Gait Attribute Recognition: A New Benchmark for Learning Richer Attributes From Human Gait Patterns

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Gait Attribute Recognition: A New Benchmark for Learning Richer Attributes From Human Gait Patterns

Xu Song; Saihui Hou; Yan Huang; Chunshui Cao; Xu Liu; Yongzhen Huang; Caifeng Shan

Compared to gait recognition, Gait Attribute Recognition (GAR) is a seldom-investigated problem. However, since gait attribute recognition can provide richer and finer semantic descriptions, it is an indispensable part of building intelligent gait analysis systems. Nonetheless, the types of attributes considered in the existing datasets are very limited. This paper contributes a new benchmark dataset for gait attribute recognition named Multi-Attribute Gait (MA-Gait). Our MA-Gait contains 95 subjects recorded from 12 camera views, resulting in more than 13000 sequences, with 16 attributes labeled, including six attributes that have never been considered in the literature. Moreover, we propose a Multi-Scale Motion Encoder (MSME) to extract robust motion features, and an Attribute-Guided Feature Selection Module (AGFSM) to adaptively capture the most discriminative attribute features from static appearance features and dynamic motion features for different attributes. Our method achieves the best GAR accuracy on the new dataset. Comprehensive experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method through both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.

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