Conflict of Interest

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Signal Processing Society Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Each year, the IEEE asks volunteers and staff to review and complete the form for Principles of Business Conduct Compliance Certificate and Conflict of Interest Disclosure. If one collaborates with other IEEE or SPS volunteers on professional activities, we would like to remind you all of IEEE’s policies regarding Conflict of Interest and the Principles of Business Conduct. Please familiarize yourself with IEEE Policy 9.9 Conflict of Interest, Sections A, B. and C.

Conflict of Interest

A broad definition of the concept of conflict of interest, beyond potential monetary advantage, relates to any situation where some kind of advantage or privilege is being sought through the exercise of authority granted to an office holder. Subtle violations may include decisions based primarily on personal acquaintance or friendships. The guiding principle for volunteers is to follow IEEE Policies, Procedures, and Practices, and be seen by their peers to be acting ethically in their decision-making.

Principles of Business Conduct

To ensure that everyone representing the IEEE, both volunteers and employees, acts according to proper business standards, the IEEE developed the Principles of Business Conduct. The Principles of Business Conduct describe IEEE’s legal, ethical and regulatory standards applicable to individuals participating in IEEE’s activities. The Principles of Business Conduct apply equally to directors, officers, volunteers, members, and employees, when conducting IEEE business.

IEEE has established the Principles of Business Conduct to:

  • Make it clear that IEEE requires fair dealings with all involved parties;
  • Avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest;
  • Maintain confidentiality of information entrusted to the IEEE;
  • Assure that IEEE’s assets are used for IEEE purposes only;
  • Protect ownership of assets developed under IEEE’s initiatives;
  • Provide full disclosure of IEEE’s financial transactions; and
  • Comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Individuals participating in IEEE activities shall notify IEEE if any involved parties:

  • Are presently debarred, proposed to be debarred, suspended, or excluded by any government department or agency;
  • Have, within the last three years, been convicted or had a civil judgment rendered against them for criminal offense in connection with a public transaction, violation of federal or state antitrust statutes, commission of fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification, or destruction of records, making false statement, tax evasion, violating federal criminal tax laws, obstruction of justice, or receiving stolen property;
  • Are presently indicted for any of the offenses listed above; or
  • Have, within last three years, had one or more public transactions terminated for cause or default.

Violations of the law, our corporate policies, or the Principles of Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary action which will depend on the nature of the violation and the circumstances involved. In the case of volunteers, the disciplinary action may include removal from office or other proceedings (see IEEE Bylaw I-110).

If you have any questions regarding a particular situation or issue, please send an email to and staff will respond to your inquiry.




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