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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The annual election ballots were sent to all eligible voting members via postal mail on 17 August. You can access and return your ballot electronically or use the postage-paid reply envelope included in your ballot package. Ballots must be received by 12 noon CST (17:00 UTC) on 1 October.
All candidates on this year’s ballot participated in a Q&A:
The full list of IEEE Annual Election candidates and their Q&A answers, biographies, accomplishments/activities and statements can be found here. Candidate biographical information is also available within the ballot when accessed electronically.
Candidates for the 2016 IEEE President-Elect include Board-nominated Frederick C. Mintzer, IEEE Signal Processing Society Past Presidentt and Board-nominated Karen Bartleson, IEEE Standards Association Past President. A conversation with the Board-nominated candidates appears here.
We strongly urge you to vote. Winning candidates often tally just a small percentage of total membership, so your vote can make a big difference.
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