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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

The complexity we are involved in, nowadays, is the result of the very fast changing of the world scenario from the point of view of social life, economy, shortage of resources, etc. Internet and social networks, a kind of virtual cyber-skin embracing the planet, have tightly interconnected people, infrastructures and economic systems. All these changes have been fostered by technology innovation and we can only expect, due to the pace of technology innovation, that more changes are to come.

In this series, we introduce topics outside of the signal processing world from which we believe signal processing researchers and practitioners can benefit. This month, we report on a special issue on "Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Computation" published  by the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

The signal processing chapter of the IEEE Singapore Section was founded by me in 1989 with over twenty petitioners. It was established first as a special interest group in 1988 and subsequently in 1989 it was upgraded to the chapter status.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) announced the 2015 Class of Distinguished Lecturers. Five colleagues were honored and they are: Hynek Hermansky (Johns Hopkins University); Visa Koivunen (Aalto University); Hamid Krim (North Carolina State University); Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin (Institut Pasteur); and Min Wu (University of Maryland).

During the last couple of months, a few new Signal Processing and Machine Learning contests were initiated. Some of the ongoing ones with a strong relation to Signal Processing include:

The IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) announced it has launched its new IEEE IoT eNewsletter, a bi-monthly online publication highlighting important global IoT-related technology developments, innovations, and trends from the world's top-subject matter experts, researchers, and industry practitioners.

TryEngineering.org, IEEE’s online engineering education resource for pre-university educators, parents, and students, is now available in a new mobile-friendly format. Visitors can now access the TryEngineering content they love, anywhere, any time, on virtually any device including desktops, tablets, and smart phones.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter has been selected as the fourth recipient of the 2014 Chapter of the Year Award!

IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events introduces RegOnline, a new affordable event registration software option. RegOnline is a low-cost, do-it-yourself system that is simple and easy to manage for small scale events.

INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to applications.

IEEE members and volunteers attending conferences can enhance their travel by taking advantage of the many IEEE Travel Discounts. Extend your stay with a discounted vacation package, take advantage of a car rental discount, learn a new language, or protect your companion with travel insurance. Locations served by these programs are determined by the providers.

IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) is constantly striving to make the organizing experience easier and more enjoyable.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites your participation in the Second Annual SP Cup, a competition for undergraduate students to be held at the 2015 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) in Brisbane, Australia. This competition aims to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to form teams and work together to solve a challenging, interesting real-world problem using signal processing techniques.

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of October, IEEE-USA is offering "The Best of Backscatter from IEEE-USA Today’s Engineer – Volume 2." Compiled from 12 original IEEE-USA Today's Engineer columns, author and IEEE Fellow Donald Christiansen continues to tackle topics that affect engineers today with wit, wisdom, humor, and his own unique perspective.

Eligible Section volunteers can purchase lapel pins and certificates for their members that commemorate select milestones as an IEEE member. Different from the pins that commemorate a certain grade of IEEE membership, these pins are designed to thank and recognize members for their years of membership regardless of grade achievement; this is a great way to recognize members who might not otherwise be engaged, especially early in their IEEE membership tenure.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications: vTools.eNotice: A new vTools application has been released to replace the existing eNotice submission form. Both options will remain available during the month of July as the pilot phase is completed.

2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing – Orlando Florida
General Chairs: José M. F. Moura and Dapeng Oliver Wu
Technical Program Chairs: Mihaela van der Schaar, Xiaodong Wang, and Hsiao-Chun Wu

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing.


Now IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form at the related TC section pages.


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