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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

TC News

The SAM TC addresses the areas of sensor array and multi-channel statistical signal processing. The committee interests span the areas of signal detection and estimation, direction-of-arrival estimation, beamforming, blind source separation, source localization and tracking, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and space-time coding, sensor networks, and multichannel signal processing.

The Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee (SPTM TC) promotes activities in the technical areas of theory and methods of digital and statistical signal processing.

The Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology (IDSP) Standing Committee was formed in 1999 to promote industry participation in the Signal Processing Society and ICASSP, in particular. Fields of interest span those covered by the Technical Committees of the SP Society but special emphasis is placed on practical industry applications of signal and image processing.

Beginning January 2011, several of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Technical Committees (TCs) have new Chairs taking leadership roles.

Links and more information about the 13 TCs in the Society can be found at this link.

As the Associate Editor for the SPS eNewsletter in charge of liaising with the different Technical Committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I gathered below frequently recurring questions together with the best answers I could come up with so far.

The Signal Processing Society Board of Governors has approved our Technical Committee’s new name, Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP). This new name reflects the expanding interests of the committee especially with the recent integration of the music signal processing community.

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society promotes scientific and educational activities within the broad scope of multimedia security.

The BISP Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) promotes activities within the broad technical areas of biomedical and biological signal and image processing.



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