SPS Distinguished Lectures

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SPS Distinguished Lectures

Distinguished Lecture: Yuejie Chi (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Lecture Date: 17 October 2023
Chapter: Spain Chapter
Chapter Chair: Javier Prieto
Topic: Nonconvex Optimization Meets Low-Rank Matrix Estimation

Distinguished Lecture: Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan)

Date: 17 September 2023
Chapter: Uttar Pradesh Chapter
Chapter Chair: Satish Kumar Singh
Title: Personal Information Devices: Portable to wearable, Stand-alone to connected, players to sensors

Distinguished Lecture: K.V.S. Hari (Indian Institute of Science, India)

Date: 20 October 2023
Chapter: Delhi Chapter
Chapter Chair: Monika Aggarwal
Title: AI and Machine Learning Applications

Distinguished Lecture: K.V.S. Hari (Indian Institute of Science, India)

Date: 17 October 2023
Chapter: Gujarat Chapter
Chapter Chair: Chirag N. Paunwala
Title: AI Techniques for Healthcare

Distinguished Lecture: Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan)

Date: 14-15 September 2023
Chapter: Madras Chapter
Chapter Chair: Dr. N. Venkateswaran
Title: Easy and Lazy Technical Writing : How to build a solid logic

Distinguished Lecture: Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan)

Date: 11-12 September 2023
Chapter: Bangalore Chapter
Chapter Chair: Shailesh Sakri
Title: Easy and Lazy Technical Writing : How to build a solid logic

Distinguished Lecture: Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan)

Date: 8-9 September 2023
Chapter: Hyderabad Chapter
Chapter Chair: Lalitha Vadlamani
Title: Easy and Lazy Technical Writing : How to build a solid logic

Distinguished Lecture: Prof. Woon-Seng Gan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Date: 25 August 2023
Chapter: Kansai Chapter
Chapter Chair: Satoshi Nakamura
Title: Signal Processing and Deep Learning for Practical Active Noise Control

Distinguished Lecture: Prof. Woon-Seng Gan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Date:  17 August 2023
Chapter: Tokyo Chapter
Chapter Chair: Nobutaka Ono
Title: Harnessing the Power of Deep Learning for Urban Sound Sensing and Noise Mitigation

Distinguished Lecture: Prof. Gesualdo Scutari (Purdue University, USA)

Date:  11-15 July 2023
Chapter: UK & Ireland Chapters
Chapter Chair: Marwan M. Al-Akaidi
Title: TBD


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