Speech and Language Processing

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Neuroscience-motivated speech processing postdoctoral position

A computational speech and language postdoctoral position is available in the University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurosurgery’s Brain Modulation Laboratory.

W2 Professorship for Speech Coding

The Faculty of Engineering and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft invite applications for a

W2 Professorship for Speech Coding

at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering and International Audio Laboratories Erlangen to be filled by the earliest possible starting date for a period of five years.

The appointed professor will take on a leadership function at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS.

Research Scientist

About Maluuba

The Maluuba team is driven by a single defining purpose: to expose the potential of natural language process to the world and empower modern day smart devices and services. We’re pushing the boundaries of voice search with our commitment building state of the art technology in the fields of NLP, Machine Learning and AI. To date, our technology is present in tens of millions smart devices around the world in various languages. Join us and help invent the future!                    

About the Job

Faculty - All Ranks

Faculty Opening The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Anadolu University invites applications for faculty positions at all levels in the areas of

Postdoctoral Researcher

Multiple post-doc openings are available on projects involving speech and language processing at TTI-Chicago.

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Post-doc position in speech processing research at SUTD, Singapore Project Teaching and Learning English Pronunciation by Generating the Vocal Tract Shapes from the Frequency Domain Information
(This is a new project funded by the very competitive MOE Academies Fund (MAF) for 24 months. PI: Dr. Simon Lui, SUTD)

Post-Doctoral Fellow

TTI-Chicago invites applications for faculty positions at the level of tenure-track and senior (tenured) professor, endowed three-year Research Assistant Professor, and visiting professor. Hiring is taking place in all research areas, including speech and language processing. TTI-Chicago is a philanthropically endowed, academic computer science institute situated on the University of Chicago campus, and is dedicated to basic research and graduate education in computer science. Tenure-track faculty teach one quarter per year.


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