PhD Position in AI

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PhD Position in AI

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Country of Position: 
Contact Name: 
Ann Dooms
Subject Area: 
Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing
Start Date: 
14 October 2019
Expiration Date: 
15 November 2019
Position Description: 
  • In this project we will develop new AI systems that allow bringing the reasoning closer to how a human learns and reasons about the world. More specifically, we will target the following key characteristics where humans perform better at than traditional AI systems: 
    - humans can cope much better with hierarchical information structure;
    - humans are able to learn much faster and better from limited data, often exploiting previous knowledge;
    - humans are able to perform much more complex reasoning and go beyond simple pattern matching.
  • We are looking for a Master in Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering with expertise or interest in image processing and machine learning in particular. Coding skills are required.
  • Interested candidates should submit a cover letter detailing background and interest in this position, a full C.V. and information about grades during each Bachelor and Master year via email to before 1st of November 2019.

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