM-CDMA-UWB Spread spectrum and CDMA systems and Ultra wideband systems
COM-GREEN Energy Aware Communications and Networking
COM-OFDM Multicarrier, OFDM and DSL systems
COM-UWBS Ultra wideband systems
COM-NETW Wireless, ad hoc and sensor networks, distributed coding and processing, cross-layer design
COM-PERF Performance analysis of communication systems
COM-SCODE Source signal representation, coding, quantization, compression, including joint source-channel coding and iterative decoding algorithms
COM-CODPHY Coding and Precoding design, Optimal PHY for single and multiuser systems
COM-SECU Communication Security and Privacy in Physical Layer communication and Networks
COM-RELN Communications over Relay Channels, Network coding
COM-NETA Analysis of Networks and Queuing systems
COM-OPTNE Optimal network resource allocation, Network Utility Maximization and Game theoretic models
COM-MACOG Multiple Access, Scheduling, Cognitive Radios
COM-MAMI Massive MIMO Communications
SAM Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
SAM-SAMC Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
SAM-NET Distributed processing and optimization over sensor networks, gossiping algorithms
SAM-BEAM Beam-forming, including Space-time adaptive methods
SAM-DOAE Direction of arrival estimation, source detection localization and tracking, including Global Positioning Systems
SAM-LOC Sensor network localization algorithms
SAM-RASO Radar and Sonar Signal Processing
SAM-IMG Imaging with array data including Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAM-SPARCS Compressed Sensing
SAM-DOPT Distributed Optimization
BIO BIO Biomedical signal processing
BIO-BIOL Biomedical signal processing, including genomics, bioinformatics
BIO-BIOIM Biological imaging
BIO-COMPIM Computational imaging
BIO-INFO Bioinformatics
BIO-MAID Signal processing methods for medical aids
BIO-MDIG Medical diagnostic methods
BIO-SENS Sensor systems for biomedical signal and image processing
BIO-SSIGP Sensor signal processing
BIO-BCI Signal Processing Methods supporting Brain/Human-Computer Interfaces
EDU Signal processing in education
EDU-EDUC Signal processing education
ESP Emerging Signal Processing Applications
ESP-CPS Cyber-Physical Systems, Machine Communications and Monitoring Systems
ESP-EN Energy and Smart Grid
ESP-NAV Navigation
ESP-AUTO Automated Vehicle Applications
ESP-IOT Internet of Things
IFS Information Forensics and Security
IFS-APP Security Applications and Usability
IFS-BVS Biometrics and Video-surveillance
IFS-CAP Applied Cryptography, Anonymization, and Privacy
IFS-CLI Communication, Physical-Layer Security and Information Theoretic Security
IFS-FOR Multimedia Forensics and Content Identification
IFS-HID Watermarking, Steganography, and Data Hiding
IFS-OTH Other Aspects of Information Forensics and Security


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